28 September 2023 TB Members Calling


TB Members Calling #76 | Irene Gómez: “Just as we have robot hoovers in our homes, industries will incorporate robot dogs”.

28 September 2023 TB Members Calling

Just as dogs are a human being’s best friend, Keyper is the tireless technological ally of Irene Gómez (Barcelona, 1987), CEO and co-founder -together with robotics expert Hilario Tomé– of Keybotic, a deeptech startup dedicated to the creation of autonomous robot dogs designed to perform industrial inspections.

Prior to her entrepreneurial venture in 2020, Irene Gómez, with a background in economics and law, held the position of COO at ALLOut Security, a US-based software company leader in security and audits in several Oracle ERPs.


TB: What is the purpose of your project?

IG: Our main objective is to automate the detection and warning of anomalies in hazardous industrial plants by means of an autonomous robot dog with sensor technology and artificial intelligence. [If you didn’t get the chance to see Keyper walking around this year’s Mobile World Congress, here’s a video of him in his natural habitat.]


TB: What is the current state of the project and where do you see it in two years’ time?

IG: This year we have started deploying the robot dogs in chemical plants, where we detect gas leaks, vapour leaks or hot spots. Just like the robot hoovers in our homes, in two years’ time industries will integrate, as part of their equipment, technology to automate these inspection rounds. And we will drive this transformation.


TB: A good idea you have had.

IG: To create Keybotic: I saw the potential in industrial robotics, but also the difficulties of creating such a cutting-edge technology. In this sense, the strategy of applying first to the DAPRA Robotics Challenge and winning in order to set up the company had a lot of risk, but it ended up being key. The first prize in the competition, worth one million euros, allowed us to create something brutal with the team and in the city we wanted.


TB: What is the biggest challenge you have faced?

IG: I went to live in Ireland when I was 15 years old and didn’t speak English. This has allowed me to travel more easily and has opened doors for me.


TB: The best advice you’ve ever been given.

IG: Difficult decisions must rest.


TB: A professional reference that inspires you.

IG: Luke Phillips, the CEO and founder of ALLOut Security. He managed to build an international organisation with a team in five countries, entirely remotely, and become a leader in the industry.


TB: A technology that will shape the future.

IG: Robotics. Not only will it be part of the future, but we are working to make it a fundamental part of the present.


TB: In-person or remote?

IG: Hybrid.


TB: A startup or company.

IG: Gecko Robotics, a US scaleup of robotics to check tanks.


TB: What do you do to disconnect?

IG: Time with family, friends and sport. And if it can be at the same time, even better.


TB: A book to recommend.

IG: “Boulder” by Eva Baltasar.


TB: A series, film or song that defines your moment in life.

IG: The film “Air”, directed by Ben Affleck.


TB: One recipe, one restaurant.

IG: Pesolda del Maresme as a recipe. And as for a restaurant, I really enjoy the experience at l’Actiu de Barcelona Activa, where we usually eat on Fridays with the whole team.


TB: A place in the world.

IG: I would recommend everyone to go to Japan. The culture shock is amazing.


TB: Where would you invest 100k?

IG: In Keybotic – I’ve actually already invested them!


TB: If you weren’t an entrepreneur…

IG: I would love to run another technology company.


TB: What is Tech Barcelona for you?

IG: The community of entrepreneurs where you can share experiences in Barcelona.