Tech Spirit Barcelona es el evento anual de referencia que muestra la próspera escena tecnológica de la ciudad. Esta edición centrada en salud tendrá lugar durante la Barcelona Innovation Health Week by Biocat. Reuniremos a profesionales de la medicina, tecnólogos de la salud, líderes farmacéuticos y emprendedores: una convergencia dinámica de innovadores que están rediseñando el panorama de la prestación de asistencia sanitaria y la accesibilidad. Únete a nosotros para impulsar un cambio significativo en el futuro de la asistencia sanitaria.
- 8.45 Registration and Welcome Coffee
- 9.15 Turning the demographic tide: How can the world respond to aging societies and falling fertility
- Keynote by Marc Canal Senior Fellow at McKinsey Global Institute – Mckinsey and Company
- 9.45 Advances in Telemedicine
- Round table with Nuria Abdón Giménez (Fundació Tic Salut), Dr. Jesús Caballero (Hospital Arnau de Vilanova – Lleida), and Xavier Escayola (Sant Joan de Déu). Moderator: Xavier Garcia (BetterCare)
- 10.15 Healthcare Startup pitches
- RobSurgical – Jaume Amat (Cofounder & CEO)
- Able Human Motion – Alfons Carnicero (Cofounder & CEO)
- Nostrum Biodiscovery – Alexis Molina (Director AI)
11.oo – BREAK –
- 11.30 Google Agents: The next frontier in Healthcare and Life Sciences
- Keynote by Lucrezia Noli (AI Sales & Strategy for Health and Life Sciences at Google)
- 11.50 Generative AI in health, the Spanish market demand
- Keynote by Javier Perdices (Sr. Account Manager de Healthcare Spain – AWS)
- 12.10 Nestlé Health Strategy
- Keynote by Fabrizio Monaco (Nestlé)
- 12.30 Collaborative Innovation in Health for Impact on Results
- Panel with Roc Fages (CSAPG), Meritxell Centeno (Fundacio Hospitalàries de Sant Boi), Marc Serra (Robopedics), Marc Ramis (Montana Impact Fund), and Felip Miralles (Eurecat) as a moderator.
- 13.00 Translating Draghi Report into Health Code
- Panel with Montse Daban (Biocat), Carmen Rios (Doctomatic), and Cecilia Edebo (Sahlgrenska Science Park)
- 13.30 Investment trends in health
- Sara Secall (Inveready), Daniel Oliver (Capital Cell), and Aleix Casals (AWS) as a moderator.
- 14.00 Adoption of Innovation within the Healthcare System: First Results of The Catalan Health System Innovation Access Program (PASS)
- Fireside chat with Robert Fabregat (Biocat) & Ramon Maspons (Aquas)