TB Members Calling #34 | Astrid Camprubí: “Good data is the new oil”

Astrid Camprubí (Barcelona, 1981)
Trained in Business Administration and MBA by ESADE, in Drama by EÒLIA, and in logistics and time management by “entrepreneur mother of 3 little monsters”. Astrid Camprubí, current CEO of Aqtiva Data Tecnologies, has specialised in the creation, coordination and strategic development of start-ups, their growth in the international market and in the search for funding for their viability. Now, at Aqtiva, her goal is to help companies improve their decision making through data quality analysis.
“I am passionate about people, technology, travelling, music and theatre. And I couldn’t live without doing sport”.
TB: What is the purpose of your project?
AC: Helping any company to eliminate bad data easily and flexibly, so they can make strategic decisions based on quality data. “Good data is the new oil.
TB: A good idea you have had.
AC: Be more selective with people and surround myself with people who are motivated, positive and eager to move forward.
TB: A bad professional experience.
AC: I have had some very demanding moments in some of the projects I have been involved in. Instead of calling them “bad”, I prefer to think that they have helped me grow professionally and made me develop new skills. However, I will leave in the “bad” corner all those situations in which I have suffered from differences or undervaluation because of the fact that I am a woman.
TB: The best advice you’ve ever been given.
AC: In life, everything depends only on you. If you want something, go for it and forget the noise around you.
TB: An inspiration.
AC: I am inspired by people who have a purpose and go after it in a persistent and resilient way. I feel fortunate to be surrounded by entrepreneurs who strive every day to bring their solutions to market and build viable and sustainable businesses, even though it is not always easy.
TB: A technology that will shape the future.
AC: We are certainly living a paradigm shift with the emergence of blockchain. I am also excited about the hyper-connectivity of things thanks to 5G and the range of options it offers, especially in the healthcare field.
TB: What are you worried about?
AC: The lack of enthusiasm and effort of the younger generations, as well as their dependence on being validated in networks, or the vulnerability and lack of resources they present in any slightly complicated situation. I think it is essential that we encourage critical thinking more than ever.
TB: A startup.
AC: The Blue Box Biomedical Solutions by Judit Giró, with whom I have had the honour of sharing sessions in the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) programme of Foment del Treball and the US Consulate General in Barcelona.
TB: A book to recommend.
AC: “Aliment” by Martí Sales for its creative virtuosity. And “Les Misèrables”, as an essential classic.
TB: A series or film or song that defines your moment in life.
AC: The film “Little Miss Sunshine”. A race to pursue the dreams of each of the family members.
TB: A recipe, a meal, a restaurant.
AC: As an essential recipe, escudella. A good meal is one you share with people you love and toast with a good natural wine. And, without a doubt, the best restaurant is “Follia” in Sant Joan Despí.
TB: A city, a journey.
AC: A city: Paris. A trip: Bali, for the magic of the place and, above all, for how special it was to travel alone with my mother. Even so, I wouldn’t change my home for the world.
TB: Where would you invest 100k?
AC: In startups with a high social impact. Not everything has to have an economic return.
TB: And a million euros?
AC: It would create an efficient fund to promote start-ups to improve the situation of culture.
TB: If you weren’t an entrepreneur…
AC: I would be a film executive producer.
TB: What is Tech Barcelona for you?
AC: It is the essential piece in the startup ecosystem of our country and who, with his good work, puts Barcelona on the map to attract talent and investment.
See other TB Members Calling here.