

Por Club Natació Barcelona

10 Jun 2021

La gran festa del ioga
Hatha / Vinyasa / Rocket / Meditació





Sólo avanzaremos como SOCIEDAD, si tenemos IGUALDAD.


08 Jun 2021

Alfonso Rodríguez @cheffitness

No hay duda que la digitalización ha acelerado muchos conceptos, que de otra forma hubiese costado unos años, sin embargo la SOCIEDAD no ha avanzado a lo que IGUALDAD se refiere.

Afortunadamente vamos en buen camino porque tenemos a grandes referentes como Helena Torras, Mar Alarcón y otras muchas mujeres, que así lo hacen posible. Tal como expuse hace una semana a través de Twitter, “las mujeres son muy TOP, ya sea en Barcelona o en cualquier parte del mundo digital o no.”

Y haciendo referencia a mi post anterior, “el Bienestar – al igual que el Talento – no entiende de persona o de lugar.”

Nuestra filosofía en GASTRONOMÍA & FITNESS ® es ofrecer Bienestar a todas las personas, independientemente si son hombres o mujeres porque ante todo somos personas.




The 5 rules to get your company’s digital export off the ground

Por ZeroGrey

03 Jun 2021

2020 was the year of eCommerce, and 2021 is set to be the year of its consecration. The boom has caused the sector to leap by 30% in terms of volume, and has involved SMEs. It is estimated that the online channels of small and medium-sized enterprises have increased by 50% – a propulsive phenomenon that promises substantial increases in turnover. Already today, more than a fifth of the turnover of companies in Europe comes from digital sales. And that’s not all. Good eCommerce is also a driver of exports. But what are the characteristics that make an online shop a good driver of cross-border trade? Unfortunately, there are no miracle recipes, but there are some indications that can make the difference. Let’s take a look at the 5 golden rules for an eCommerce that is ready for internationalisation.

1) Know your market
There is no internationalisation without knowledge of the target market. It is essential not only to know demand and competitors, but also and above all to know the particular regulations relating to the product sectors in question. While this is hardly ever an obstacle in the case of durable goods, there are particular sectors such as food and pharmaceuticals. These are ‘sensitive’ sectors that require in-depth knowledge of the rules of the country to which you want to export.

2) Talk like you sell
It sounds obvious but it is not. A company’s eCommerce is ready to compete in the export field when it speaks the language of the destination country. Product description, purchase instructions, but above all exchange and return policies – fundamental information that users want to have easy and clear access to. A multilingual store is a prerequisite for increasing the chances of selling abroad.

3) Tailor-made payments
40% of users who do not complete a purchase are deterred from doing so by the lack of their own currency at the time of payment. Thinking about a multi-currency store is not only a question of convenience but above all of security. The user feels immediately protected and guaranteed in one of the most delicate stages of online purchases: payment. Finding one’s own currency helps to break down the wall of mistrust that is so common among online buyers – especially at a time of transition such as this one, which has brought new users to the web for the first time.

4) When in Rome, do as the Romans do
To sell abroad you also need to know the tax rules of the country you want to sell in. There are special taxes for certain categories of goods, but these are not the only thing to consider – think of professionals who need to receive an invoice for the purchase of a certain product. For export to work, nothing can be left to chance.

5) Sell global, think local
And finally, beware of giving in to current fashions. The best solution is not always the mainstream one. Think of the difference between selling in the United States and Europe. The former is a market that basically has one language, one currency and similar rules. The same does not apply to Europe. This means that if the target market is also (not necessarily, only) a European market, it is not necessarily the right solution to rely on big American players – on the contrary, it may be to find a solution that can understand and manage local complexities.


Email Certificado masivo para la convocatoria de Junta Anual

Por Certifydoc

Gana tiempo, dinero, la confianza de tus socios y asociados cumpliendo las normativas y dando reputación y seguridad a lo largo de los años.

Si tienes que enviar periódicamente convocatorias para juntas ordinarias o extraordinarias y necesitas enviar un gran numero de correos, beneficiate de la asistencia de los profesionales de Certifydoc y prevén conflictos, excepciones y anulaciones, enviando email con acuse de envío certificado.

Con esta solución innovadora #legaltech, los administradores, las gestoras y los asesores legales pueden contar con un proceso de envío preciso, controlado, de alta calidad y personalizado, que delega a los expertos: la gestión de la complejidad técnica de la privacidad y cyberseguridad, las certificaciones electrónicas y las evidencias digitales.

El proceso de envío se prepara cuidadosamente planificando fechas y ensayos. En pocas horas se logra transformar un texto de convocatoria con cualquier tipo de adjuntos y un excel de correos, en un envío masivo de alta eficacia probatoria, transparente, trazado, pensado para archivarlo y usarlo de manera fácil en caso de necesitarlo.

Contáctanos para más información!


Jornada familiar al Club Natació Barcelona

Por club natació barcelona

Jornada familiar al costat del mar i a l’aire lliure amb la CIA Grimpallugues al Club Natació Barcelona.

DIA: Dissabte 12 de juny
HORA: 18.00
NOM: Concert amb família i berenar al CNB
LLOC: Club Natació Barcelona


Inspección de Trabajo. Consulta experta.

Por DiG Abogados

01 Jun 2021

Cualquier empresa o autónomo puede recibir la visita de un inspector de trabajo.
Esto no significa obligatoriamente que exista una denuncia previa en su contra, sino que en muchas ocasiones realizan visitas de control para comprobar que todo está en regla y resulta un procedimiento rutinario.

Contacta con nosotros para una consulta eficaz en
DiG Abogados – 50 años de experiencia y fidelidad de nuestros clientes


Hihired participará en la Feria Virtual de la UNIR

Por Hihired!

31 May 2021

Durante la duración de la Feria nuestro equipo realizará los siguientes talleres que creemos que te podrán servir de mucha ayuda.

• Día: lunes 31/05/2021.
• Horario: de 12 a 13 horas
• Descripción: En esta aula virtual, conoceremos los sistemas actualizados de social recruitment y la selección digital.

• Día: miércoles 2/06/2021
• Horario: de 16 a 17 horas
• Descripción: En esta aula virtual, conoceremos los sistemas actualizados de social recruitment y la selección digital.

• Día: viernes 4/06/2021
• Horario: de 12 a 13 horas
• Descripción: en esta aula, aprenderemos a adecuar nuestro perfil profesional a nuestros objetivos profesionales en nuestra era digital.

Esperamos que puedas acompañarnos y que puedas sacar el máximo provecho a la feria y a nuestros talleres.
Atentamente, equipo Hi Hired.


El Bienestar no entiende de persona o de lugar


Alfonso Rodríguez @cheffitness

Hace tan sólo un par de semanas comenzamos a ser miembros de Barcelona Tech City y citando las recientes palabras de Miguel Martí, durante su ponencia en un encuentro multidisciplinar dirigido a apasionados y curiosos del entorno digital, celebrado recientemente en Formentera; «Barcelona es uno de los hubs más potentes del mundo» vía

Sin lugar a dudas lo es y por eso desde GASTRONOMÍA & FITNESS ®️ , nos hemos incorporado para aprender de todo el ecosistema y sobre todo, para ofrecer Bienestar a todas las personas, que allí se encuentren.



Professional management and the right technology: the right combination to meet the internationalisation challenge

Por ZeroGrey

26 May 2021

From multilingualism to multi-currency, VAT positions and payment systems: everything you need to know before opening up to new markets.

One of the reasons why a brand decides to go online is undoubtedly internationalisation: to make itself known beyond its borders and expand its business. The figures tell us this: with the boom in eCommerce that began last year, there has also been an increase in exports of almost 40%. However, this increase in volume has not always translated into significant growth in turnover. According to a survey by the Politecnico di Milano, 56% of entrepreneurs say that exports linked to digital channels still produce a marginal part of the turnover realised abroad.

Going international does not only mean opening up to new markets, but also to new languages, new currencies, different tax management and more complex logistics. All of this risks becoming a problem if not addressed with the right technology and professional management of digital sales channels.

But what are the main problems faced by those who decide to go international?

Choice of suppliers, from logistics to payments. There are many and they vary depending on the market you are targeting. Knowing them and knowing which ones are right for your brand is essential to optimise your work.
The choice of logistics, delivery and return options, which should be easy and agile for the end user.
The format of the address fields, which differs from country to country, but is important to ensure that everything runs smoothly.
The ability to have a multilingual site. Not only the usability, but the understanding of product descriptions, return and refund rules, make the environment safer for the digital consumer.
Having great customer service. Navigating multiple markets with different languages requires a customer service team that can answer questions in the language of the market. Although English is now a universal language, knowing when to offer a specific language to a specific market is key to delivering an excellent shopping experience.

Then there is the whole question of commercial activities. A complex and delicate system that leads brands to look for partners who can guide them through the wilderness of cross-border commerce. Facilitators such as Go Global Ecommerce, for example – which acts as an intermediary between brand and customer and acts as a Merchant of Record entity for companies – acting as a protective shield for eShops and dealing with day-to-day issues, such as:
Payment options. These are as important as they are difficult to know because each market has its own.
VAT positions, which are very complex to manage: the thresholds and procedures for opening/managing them are different for each country and there are many bureaucratic tasks in different languages to manage them. Moreover, European countries are becoming more and more aggressive in the local management of VAT.
Knowledge of taxation in different countries and customs, prices depend on many factors, such as trade agreements between two countries.
Provision of multi-currency, which is not only a matter of convenience but above all of security for users.
Fraud insurance. Fraud in eCommerce is a major concern for a brand as it can cost the merchant a lot of money and, in the case of not knowing the country’s tax system very well, hefty fines.
Legal advice to be legally protected at all times, also because governments are progressively implementing laws to prosecute companies that do not comply with their tax regimes.


Onboarding for Pros – Interactive Session on the Art of Onboarding

Por Flowforgood

Alessandro Di Dedda (Managing Partner at flowforgood) will be leading this meetup about onboarding. It will be a very interactive session where we will be discussing about the do’s and don’ts of an event that can be a complete success, or a complete disaster.

Join us! Learn, have fun, and do some networking with one of the more active recruiting communities in Europe!

Please register here: