
¿Cuáles son las tendencias en la logística para el 2022?

Por Hedyla

30 Dic 2021

EL 2022 está a la vuelta de la esquina y desde todos los sectores se habla de las #tendencias que nos traerá el nuevo año

¿Quieres saber cuáles serán las del sector de la #logística? ??

En Hedyla te lo explicamos ? Tendencias en la logística para el 2022

? Felices Fiestas ?


It’s Christmas time! The best strategies to make your cross-border eCommerce super effective

Por Go Global Ecommerce

24 Dic 2021

The Christmas shopping season has begun and this year, as has been the practice since 2020, many Christmas gifts are expected to be bought online. In fact, according to a Coldiretti/Ixè survey released just a few days ago, one in two Italians (54%) will buy their Christmas presents in online shops, also taking advantage of the discounts and offers of Cyber Monday, which follows Black Friday. But this trend is not just Italian: Christmas has become one of the most popular holidays in the world. Even in China – where until a few years ago the 25th December was a day like any other – people have started to approach this holiday with all that it entails: gifts, but also decorations.

This universalisation of Christmas makes the period leading up to it a great opportunity for anyone with an eCommerce business and makes it practically irresistible for those with a cross-border online shop. Even in this case, however, it is a good idea to be prepared for this period with an online sales strategy that contains all the fundamentals for a good cross-border eCommerce store.

As with Black Friday, having a multilingual and multi-currency site is essential for Christmas eCommerce: you need to make sure that your eCommerce has the languages and currencies of the country you want to sell in so as to avoid shopping cart abandonment. In addition to this, for a perfect cross-border Christmas eCommerce it is also essential to activate an adequate customer care, i.e. one that is ready to support a large number of questions to be answered quickly and problems to be resolved in record time.

In addition to these important features for a successful Christmas cross-border online sales strategy, there are other essential ones.

The most important of all is that the packages, being Christmas presents, must arrive on time. For a cross-border eCommerce this means choosing the right shipping method to avoid the unexpected – the arch-enemy of online shops at Christmas. So it is important to decide whether to have a decentralised network – i.e. logistics warehouses in the other markets where you sell – or whether to have just one central warehouse in your own country and transfer the packages by relying on local shipping services. The choice depends very much on the size of the company. The first option has higher costs, but also a more stable supply chain. The only thing that matters, however, is that in both cases, make sure you time things well so that the parcels – which are someone’s gifts – do not arrive late. It is also important to clearly communicate the shipping times to the customer. To avoid performance anxiety on the part of those who have purchased a Christmas gift on your online eCommerce, a good antidote is to provide tracking.

Return policies, which are always important, must also be flawless during the Christmas period. If I give a gift, it is also essential that the person I am giving it to can easily return it and exchange it if they wish. And since returns in cross-border eCommerce can be more expensive than in eCommerce in your own country, it’s a good idea to make it clear from the outset the return policies you choose to implement and, if possible, during the Christmas shopping period and up to a few days afterwards, implement free return policies.

Setting up geo-localised promotions depending on the countries you sell in during the Christmas period is another great move if you have a cross-border eCommerce. If you sell in non-European countries, it is especially important to take into account the climate of those countries as well as the different habits in order to better target your cross-border eCommerce strategy.

Finally, on the subject of habits, there are some special days that relate to only certain countries. If you have an eCommerce business that does cross-border trade in one of those countries, it might be worth taking them into account both to make the most of those days and to manage the possible overload that may arise. In America, for example, Panic Saturday (the Saturday before Christmas) is the last real day when people go on a shopping spree: it’s best to remember this and be ready with adequate shipping and customer care. 12-12, on the other hand, is Double Twelve – a day that was the brainchild of Alibaba and now involves hundreds of millions of Chinese consumers and has become a kind of online shopping festival. In cross-border online commerce, these days can be crucial, but they can also be dangerous: mark them in your calendar and act accordingly.

For the rest, the rules of any well-run eCommerce apply: take into account the gift wrapping option, make your eCommerce «festive-looking» for Christmas, have a mobile-friendly eCommerce, and remember that upselling and cross-selling are great strategies for selling online, even more so during festive periods when users are well prepared to buy. With these tricks and a lot of perseverance you can sell in almost every country and beat Father Christmas on performance.


Revolucionar la forma en la que las empresas en España contratan talento remoto en tech

Por Celerative

23 Dic 2021

Entrevista original publicada en 


Aulas interactivas inmersivas para centros de formación inteligentes

Por DigaliX Solutions

DigaliX ha colaborado para la creación de un aula interactiva inmersiva en un centro piloto de Euskadi, dentro del proyecto de creación de centros inteligentes de FP de la Vicenconsejería del Gobierno Vasco.

Se trata de aplicar tecnologías de interacción y virtualización para favorecer el aprendizaje colaborativo basado en retos.

Si quieres tener más detalles sobre el proyecto, contacta a través de


Mapp Law Chambers’ Legal and Financial Updates Newsletter – November 2021

Por Mapp Law Chambers LLP

MAPP LAW CHAMBERS’ Monthly Newsletter Covering Legal & Financial Updates in November 2021 

India, European Union decide to expand clean energy cooperation

At a meeting of the India-EU Energy Panel, India and the European Union have vowed to scale up cooperation in areas of clean energy with a focus on offshore wind, green hydrogen and solar power besides deciding to encourage investments in the field of energy efficiency. India’s Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) said the panel agreed on a detailed work programme until 2023 to implement clean energy and climate partnership that was agreed in 2016. Some of the areas identified for cooperation included ensuring nearly zero energy buildings and renewable energy sources, including solar and offshore wind.

At the meeting, the two sides also agreed to expand cooperation in areas of green hydrogen, grid integration, including smart grids, storage, power market design and sustainable financing for clean energy projects. Moreover, the two sides agreed to jointly host an India-EU offshore wind business and investment summit in the first half of next year, with an exhibition of European and Indian companies. In a statement, the MEA said the EU also expressed its support for the close cooperation between India and the International Energy Agency and that the two sides also agreed to cooperate on clean energy under the framework of the G20.

Indian economy in better shape than a year ago, says economist Pinaki Chakraborty

Eminent Indian economist Pinaki Chakraborty recently remarked that India’s current macroeconomic situation is much better than what it was a year ago, while also stating that India will be back on the path of economic growth provided there would not be a major third wave of the pandemic in the country.

The economist, who is the director of the National Institute of Public Finance & Policy, New Delhi, stated this in an interview with the Press Trust of India. According to Chakraborty, COVID-19 vaccination brings a sense of health security and should help resumption of normal economic activity, particularly in the services sector, which contributes more than 50% of India’s GDP.

Over 55% Of India’s Adult Population Fully Vaccinated Against Covid

According to India’s Health Ministry, over 55% of the country’s eligible adult population is now fully vaccinated against COVID-19. By end of November 2021, the cumulative vaccine doses administered in the country exceeded 1.27 billion.

Moreover, according to the Union Health Ministry, over 87% of the adult population in India has been administered the first dose of the vaccine.

India & Spain sign MoU to strengthen Export-Import trade

The Trade Promotion Council of India (TPCI), under India’s Ministry of Commerce & Industry, has signed an MoU with the Department of Economy and Business Development of the Government of Navarra, Spain, to give a boost to businesses in the tech, medical equipment, retail and e-commerce space in both countries. Spain is India’s seventh-largest trade partner in the European Union, and the signing of this MoU is a significant move to further develop trade relations between both countries. In 2020-21, bilateral trade stood at USD 4.7 billion, with exports from India to Spain valued at USD 3.2 billion and imports at USD 1.5 billion.

MAPP LAW CHAMBERS LLP is an international law firm that specializes in investment in Spain and India. With offices located in both countries, we provide high quality legal and consultancy services to businesses looking to invest and grow in India and Spain. Contact us at or visit


Get the free eBook: «The new revolution in talent acquisition strategy»

Por Outvise

Download the eBook: «The new revolution in talent acquisition strategy»

Companies requirements are rapidly evolving: 87% of employers are experiencing talent gaps. Job marketing is shifting dramatically and companies need more specialised expertise on a more agile basis. 

This demand perhaps explains the hype around the concept of the ‘contingent workforce’. This model gives businesses the ability to hire talent anywhere in the world, on an ad-hoc basis. In many cases, this has triggered a revolution in talent acquisition strategies, where companies are looking well beyond the walls of their organisations to source the expertise they need. 

How can companies adapt to this new paradigm of talent management?


In this guide:

  • We explore the vital components of
    a talent strategy
    to tap into the contingent workforce.
  • We’ll describe the vital components of contingent workforce management and explain how talent marketplaces like Outvise can provide the expertise you need.

Download the Ebook and discover how companies are tapping into opportunities presented by the contingent workforce:


? Felices Fiestas de parte de todo el equipo de Hedyla ?

Por Hedyla

Si algo nos ha enseñado este 2021 es que hay que seguir estando preparados para todo

Desde Hedyla queremos desearos lo mejor para este 2022 y aquí estaremos para llevar la #logística al siguiente nivel

Felices Fiestas  Happy Holidays Bones Festes

de parte de todo el equipo de #Hedyla que seguirá creciendo en este 2022!!!

#LogisticsToTheNextLevel #HappyHolidays #HedylaTeam


ICEX lanza INNOVA Invest con 5 M€

Por MoneyOak Consulting SL

17 Dic 2021

Dentro del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y ResilienciaINVEST in Spain va a gestionar INNOVA Invest, un programa para fomentar la realización de actividades de I+D en España por parte de empresas con, al menos, un 50% de capital extranjero, de forma que se integren en el tejido productivo e investigador nacional.

Se trata de una línea de ayudas en forma de subvención, de hasta 800.000 euros por beneficiario, para proyectos que se ejecuten durante 2022 y el primer semestre de 2023 en cualquier parte de España.

Si queréis profundizar sobre esta ayuda no dudes en contactarnos en


​​Brexit and the impact on the eCommerce supply chain

Por Go Global Ecommerce

When talking about post-Brexit news, we have often focused on the main regulatory changes that Britain’s exit from the European Union brought with it. This time, however, we want to examine how the new rules impact the supply chain of brands that want to sell online cross-border in the UK (but also from the UK itself to EU countries). Let’s take a look at the updates on Brexit in this respect, the main business areas that are directly impacted by the Brexit rules and how this represents a real make-or-buy challenge for brands and their supply chain.


Duties and tariffs will undoubtedly affect the supply chain of brands selling cross-border online. The best thing to do is to talk to your suppliers about how the new regulations will affect production times and other aspects of the supply chain. After this discussion it may be necessary for brands based in EU countries that want to sell in the UK to revolutionise their strategy, considering the possibility of finding a supplier based in the UK to keep the business running smoothly there. The same argument, although more complicated, can apply in reverse for companies based in the UK who want to sell in the UK. Even for them it may be advantageous for some extremely profitable markets to think about relying on local suppliers.


The introduction of customs for shipments to and from the UK has an incalculable impact on shipping times. Not knowing how long your goods will be held up at the checkpoint can be a major challenge. Depending on the volume of trade and the size of the business it may be worth considering spreading your inventory across multiple warehouses in the EU and the UK – this will allow orders to be fulfilled from the nearest domestic retail fulfilment centre and prevent delivery times from becoming even longer.



As with warehousing, for a brand working with cross-border eCommerce it may be essential to consider having a logistics centre in the EU if the business is based in the UK, or in the UK if the business is based in a country within the EU. This allows orders to be processed quickly and without interruption in the respective regions. This way, and this is particularly valid for UK-based businesses that want to sell in the EU, it will be easier to expand into the EU market without having to manage cross-border shipping for every order destined for the EU.

Make or buy, that’s the dilemma

So there is a new challenge for cross-border eCommerce brands post-Brexit. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, but there is no doubt that you need to consider how managing the regulatory complexities impacts on your business and whether you need to rely on, for example, a partner who can deal with all these complexities.

100X100 braçades solidàries

Por Club Natació Barcelona

16 Dic 2021

Un any mes el CNB organitza aquesta activitat a piscina en benefici de la Marató de TV3 el proper dissabte 18 de desembre a la tarda: 100×100 braçades solidàries

Es tracta de fer 10.000 metres en series de 100 metres.

Es pot fer en format individual o be per equips de 4 persones.

Serà un plaer comptar amb algun equip de la vostra empresa.