#TB Members Calling #87 | José Manuel Martínez: “Try, get it wrong and get it right fast”

Fintech, proptech and contech: the technological triad that builds “the house of your dreams”. José Manuel Martínez Vázquez (Vancouver, 1969) is the CEO and co-founder of the startup Build Lovers, a real estate self-promotion platform that controls everything from the initial financing of the project to the installation of prefabricated modules on the right plot. This graduate in Economics and Business Studies, MBA from IESE and co-founder of Opencasa, has an extensive professional career linked to technological innovation in sectors such as mobility and real estate.
TB: What is the purpose of your project?
JM: We seek to help people who want to build a sustainable, efficient and healthy home with a simplified, agile, transparent and secure process. All through our platform specialising in real estate self-promotion. In addition, we are also helping to improve the digitalisation of the single-family home building sector.
TB: Where do you see your project at the moment and where do you see it in two years’ time?
JM: In the Product Market Fit stage. Building houses, designing standardised models and developing the technological platform. And we are also closing a financing round for which we already have a lead investor. In 2 years, we see ourselves operating in three countries.
TB: A good idea you have had.
JM: Surround myself with good people.
TB: What is the biggest challenge you have faced?
JM: Parenthood and the development of international entrepreneurship.
TB: The best advice you’ve ever been given.
JM: “There is no worse management than not doing”. I have made it my motto when I hesitate between doing and not doing. It’s another way of saying: try, get it wrong and correct it quickly.
TB: A professional reference that inspires you.
JM: The late entrepreneur and author Jim Rohn. His work focuses on goal setting and continuous self-improvement. I am also inspired by my parents, a true example at home, where they have passed on to me the spirit of self-improvement and improvement of a generation that had it very hard.
TB: A technology that will shape the future.
JM: AI, of course. But not for today’s functionalities, but, above all, for those we do not yet know.
TB: On-site or remote?
JM: Both. We are still human and very social beings, so the combination of models is necessary and effective. Used well, they feed back into each other.
TB: A startup or company.
JM: ByteDance, the technology and communications company best known for owning TikTok. They are focusing both on technology and, less well known, on human biology and chemistry.
TB: What do you do to unwind?
JM: I go running and trekking with friends who don’t stop talking. And, well, I also belong to a wine tasting club… Cheers!
TB: A book to recommend.
JM: “Atomic Habits by James Clear. It has made me discover the power of good little actions that can significantly improve our lives, as well as being aware of the dark side of bad habits. An alternative? I’m hooked on audiobooks.
TB: A series, film or song that defines your moment in life.
JM: The film “In Pursuit of Happiness”.
TB: One recipe, one restaurant.
JM: Italian pasta with a good sauce is always a hit. And the Uruguayan restaurant “El Boliche del Gordo Cabrera” in Barcelona.
TB: A place in the world.
JM: San Francisco, Santiago de Compostela and Santiago de Chile.
TB: Where would you invest 100k?
JM: In going around the world and, if I have enough to spare, in personal training.
TB: If you were not an entrepreneur…
JM: I would help other entrepreneurs. Although I already do that.
TB: What is Tech Barcelona for you?
JM: A meeting point for entrepreneurs and interesting and talented people to collaborate and exchange unique life experiences.