On March 7, 2025, the ‘VentureBridge: Startups & Corporates Connect’ event, hosted by the Innovation Radar Bridge (IRB) project at The Social Hub in Barcelona, will offer VCs and corporates a unique opportunity to discover EU-backed startups that have been rigorously vetted and are ready to scale.
Designed as an exclusive demo and networking event, this VentureBridge combines startup presentations, matchmaking, and insightfull sessions, creating a platform for European corporates and investors to forge new partnerships with innovative startups offering market-ready products and services.
The event will bring together key players, including VCs, corporates and EU-funded innovators, as well as policymakers and media, in an environment designed to maximise synergies. To ensure meaningful connections, attendees on both sides are carefully selected based on expected potential synergies. Register for free here!
A Dynamic Agenda to Spark Connections and Collaboration
- 13:30 – 14:00: Registration
- 14:00 – 14:15: Opening remarks by Thomas Ohr, CEO of EU-Startups
- 14:15 – 14:45: Startups Backed by the EU’s Framework Programmes – Presentation of first-of-its-kind report by Yoram Orla Browne, Head of Insights of Dealroom.co
- 14:45 – 15:20: Pitch Session: EU-backed startups of market-ready products and services
- 15:20 – 16:05:Corporate Venturing: Unlocking EU Startup Potential – CVC investment opportunities in EU-backed innovation, plus success stories from startups & corporates
- 16:05 – 17:30: NetworkingAt the end of the event, there will be a private dinner for key corporate venture stakeholders. To attend the dinner and be considered for an invitation, register here.
Pitch Session: Spotlight on EU-funded Startups
The pitch session will showcase pre-selected EU-backed startups with market-ready products and services. These startups, backed by the European Commission, have been rigorously vetted and are primed to scale. Representing numerous verticals, they will present their innovations and highlight the series funding and collaborations they seek to accelerate their growth.
This session serves as an opportunity for corporates and investors to interact with startups directly, ask questions, and explore potential synergies. Whether you are an investor seeking promising ventures or a corporate looking for transformative partnerships, this session offers unparalleled access to Europe’s most exciting startups.
A Groundbreaking Report on EU-Backed Startups
The event will also highlight a new, first-of-its-kind report titled “Startups Backed by the EU’s Framework Programmes”, powered by the Innovation Radar Bridge project, Dealroom.co, and Dealflow.eu. The report reveals the critical role of EU-backed startups in driving economic growth, showing that from €12 billion in EU support, these startups have raised €70 billion in venture capital and created €560 billion in enterprise value over the past decade. These startups now account for 13% of the €4.2 trillion total value of European startups, demonstrating their pivotal role in Europe’s innovation ecosystem.
The report addresses the key challenges to growth and outlines actionable steps to bridge these gaps, such as harmonising regulations across the Single Market, boosting late-stage financing through stronger public-private partnerships, and focusing EU funding on strategic priorities like Space Tech, Climate Tech, and Biotech. By following this roadmap, Europe will unlock future economic growth. Join the waiting list for the report.
Why You Should Attend
The event provides a unique platform for investors and corporates to connect with EU-backed innovators. Investors will gain visibility into high-potential startups, while corporates can explore cutting-edge solutions that align with their strategic goals. With interactive startup pitches, curated matchmaking, and opportunities for one-on-one meetings, attendees will leave with actionable partnerships that could define the future of innovation in Europe.
Register Now to Join Us
Participation is free, but registration is required. Don’t miss this chance to connect with key startups in Europe’s ecosystem.
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Descubre el futuro de la Gestión Agile con Inteligencia Artificial en el webinar de DoneTonic que realizamos junto con Aitor Castro, experto en marcos de trabajo Agile e IA.
Conoce cómo la IA está transformando los desarrollos ágiles y cómo utilizar DoneTonic para crear tu User Story Mapping, a la vez que el Product Backlog, maximizando la eficiencia y logrando resultados excepcionales.
¡No te lo pierdas! Regístrate ahora y lleva tu gestión Agile al siguiente nivel con DoneTonic y Aitor Castro.
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On Wednesday, February 19th, Tech Up Nights return to the terrace of Pier01! In its 16th edition, this event will feature tech use cases by i2cat & Ocado Technology, followed by a networking session designed by and for tech profiles.
How to secure communications in space? Applying cybersecurity to inter-satellite links
- Elena Fernández – Researcher and PhD Candidate at the Space Communications research group – i2CAT The Internet Research Centre
- Juan Grosso – CEO & Founder – Osmium Solutions
Mega constellations are pushing the boundaries of state-of-the-art. For example, achieving communications between satellites is becoming crucial to manage and exploit networks of satellites effectively. This is where research on making inter-satellite links possible and performing comes into play. Solving this challenge is not enough, as nowadays security is a must in any system design. That’s why in this session we will show how the collaboration between i2CAT and our partner Osmium Solutions is advancing the field of secure satellite-to-satellite communications. Researcher Elena Fernandez will explain our investigation into inter-satellite links, meanwhile, Juan Grosso will share the results on how to effectively apply cybersecurity principles and techniques to space links depending on the scenario.
Measuring and Improving Productivity
- Toni Tassani, Deputy CTO at Ocado Technology
This session explores how Ocado Technology has enhanced productivity through a data-oriented approach and the use of internal platforms. The focus has been on metrics as a vehicle for improvement rather than as goals, addressing the risks associated with measurement, such as setting targets and evaluating individuals
🍕🍺 Pizza and beers included! There’s no better way to expand your network.
The event will be held in English. Register now!
ATTENTION: Registration will be open until 6:45 pm.
Tech Up Nights is an initiative created with Ocado Technology to bring together the tech community of Barcelona. Our goal is to inspire you with high-quality content and provide the opportunity to establish an open dialogue between technical attendees and tech speakers. We aim to create a space for engineers, data scientists, UX specialists, software product managers, and similar profiles to share best practices and challenges, learn from mistakes, and solve doubts.
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Webinar «Reclutamiento Global: Estrategias de atracción de talento multinacional»
Por G-P

En los últimos años, las empresas se enfrentan a desafíos crecientes para encontrar talento cualificado, especialmente en áreas tecnológicas o técnicas. En un contexto de globalización y deslocalización del talento que brinda nuevos retos y oportunidades, el trabajo en remoto y el fenómeno de nómadas digitales o freelancers son nuevas realidades del mercado del trabajo que las empresas deben entender e incorporar para poder sobrevivir y seguir siendo competitivas.
En este webinar veremos cómo la combinación de tecnología ATS Zucchetti con los servicios de empleador legal (EOR) G-P proporciona a las empresas la capilaridad y agilidad necesarias para poder captar talento globalmente
- Introducción Zucchetti HR y G-P, ¿quiénes somos?
- Desafíos en la búsqueda de talento cualificado.
- Un nuevo paradigma: globalización y deslocalización.
- Solución global de selección de Zucchetti: Inrecruiting.
- Solución G-P de contratación internacional.
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Prepárate para vivir la primera edición de Talent Arena, el mayor evento europeo dirigido al talento digital. Del 3 al 5 de marzo, durante la semana del MWC Barcelona, Fira de Barcelona (Montjuïc) se convertirá en el epicentro para el talento digital.
Entre los más de 200 ponentes contaremos con figuras tan destacadas como Steve Wozniak, cofundador de Apple, Garry Kaspárov, excampeón mundial de ajedrez y promotor de IA, o Xavier Amatriain, VP de producto CoreML/AI en Google, entre muchos otr@s.
Además, llevaremos a cabo multitud de actividades como talleres de programación, charlas, hackatones o experiencias tecnológicas de la mano de los mayores expertos tecnológicos del ecosistema.
Además, por acceder uno de los tres dias (del 3 al 5 de marzo), obtendrás acceso gratuito para entrar en MWC el 6 de marzo.
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Open Working Session «Gestión Económica Inteligente. Las 8 claves para crecer»
Por ToGrowfy

¿Estás content@ con tu gestión económica?, ¿tienes siempre la información que necesitas para tomar decisiones?, ¿cuentas con la información mensual fácilmente?, ¿tienes un plan para financiarte cada año?, ¿sabes qué cuestan tus servicios o productos?, ¿tienes seguridad sobre cómo generar rentabilidad?, ¿sabes dónde ganas o pierdes dinero?, ¿te sientes preparad@ para hacer frente al cambio de modelo de negocio que nos está afectando a todos? , ¿estás list@ para innovar?
Si quieres ser un CEO que confíe en sus finanzas para tomar decisiones con seguridad, esta Open Working Session es para ti.
Asistir a esta formación te proporcionará los conocimientos y las herramientas claves que necesitas para analizar de forma más clara y objetiva la situación financiera de tu empresa con el objetivo de que tomes las mejores decisiones.
¿Qué es una Open Working Session? Te proponemos que trabajes con nosotros compartiendo el proceso de generación de información y búsqueda de conocimiento para la toma de decisiones en un entorno altamente complejo y cambiante de forma extraordinariamente práctica. Por eso nos reunimos un pequeño grupo en torno a una mesa de trabajo, para tener ocasión de personalizar, intervenir y seguir la reflexión de forma activa y efectiva.
Recomendaciones para aprovechar al máximo las sesiones de trabajo:
Piensa en cuestiones que te gustaría aclarar en la sesión de trabajo y envíalas con antelación a sferrer@togrowfy.com para ser incluidas en las explicaciones, sin perjuicio de la posibilidad de preguntar durante la sesión, por supuesto.
Argelia Garcia, CEO de ToGrowfy y especialista en Gestión Económica Inteligente.
Licenciada en Derecho por la Universidad de Barcelona, PADE por IESE Universidad de Navarra, diplomada en Control de Gestión por EADA, Learning to Grow de IESE-BCN Activa, Programa de Innovación de IESE, B2B Management por ESADE. Cuenta con más de 30 años de experiencia en el mundo de la empresa. Es consultora de ACCIÓ, miembro de WeRock Capital, profesora de máster, conferenciante y autora de «Tres Preguntas para una gestión económica inteligente» de Ed. Libros de Cabecera.
Número de asistentes limitado para asegurar la dedicación personalizada.
Lugar de realización: Regus Sant Cugat (Vallsolana Garden Business Park, Camí de Can Camps, 17-19, 08174 Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona).
Precio de la sesión: 50€.
Gratuito para socios de Tech Barcelona. Escribe a Sandra Ferrer (sferrer@togrowfy.com) para mostrar tu interés por la sesión.
Inscríbete aquí
Sandra Ferrer
Departamento de comunicación de ToGrowfy
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Hoy en día, tener un buen producto no es suficiente. Si quieres que tu marca B2C destaque, necesitas algo más: personalidad, autenticidad y una estrategia que haga que la gente hable de ti. Pero, ¿cómo se logra eso en un mundo competitivo donde las redes sociales están saturadas de contenido?
En esta Startup Talks, responderemos preguntas clave como: ¿Qué hace que una marca B2C sea realmente viral? No se trata solo de seguidores o likes, sino de generar una comunidad fiel que hable de ti y te recomiende. También exploraremos cómo destacar en un mercado hipercompetitivo, creando una identidad auténtica que te diferencie de la multitud.
Además, hablaremos sobre la importancia de la autenticidad en la era digital. ¿Cómo puedes construir una marca que no sólo atraiga clientes, sino que genere confianza y credibilidad? Y, por supuesto, veremos estrategias prácticas para hacer que tu mensaje llegue a las personas correctas, en el momento adecuado y con el impacto que necesitas.
Este evento estará moderado por Adrian Gallardo (COO Aticco Lab), quien será el puente entre los expertos: Gonzalo Verástegui, Co-founder de Back2life, Julieta Rueff, Founder de FlamAid y Joel Orteu, Co-founder de Tattoos.
Si alguna vez te has preguntado cómo hacer que tu negocio no solo venda, sino que se convierta en un referente en su sector, este evento es para ti🚀
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Jaume Layola, abogado especializado en PI, analizará en nuestra próxima formación el viernes 31 de enero, de 10h a 11h, estos casos del ámbito deportivo y si una marca que consista en la representación de una postura concreta tiene una utilidad real en el mercado. Asimismo, nos hablará de qué obligaciones entraña el registro de una marca y qué consecuencias acarrea el incumplimiento de dichas obligaciones.
¿Es válido a los efectos de uso de marca para la EUIPO o la OEPM la escenificación de un signo distintivo registrado?
Inscríbete a nuestra sesión online aquí y ven a descubrirlo en la sala PONTI & PARTNERS del metaverso.
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Pitch Deconstruction for Startups, with Investors Advice and Support
Por SIA- Startup Investor Accelerator

Are you ready to refine your startup pitch and gain valuable insights from experienced investors? Join us for Pitch Deconstruction for Startups, a dynamic and interactive event designed to help founders sharpen their messaging, understand what investors look for, and enhance their chances of success.
This session goes beyond theory, offering real-time feedback, actionable advice, and an inside look at how investors evaluate pitches. Whether you’re preparing for your next funding round or simply want to refine your storytelling, this event is for you!
💡 What to Expect:
• Live Pitch Reviews: Watch or participate as startup founders present their 1-minute pitches, followed by constructive feedback from seasoned investors.
• Investor Insights: Gain insider knowledge about what makes a pitch stand out, common pitfalls to avoid, and how to align your message with investor priorities.
• Practical Support: Learn how to structure your pitch deck, articulate your value proposition, and effectively communicate your business model and growth strategy.
• Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow founders, investors, and industry professionals in an inspiring and collaborative environment.
📩 Startups who would like to pitch at this event please complete this form: https://forms.gle/x8YARfXUZDntTakVA
Jury of Investors
Vyacheslav (Slava) Zharavin – Angel Investor
Eric Osterman – Angel Investor
Luis Angel Garrido Platero – Angel Investor
Michael Burnett – Angel Investor
Fengwei David An – Investor & Advisor
Xavier Fabregat Cornellana – Banco Santander
🎤 Who Should Attend?
• Startup founders preparing to pitch to investors.
• Entrepreneurs looking to refine their communication and presentation skills.
• Anyone curious about what happens behind the scenes in an investor’s decision-making process.
Spaces are limited, so register now to secure your spot!
Empower your startup with the tools and insights needed to impress investors and drive your business forward. We can’t wait to see you there!
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Startup/ Investor Open Coffee. Let’s talk Startup’s, Growth and Investing!
Por SIA - Startup Investor Accelerator

Building startups successfully requires getting a lot of elements right! »Startup/Investor Open Coffee» event series is the space and opportunity to address the most important elements, structures, and key pointers to building a startup successfully.
Come, join our buzzing community of entrepreneurs, investors, mentors, and advisors! Each of our sessions follows a free structure, and every time we tailor the conversations based on the needs of the attendees.
Usually, every attendee introduces themselves, shares the challenges they face, speaks about their startup’s needs, and everyone exchanges experiences, contacts, and learnings, creating new solutions.
This is a community of like-minded entrepreneurs, who believe in helping each other succeed, and use this network as a mutual support and growth system.
How to prepare:
- Bring a notebook to take notes (plant of wisdom gets shared).
- Think about one or two challenges you are facing as an entrepreneur or invetsor, to bring up with the group.
- Think about your personal introduction. What key aspects do you want to highlight, and what key value can you offer to the others attending?
The event is usually attended by investors, mentors, startup founders and their teams, and soon-to-be entrepreneurs, who want to change career paths. So you may have a chance to connect with your future partners, and invetsors or find mentors at this event, in addition to advice, support, and network being shared with you.