Digitaliza tu hotel con KitConsulting

Por FI Group

10:00 / 10:45
Actividad Pública

¿Te imaginas maximizar ingresos, reducir costes y mejorar la satisfacción de tus clientes y empleados? ¡Es posible y queremos mostrarte cómo!

FI Group, Intelia y Jaippy, tienen el placer de invitarte a un webinar https://es.fi-group.com/agenda/digitaliza-tu-hotel-de-la-mano-de-los-mejores-consultores-y-financialo-con-kitconsulting/ exclusivo donde presentaran su programa de consultoría estratégica para hoteles. Descubre cómo de la mano de los mejores expertos pueden ayudarte a transformar la gestión de tu hotel.

En este webinar aprenderás a:

  • Optimizar la experiencia y atención al cliente.
  • Digitalizar y simplificar las operaciones del hotel.
  • Implementar estrategias efectivas de marketing y ventas.
  • Gestionar eficientemente los recursos humanos y la tecnología.
  • Mejorar la sostenibilidad y responsabilidad social.
  • Controlar las finanzas y reducir costes operativos. Además, te mostraremos cómo acceder a esta consultoría ¡sin coste! a través del Kit Consulting para PYMES, encargándonos de toda la tramitación.

No dejes pasar esta oportunidad. ¡Reserva tu plaza ahora!

Fecha: jueves 13 de febrero a las 10:00h
Duración: 45 Minutos, Plataforma: Teams FI Group

Digitaliza tu hotel con KitConsulting

10:00 / 10:45
Actividad Pública


Webinar – How GenAI is Revolutionising Finance in SMBs

Por Dost

16:00 / 17:00
Actividad Pública

Event details

🗓️ Date: March 04, 2025.

Time: 16:00 CET ; 15:00 GMT

💻 Format: Online

What can you find in this webinar?

✔️ Cutting-edge GenAI use cases that automate routine tasks, enhance data analysis, and boost decision-making.

✔️ Strategic insights for finance leaders aiming to future-proof their operations and drive new growth opportunities.

✔️ Real-world applications of AI adoption in finance departments, helping you stay competitive in an ever-evolving market.

👥 Speakers:

  • Naqqash Abbassi, CTO & Cofounder at Dost

Webinar – How GenAI is Revolutionising Finance in SMBs

16:00 / 17:00
Actividad Pública


Webinar – Procesa facturas 10 veces más rápido con Inteligencia Artificial

Por Dost

17:00 / 17:45
Actividad Pública

📢 Webinar: Procesar facturas ya no tiene que ser un dolor de cabeza: hazlo 10x más rápido con IA

Errores como facturas duplicadas, datos mal etiquetados y pagos incorrectos son normales cuando hay estrés y procesos repetitivos. Pero, ¿y si pudieras eliminarlos con IA? En este webinar te mostraremos un 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐲 𝐞𝐧 𝐯𝐢𝐯𝐨, donde descubrirás cómo la IA puede procesar facturas de forma automática y sin errores.

🔹 Los mejores CFOs no solo gestionan números, también optimizan procesos.

📅 Fecha: 26/02/2025
⏰ Hora: 17:00 – 17:45 h
💻 Dónde: Online, ¡desde donde estés!

🎙️ Speakers:
👤 Adam Barbera, CEO y Cofundador de Dost
👤 Marcia Bardauil, Especialista de Producto de Dost

Menos errores, menos estrés y más eficiencia en cada cierre. ¡Nos vemos en el webinar!

Webinar – Procesa facturas 10 veces más rápido con Inteligencia Artificial

17:00 / 17:45
Actividad Pública


¿Qué talento necesitas para liderar la transformación tech?

Por Outvise

15:30 / 16:30
Actividad Pública

La transformación digital es un reto que abarca a todas las industrias y sectores, exigiendo soluciones especializadas y enfoques innovadores.

Este webinar explorará junto con Cámara De Comercio Alemana cómo el talento independiente puede ser el aliado perfecto para proyectos que requieren experiencia, flexibilidad y visión estratégica.

– En la actualidad, muchas empresas no cuentan con el conocimiento necesario en casa para abordar proyectos de transformación digital.

– En sectores como retail o tecnología, los perfiles freelance suelen asumir roles clave que requieren experiencia específica y resultados rápidos.

– Las tendencias más relevantes en 2025 para transformación digital incluyen el uso estratégico de inteligencia artificial generativa, la optimización de costes en migraciones a la nube, y la inminente importancia de la ciberseguridad.

¿A quién va dirigido? 
El evento está pensado para los miembros de la Cámara de Comercio Alemana para España, así como para profesionales responsables de liderar proyectos tecnológicos que buscan nuevas formas de afrontar los desafíos del cambio digital.

¿Qué puedes esperar? 
– Un análisis práctico sobre los retos y soluciones en la transformación digital, con un enfoque en talento especializado.

– Un caso práctico que ilustra cómo una empresa del sector retail logró transformar su modelo de negocio con el apoyo de talento independiente.

– Un debate sobre las tendencias tecnológicas clave hacia 2025 y las habilidades necesarias para afrontarlas.

Objetivos del webinar:
– Explorar cómo superar las barreras más comunes en proyectos de transformación digital. Un análisis sobre los retos y soluciones en la transformación digital, con un enfoque en talento especializado.

– Un caso práctico que ilustra cómo una empresa del sector retail logró transformar su modelo de negocio con el apoyo de talento independiente.

– Un debate sobre las tendencias tecnológicas clave hacia 2025 y las habilidades necesarias para afrontarlas.

Condiciones de participación:
Imprescindible inscripción previa. El enlace de conexión será enviado un día antes del webinario.

¿Qué talento necesitas para liderar la transformación tech?

15:30 / 16:30
Actividad Pública


SANNO organises panel about AI in Healthcare with SANOFI and AMBIT


OneCoWork (Catedral), Barcelona
17:30 / 20:00
Actividad Pública

As part of the Barcelona Health Innovation Week by Biocat, SANNO has organised a top panel about 𝗔𝗜 𝗶𝗻 𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗹𝘁𝗵𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗲: 𝗟𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗪𝗶𝗻𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁’𝘀 𝗡𝗲𝘅𝘁

On February 19th at 5.30pm leading experts in AI and digital health will come together for a thought- provoking panel discussion and networking session at OneCoWork (Catedral) in Barcelona.

This event will dive into the real impact of AI on patient care, unpacking both successes and
challenges while exploring what lies ahead for the industry.

Meet the Speakers:
✨Vanessa Estorach Cavaller – Digital Business Transformation, Sanofi
✨Pol Solà-Santos – Founder & CEO, Vincer.ai
✨Neema Balolebwami Nelly – Founder & AI Software Engineer, NEEMA AI
✨Esteve Almirall – AI & Innovation Professor, ESADE

Moderated by: ☝🏽☝🏽 Ariadna Masó, Founder & CEO of SANNO

What to Expect:
🚀 AI in Patient Care: What’s working and what’s not?
🚀 Biggest Challenges: The roadblocks AI innovators are facing
🚀 Future Outlook: What’s next in AI-driven healthcare?
🚀 Networking Opportunity: Connect over drinks & canapés—with a special surprise!

Event Details:
🚀 Date: February 19, 2025
⏰ Time: 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM
🚀 Location: OneCoWork (Catedral), Barcelona
🚀🚀 Register now: https://www.sanno.health/events/aipanel25

Event sponsored by Sanofi and Ambit BST.

🚀 Don’t miss this opportunity to gain insights, engage with AI leaders, and network with innovators shaping the future of healthcare.

SANNO organises panel about AI in Healthcare with SANOFI and AMBIT

17:30 / 20:00
OneCoWork (Catedral), Barcelona
Actividad Pública


CALL: Global Health Hackathon

Por Biocat

Pier07 - Tech Barcelona (Via Laietana, 26, BCN)
Actividad Pública

Hey! There are only a few days left until you can sign up for the global Hackathon organized by Biocat and the Sahlgrenska Science Park in Sweden in the framework of PRECISEU, the flagship that we coordinate in Personalized Medicine. New deadline: February 19!!

Register here: registration form

Explore the challenges:

• Team: Create or join a team. You can sign up individually, we will help
you find a team!!

• Work on the idea in a group: Collaborate with your team during the face-to-face hackathon in Barcelona (Pier 07, Tech Barcelona, February 22 and 23).

• Present the solution with the team: Prepare the deliverables. Your idea can participate in the final in Sweden on October 13, 2025 and receive support to become a startup!

To know everything: ask the chatbot!!

Sign up today and start transforming Health!

Registration form

CALL: Global Health Hackathon

Pier07 - Tech Barcelona (Via Laietana, 26, BCN)
Actividad Pública


CALL: Catalonia Exponential Leaders (Deadline March 6th)


Sol·licituts online
Actividad Pública

Des d’ACCIÓ, s’ha obert la 5a convocatòria del programa Catalonia Exponential Leaders per identificar les 10 empreses més disruptives del 2025.

Busquem empreses atrevides, dinàmiques, que s’atreveixin a desenvolupar solucions disruptives i que ambicionin a impactar positivament a la societat. Totes les empreses constituïdes amb seu operativa a Catalunya són elegibles, tant startups com empreses consolidades.

Si la teva empresa està entre les seleccionades, formaràs part de la comunitat d’empreses líders en disrupció. A més, gaudiràs de màxima visibilitat, reconeixement, formació de primer nivell i connexió que t’obriran les portes a noves oportunitats de negoci. Pots trobar tota la informació a la web del programa.

La data límit per presentar-te a la convocatòria és el dijous 6 de març. És un procés molt senzill que trobareu en la mateixa web del programa. Per qualsevol informació addicional podeu contactar a cataloniaexponential.accio@gencat.cat

Sigues el proper referent en disrupció i impulsa el teu negoci!

CALL: Catalonia Exponential Leaders (Deadline March 6th)

Sol·licituts online
Actividad Pública


DayOne Innovation Summit Cataluña

Por CaixaBank

4YFN / stand CaixaBank DayOne
16:00 / 17:30
Actividad Pública

CaixaBank y ENISA tienen el placer de invitarte a la jornada: DayOne Innovation Summit Cataluña

Durante la celebración del evento, en el marco del 4YFN, tendrá lugar el jurado y acto de entrega del Premio EmprendeXXI de Cataluña, que contará con la presencia de Maria Alsina, Directora

Territorial Barcelona, CaixaBank, Josep Ma Gonzàlez, Director Territorial Cataluña, CaixaBank, y Borja Cabezón, consejero delegado, ENISA.

Además contaremos con la mesa redonda “New referents in the startup ecosystem”, con empresas ganadoras de ediciones anteriores. Al finalizar habrá un aperitivo networking para los asistentes.


4YFN/stand CaixaBank DayOne

4YFN Hall 8.1 Fira Gran Via. Carrer de L’alumini, s/n, 08908 Barcelona

16:00 – Acreditación asistentes

16:15 – Bienvenida

16:20 – Pitch startups finalistas al jurado

17:00 – Mesa redonda «new referents in the startup ecosystem»

17:15 – Acto de Premios Emprende EmprendeXXI

17:30 – Despedida y cierre

17:35 – Café networking

¡Te esperamos!

En caso de necesitar entrada para acceder a 4YFN para asistir al evento, contacta con tu gestor CaixaBank o Premios Emprende XXI (premio@emprendedorxxi.es)*


DayOne Innovation Summit Cataluña

16:00 / 17:30
4YFN / stand CaixaBank DayOne
Actividad Pública


#15EGIUCG2025 Hybrid Conference

Por Utilitarian Conferences Gathering

Dubai, UAE
08:00 / 18:00
Actividad Pública

We at UCG would like to extend a warm welcome to you at The 15th World Endoscopy and GI Conference, which will take place online and in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from December 17–19, 2025. «Innovating Care, Transforming Lives: Pioneering the Future of GI and Endoscopy« is the conference’s theme. It’s a good opportunity to connect with people from around the world, talk about and share issues, and exchange experiences that you both find interesting. After much effort, UCG has prepared an engaging program for the Endoscopy and GI Conference that will enable participants to reminisce on their achievements, expand their networks, and learn about current and upcoming research in December. We hope that this conference will be memorable, enjoyable, and fruitful.

Endoscopy CME/CPD Conference is organized by Utilitarian Conference Gathering (UCG) and will be held from December 17-19, 2025 in Dubai, UAE. Endoscopy 2025 will focus on evidence-based and practical features of controlling Endoscopy & GI disorders in Endoscopy and GI. Our 3 days conference will enlighten the attendees to manage and diagnose every challenging case in the latest advances in the Endoscopy & GI field, clinical practice, Liver diseases, pancreatic diseases, small bowel and esophageal diseases.

Call for Paper/Abstract:

Call for Paper/Abstracts is now open for the Endoscopy CME/CPD Conferences 2025 in Dubai, from December 17-19 2025, with the motto “Innovating Care, Transforming Lives: Pioneering the Future of GI and Endoscopy”.

Each session will be followed by a panel discussion about the approach to the management and diagnosis of presented topics.

Utilitarian Conferences Committee Experts invites Endoscopy, Nurses and Nurse Practitioners, Surgeons, Endoscopists, Medical Researchers and Scientists, Medical Students and Residents, Clinical and Medical Laboratory Technicians, Healthcare Administrators, Medical Device Manufacturers and Technologists, Pharmaceutical Professionals, Healthcare Policy Makers, Patients and Caregivers (optional, for certain public-oriented events), Healthcare professionals, researchers, academicians, and industry experts, Physicians, fellows, physician assistants, nurses,, allied endoscopy & GI  professionals, specializing in endoscopy, Plenary Speakers, Speakers, Surgeons, Endoscopy and GI students, Endoscopy company, GI company, Endoscopy nurses, GI nurses, Delegates, Exhibitors, Sponsors, Students, Business Persons, Young Researchers, Scholars, Scientists, Lecturers, Surgeons Hematologists Neurosurgeons, Gynecologists Laboratory managers & Directors endoscopy & GI in training General practitioners Laboratory professionals, GI  professionals, Medical students,  internal medicine and other interested, Doctors, Endoscopy and GI staff

Conference Key Sessions:

Track 1: Endoscopy
Track 2: GI (Gastrointestinal)
Track 3: Diagnostic Applications of GI Endoscopy
Track 4: Endoscopy in GI Health
Track 5: Therapeutic Uses of Endoscopy
Track 6: Upper endoscopy and laparoscopy
Track 7: Bariatric Endoscopy
Track 8: Ethics in Endoscopy and GI Practice
Track 9: Screening and Preventive Care
Track 10: Capsule Endoscopy
Track 11: Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS)
Track 12: Advances in Endoscopic Technology
Track 13: Preparing for an Endoscopic Procedure
Track 14: Endoscopy and Pediatric GI Health
Track 15: Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD)
Track 16: Complications of Endoscopy
Track 17: Role of Endoscopy in Chronic GI Disorders
Track 18: Post-Endoscopy Care and Recovery
Track 19: Future Directions in GI Endoscopy
Track 20: Endoscopy Awareness
Track 21: Patient Education
Track 22: Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography
Track 23: Regenerative GI Medicine
Track 24: GI Microbiome and Endoscopy
Track 25: Colonoscopy
Track 26: GI Neurology and GI Immunology

Conference Benefits:

21 CME/CPD  Hours

Live Sessions

One on one meet with Experts and Investors on Demand

A showcase of new Products

Certification of Recognition

Industrial Exhibitions

Meet your Academic idols

Hear about the latest research

Engage in High-level debates & Q/A

Networking for future collaboration

Publication of abstracts on our Website

Add Research Value

Employment Bureau

Networking Sessions

Worried about UAE visas?

We are here to assist you in obtaining a visa. Once you register as a speaker/listener/poster, we will guide you through the visa process.

  • Incomplete Application: Dubai visa application forms with incomplete or false information, less passport validity, inconsistency in date of travel on Dubai flight tickets, damaged passports, fake or tempered documents, etc. have more chances of being rejected.
  • Women under the age of 25: Usually, women under the age of 25 traveling alone without any parent, guardian, or relative may face a Dubai visit visa rejection. The Dubai government came up with such a rule to prevent human trafficking in the country.
  • Overstay on your previous Dubai visit visa from India: If you extended your Dubai trip without applying for a visa extension the last time you traveled, there are chances that your name can get blacklisted, and in addition to this, you can also face an immigration ban, land in jail for up to 3 months, or even get deported.
  • Handwritten Passports: Handwritten passports are not accepted now, and if the applicant has submitted a handwritten passport, there are high chance that their Dubai visa application will get rejected.
  • Errors in the application: If your Dubai visa application has false or wrong names, spelling errors, incorrect information or codes, the wrong date of birth, or any other false data, it might not get approved.
  • Unused Dubai Visa: If you have a tourist visa for Dubai from India, but you didn’t travel, the chances of your Dubai visa getting rejected increase.
  • Applicants who did not use a previous Dubai work visa: Applicants who applied for a Dubai employment visa or a Dubai work visa through a company (prospective employer) but did not enter the country. To get approval, the PRO of a travel agency or sponsor must go to UAE immigration and cancel the previously issued Dubai visa before applying for a new Dubai visa for Indians.
  • Profession: In the case of farmers, laborers, cleaners, janitors, etc. whose profession is listed as «unskilled» on their passport, there is a high chance their Dubai visa application may be rejected.
  • Criminal Record: If you have a criminal record (misconduct, fraud) in any of the emirates of the UAE, you will not get your Dubai visa.
  • Similar names or dates of birth: If you share your name or date of birth with anyone in your family and plan to travel to Dubai together, you should expect a delay or even rejection of your Dubai visa.
  • Unconcealed Dubai Residence Visa: If the applicant held a Dubai residence visa and chose to leave the country without canceling their Dubai residency visa, then the Dubai immigration authorities can reject granting them a Dubai tourist visa.


Unified Citation Journals is a platform for the latest discoveries in Technology, Science, engineering, medicine, medical clinical, and advancing discoveries and health. We at Unified Citation Journals ensure the advancement of healthcare and improve performance for the benefit of humanity.

Learn More: https://ucjournals.com/

CME (Continuing Medical Education):  

CME focuses on educational activities specifically for medical professionals, such as doctors and nurses, to enhance their knowledge, skills, and competencies related to medical practice. CME is often required to maintain medical licenses and certifications.

To know more Visit: https://endoscopy-gi.utilitarianconferences.com/cme-accreditation

CPD (Continuing Professional Development):

CPD is a broader concept that applies to a wide range of professionals, not just those in the medical field. CPD includes a variety of learning activities—formal education, workshops, self-directed learning, and more—that help professionals develop their skills and stay up-to-date in their fields. It emphasizes the ongoing process of learning throughout one’s career.

To know more Visit: https://endoscopy-gi.utilitarianconferences.com/cpd-accreditation

Important Information:

Conference Name: 15th World Endoscopy and GI Conference
Short Name: 15EGIUCG2025
Dates: December 17-19, 2025
Venue: Dubai, UAE
Scientific Program: It will only include plenary speakers, keynote speakers, panel discussions and presentations in parallel sessions.
Audience: Global Leaders, Industrialists, Business Delegates, Students, Entrepreneurs, Executives
Email: endoscopyucgconference@gmail.com
Visit: https://endoscopy-gi.utilitarianconferences.com/
Visit CME/CPD: https://endoscopy-gi.utilitarianconferences.com/accreditation-registration
Call for Papers: https://endoscopy-gi.utilitarianconferences.com/submit-abstract
Register here: https://endoscopy-gi.utilitarianconferences.com/registration
Exhibitor: https://endoscopy-gi.utilitarianconferences.com/exhibitor-registration
Sponsor: https://endoscopy-gi.utilitarianconferences.com/sponsor-registration
WhatsApp Us: +447723493307

We at UCG would like to extend a warm welcome to you at The 15th World Endoscopy and GI Conference, which will take place online and in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from December 17–19, 2025. «Innovating Care, Transforming Lives: Pioneering the Future of GI and Endoscopy« is the conference’s theme. It’s a good opportunity to connect with people from around the world, talk about and share issues, and exchange experiences that you both find interesting. After much effort, UCG has prepared an engaging program for the Endoscopy and GI Conference that will enable participants to reminisce on their achievements, expand their networks, and learn about current and upcoming research in December. We hope that this conference will be memorable, enjoyable, and fruitful.

These conferences provide excellent opportunities for professionals in the field to stay updated on the latest advancements, engage with experts, and participate in educational sessions.

Our 3 days conference will enlighten the attendees to manage and diagnose every challenging case in the latest advances in the Endoscopy & GI field, clinical practice, Liver diseases, pancreatic diseases, small bowel and esophageal diseases.

Email: info@utilitarianconferences.com
Visit: https://endoscopy-gi.utilitarianconferences.com/
Visit CME/CPD: https://endoscopy-gi.utilitarianconferences.com/accreditation-registration
Call for Papers: https://endoscopy-gi.utilitarianconferences.com/submit-abstract
Register here: https://endoscopy-gi.utilitarianconferences.com/registration
Exhibitor: https://endoscopy-gi.utilitarianconferences.com/exhibitor-registration
Sponsor: https://endoscopy-gi.utilitarianconferences.com/sponsor-registration
WhatsApp Us: https://wa.me/+447723493307

#15EGIUCG2025 Hybrid Conference

08:00 / 18:00
Dubai, UAE
Actividad Pública


First-Time Startup Investor? A Step-by-Step Guide to Get Started

Por SIA - Startup Investor Accelerator

Banc Sabadell Welcome Hub
17:30 / 20:00
Actividad Pública

First-Time Startup Investor? A Step-by-Step Guide to Get Started and Processes to follow

Are you curious about becoming a startup investor but unsure where to begin?

Join us for this practical and insightful session designed for first-time investors looking to step into the exciting world of startup investing. This event will provide a clear, step-by-step guide to help you navigate the investment process, make informed decisions, and confidently build your portfolio.

What you’ll learn:

• The basics of startup investing and how to get started.

• Key steps to evaluate opportunities and follow the right processes.

• Insights from experienced investors to guide your journey.

Whether you’re exploring investing as a way to diversify your portfolio or support innovative entrepreneurs, this session is the perfect starting point to gain the knowledge and tools you need.

🎤 Featured Panelists

TAAC Alumni:
Juan José Sanz
Nicholas Smit
Olivia Harrower

💡 Why Attend?

  • Learn the Fundamentals: Gain a clear understanding of how startup investing works, from initial evaluation to closing deals.
  • Actionable Steps: Leave with practical, step-by-step processes you can follow to make confident investment decisions.
  • Expert Insights: Learn from experienced angel investors, including those who have recently navigated the early stages of their angel investing journey.
  • Expand Your Network: Connect with other like-minded investors and industry professionals in a collaborative environment.
  • Diversify Your Portfolio: Discover how investing in startups can complement your existing investment strategy.

Event Location Partner – Banc Sabadell Welcome Hub

📩 Register Now

Spaces are limited, so register early to secure your spot. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain fresh insights and start the year strong.

First-Time Startup Investor? A Step-by-Step Guide to Get Started

17:30 / 20:00
Banc Sabadell Welcome Hub
Actividad Pública