TB Members Calling #24 | Laura Urquizu: “Say ‘no’ to energy-sapping topics”
Laura Urquizu (Pamplona, a few years ago)
CEO at Red Points, a solution that fights counterfeiting, piracy and online phishing.
Adventurer, entrepreneur and traveller. “We are a family of five, four humans and a furry one. The driver of my career has always been digital transformation: first as a consultant, then as an executive in large corporations, then as a venture capitalist and finally as an entrepreneur.
TB: What is the purpose of your project?
LU: Doing your bit in the fight against online fraud.
TB: A good idea you have had.
LU: The most recent one: starting to say ‘no’ to issues that steal my energy.
TB: A bad professional experience.
LU: Harassment by a boss I had years ago.
TB: The best advice you’ve ever been given.
LU: Practice meditation every day.
TB: An inspiration.
LU: A mountain, in all its versions, inspires me every weekend.
TB: A startup (other than your own).
LU: Anyone who bootstraps and reaches 10 million turnover.
TB: A book to recommend.
LU: Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged”.
TB: A series or film or song that defines your moment in life.
LU: “Rome wasn’t built in a day”, by Morcheeba.
TB: A recipe, a meal, a restaurant.
LU: Artichokes with ham, Navarra style. And the Rodero restaurant, in Pamplona.
TB: A city, a journey.
LU: As a city, Barcelona. As a trip, always nature. And if I had to choose a specific place, I would choose the Grand Canyon of Colorado.
TB: Where would you invest 100k?
LU: In the education of my children.
TB: And a million euros?
LU: In Red Points.
TB: If you weren’t an entrepreneur…
LU: I would love to be a writer and learn from other lives.
TB: What is Tech Barcelona for you?
LU: Exceptional support for entrepreneurs. If it did not exist, it would have to be invented.