TB Members Calling #41 | Jordi Simó: “The life of a startup is like ‘Lord of the Rings’: epic and with a challenge to fight for”

Jordi Simó Climent (Barcelona, 1995) is co-founder of Nuwe, a gamified platform -born in the Emprèn UPC Terrassa space- that helps companies find the best technological talent. Graduated in aerospace engineering at UPC and Business Administration at UOC, he is now responsible for the startup’s investment, finance and operations. “I had wanted to start a business for a long time and, as soon as I finished my studies, I got started”.
Discover Jordi Simó and his particular interest in cleantech and bluetech in this week’s Members Calling.
TB: What is the purpose of your project?
JS: To change the technical selection processes, so that both companies and candidates enjoy the experience. We achieve this through our gamified platform, where we organize programming competitions based on the daily activities of the companies and where the talent of the candidates is evaluated.
TB: A good idea you have had.
JS: To start giving importance to my sleep hours. Many times we try to dedicate as much time as possible to work in order to develop our business. And you have to set limits. Sleeping badly and not getting enough rest will only make you make worse decisions and not perform optimally.
TB: A bad professional experience.
JS: Lack of communication is what has given me the most problems in the past. Not only on my part, but also with members of my team. It is very important to be transparent and provide clarity in your company. Otherwise you risk creating a Game of Thrones sequel.
TB: The best advice you’ve ever been given.
JS: A long time ago, a close person said to me, “I am not you, so don’t expect me to act the same way”. This comment opened my eyes and continues to help me today. We usually tend to self-demand too much or self-flagellate ourselves if we don’t meet our own expectations. A touch of reality, and knowing that there are other points of view, helps to not get sidetracked when you get locked into your own thoughts and beliefs.
TB: A professional reference that inspires you.
JS: Jordi Romero and Bernat Farrero of Factorial. Little by little they are helping to develop the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Barcelona and Spain. And listening to them week after week allows you to keep up to date, learn stories of other entrepreneurs, empathize and develop. Apart from what they have achieved with their own startup.
TB: A technology that will shape the future.
JS: Everything that allows human beings to get closer to each other. We are living in a time where decentralization and remote work are on the front page of every newspaper. Anything that complements this experience by making everything more human will mark a before and after: augmented reality, virtual or other technologies.
TB: What are your concerns?
JS: Not enjoying every moment enough. I live too much thinking about planning what I will do tomorrow instead of enjoying what I do today. I’m working on it.
TB: A startup.
JS: The Ocean Cleanup.
TB: A book to recommend.
JS: “The Hard Things About Hard Things” by Ben Horowitz. This book is a must read for every entrepreneur. Ben talks about his experience and connects with the reader like no other book on entrepreneurship: from his failures and complicated moments.
TB: A series, movie or song that defines your moment in life.
JS: “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King”. A classic. Friendship, epicness, an incredible story, admirable characters and an impossible challenge to fight against. In short, the life of a startup 🙂
TB: A recipe, a meal, a restaurant.
JS: I have been going with my family to La Flauta tapas restaurant in Barcelona for 12 years, every time we go to celebrate something. That says it all.
TB: One city, one trip.
JS: Rome is beautiful. It transports you to another era when you walk through its streets. And I am fascinated by the Roman Empire and Renaissance art. Switzerland is also spectacular. The magnificence of its mountains and landscapes made me fall in love when I visited it this summer.
TB: Where would you invest 100k?
JS: In Nuwe. 100k can help you hire staff and improve the platform. So I would invest it in talent.
TB: And one million euros?
JS: Exactly the same as in the previous case. With one million euros we could hire more talent, work to improve the product by adding all the ‘features’ that our customers ask for and test other markets.
TB: If you were not an entrepreneur…
JS: I am very interested in ‘cleantech’ and ‘bluetech’, so, if I could not become an entrepreneur, I would try to apply my knowledge and efforts to a company in this sector with good leadership.
TB: What is Tech Barcelona for you?
JS: For me Tech Barcelona is an opportunity. An opportunity to meet other entrepreneurs, to get new clients, to get new alliances. And everything I say I say because I have lived it.
Check out other TB Members Calling here.