25 April 2023 TB news Working groups


Tech Barcelona launches #TechBcn4Women Working Group

25 April 2023 TB news Working groups
  • More than 20 Tech Barcelona partners and professional organisations, with the support of the Generalitat, participate in the first session of the TechBcn4Women Working Group with the objective of accelerating projects in favour of female talent in the technology sector

Tech Barcelona launches the TechBcn4Women WG, a working group to connect companies and women’s associations that are working in favour of female talent in the technology sector, and to accompany them in the creation of joint projects that accelerate the achievement of parity in the sector. This Tech Barcelona working group, which has the collaboration of the Generalitat de Catalunya, has started with the participation of Global Partners of the association and representatives of initiatives committed to this end goal.

The TechBcn4Women Working Group aims to accelerate female leadership initiatives in technology and entrepreneurship, to energise and set the public agenda on diversity in organisations and, above all, to generate success stories in companies in Barcelona’s digital and technological ecosystem, with the capacity to impact corporate cultures and social transformation.

Tech Barcelona has maintained, since its foundation in 2013, a strong commitment to parity and the visibility of female entrepreneurs in the technology sector. In 2019, the association launched TechBcn4Women, a series of talks to raise the profile of female talent. In June 2022 it also promoted, together with the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Barcelona chapter of Woman In Tech, an international non-profit organisation whose mission is to break the gender gap. Now Tech Barcelona is taking a step forward: the Working Group is the format in which the association brings together its members and partners to learn about, identify and reflect on technological solutions, share challenges and knowledge and support public policy strategies; the Working Group is also the vehicle for Tech Barcelona’s programme of activities and content.

This opening session was attended by Liliana Arroyo, Director General of Digital Society of the Generalitat de Catalunya; Mar Galtés, Chief Corporate Development Director of Tech Barcelona; Paula Serra, Partnerships & Project Manager of Tech Barcelona; and representatives of Tech Barcelona partners: Telefónica, CaixaBank DayOne, HP, Nestlé, Adevinta Spain, EY, Ferrer, IBM, Port de Barcelona, IQS and UPC. In addition, the following professional and women’s organisations were represented: Women In Tech, Lean In, European Female Founders, Young IT Girls, Digital Fems, SomDones.cat, Aula Magna Business School, FIDEM, La Sembra, Women in Aerospace, Code Women and Technovation Girls.