TB Members Calling #86 | Ana Zamora: “Worker wellbeing is an investment with measurable returns”

After more than 15 years in the financial and insurance sector, it was her passion for entrepreneurship and innovation that led Ana Zamora (Madrid, 1978) to co-found and lead Vitaance. With its offices spread between Tech Barcelona’s Pier01 and Madrid, the startup launched in 2021 by Antai Ventures aims to improve employee wellbeing. Because…
“…I believe that wellbeing is an integral concept, which encompasses the physical, mental, social and spiritual, so taking care of all these aspects is essential to feel full and happy. Even at work.
TB: What is the purpose of your project?
AZ: Improving people’s lives. As we spend a third of our lives at work, feeling that our company cares about us and helps us to be better is crucial. We equip companies with the tools to achieve this in a pragmatic and effective way, demonstrating that wellbeing is an investment with a measurable return.
TB: Where do you see your project at the moment and where do you see it in two years’ time?
AZ: In February 2023 we raised a new seed funding round of €2.2 million that has taken us into a phase of growth and expansion. The importance of the problem we solve is evident, and equates to the high valuation of our customers and users. So now is the time to take Vitaance and corporate wellness to every corner of the globe.
TB: A good idea you have had.
AZ: Surround myself with a great team, very diverse and complementary to each other.
TB: What is the biggest challenge you have faced?
AZ: Identify when a change of course is needed and when hard and difficult decisions have to be taken.
TB: The best advice you’ve ever been given.
AZ: Trust your instincts.
TB: A professional reference that inspires you.
AZ: Martine Ferland, Mercer’s Global CEO, was the first truly humble and approachable CEO I have ever met. She is as bright as she is hard-working and genuinely cares about her team.
TB: A technology that will shape the future.
AZ: Undoubtedly generative AI: it will be a bigger leap than smartphones.
TB: On-site or remote?
AZ: If I had to get down to it, I’d be in person.
TB: A startup or company.
AZ: My answer may come as a surprise. But I choose Microsoft. It is the most profitable and forward-looking technology company available to very few.
TB: What do you do to unwind?
AZ: Sport! If what I’m looking for is relaxation, a walk in nature is unbeatable. And if I need to activate my mind to be more productive, nothing like a good weight training session, preferably outdoors.
TB: A book to recommend.
AZ: I have just reread, by Kim Scott.
TB: A series, film or song that defines your moment in life.
AZ: “Lessons in Chemistry”, Apple Original.
TB: One recipe, one restaurant.
AZ: Potato omelette. And I love the restaurant Qálido, in Madrid.
TB: A place in the world.
AZ: The mountains of Madrid, specifically La Pedriza.
TB:Where would you invest 100k?
AZ: In a startup dedicated to padel (still in stealth).
TB: If you were not an entrepreneur…
AZ: I would be a nutritionist or life coach.
TB: What is Tech Barcelona for you?
AZ: A space to meet other female entrepreneurs and a vibrant technology ecosystem in one of the best cities in the world.