6 October 2022 Members Calling


TB Members Calling #38 | Mauro Ponzè: “Trust in the benefits of hard work and dedication to labour”

6 October 2022 Members Calling

Mauro Ponzè (Cagliari, Italy, 1973) is CEO of Numen Technologies, a cybersecurity solutions developer based in Barcelona. With a degree in Business Administration and more than 20 years of experience in business project management, he has worked in a multitude of sectors and international contexts: Europe (Italy and Spain), Latin America (Brazil, Colombia and Peru), USA and Africa.

“The heterogeneity of my professional experiences, both as a consultant and as a manager, has allowed me to develop skills in the application of business model design methodologies, an area I am constantly researching to update the contents I teach at the University of Cagliari”.


TB: What is the purpose of your project?

MP: Numentech’s goal is to develop cyber security solutions that are reliable, accessible and easy to implement, and therefore within the reach of companies that do not have a high level of technical or financial expertise.


TB: A good idea you have had.

MP: Focusing the development of our solutions on a market segment that is increasingly vulnerable and exposed to cybersecurity risks: SMEs. This sector is traditionally the one least served by the main players.


TB: A bad professional experience.

MP: I don’t remember one in particular… Rather, I remember several in which my interlocutors have not been sufficiently transparent or ethical in the development of a project or collaboration. But I still think that a few disappointments – which I have had and will certainly have in the future – will not lead me to change my style of managing relationships.


TB: The best advice you’ve ever been given.

MP: That work always pays off and, therefore, we must trust in the benefits that dedication to work will always bring.


TB: An inspiration.

MP: Tim Brown, CEO of design consultancy IDEO.


TB: A technology that will shape the future.

MP: There are several that will have a very considerable impact, but the one that can really revolutionise our existences is biotechnology. In particular, I am referring to all the applications that have enabled and will enable genetic manipulation for curing diseases, producing sustainable fuels and even creating intelligent tissues.


TB: What are you worried about?

MP: The inability or non-existence of contemporary ‘governances’ to manage the level of global complexity.


TB: A startup.

AG: Circa5000.


TB: A book to recommend.

MP: “Holonomics: Business Where People and Planet Matter” by Simon Robins.


TB: A series, film or song that defines your moment in life.

MP: There are days when I feel like the character Mastroianni in the film “8½”, but fortunately there are many others that remind me of situations from “Hollywood Party”.


TB: A recipe, a meal, a restaurant.

MP: Moqueca. Peruvian. The Uribou.


TB: A city, a journey.

MP: Rio de Janeiro in autumn, New York in spring. Maybe a long one I did in Patagonia…. But there are many of which I have precious memories.


TB: Where would you invest 100k?

MP: On a sailing boat.


TB: And a million euros?

MP: In the most interesting projects you find in Circa5000.


TB: If you were not an entrepreneur…

MP: Maybe I would go into teaching and farming.


TB: What is Tech Barcelona for you?

MP: A fantastic hub.


See other TB Members Calling here.