Qonto se expande a cuatro nuevos mercados con el objetivo de alcanzar el millón de clientes en 2026
Qonto lanzará sus servicios en Portugal, Austria, Bélgica y Países Bajos para ofrecer soluciones bancarias y financieras adaptadas a las necesidades de cada región
La fintech aborda una estrategia de expansión a nuevos mercados para responder a la creciente demanda de digitalización en la gestión bancaria y financiera de las pymes y autónomos en toda Europa.
How to Market Your CSR Without Greenwashing: A Practical Guide for EU Businesses
Por Janah Cycle
In our previous article, we explored the fine line between authentic CSR marketing and greenwashing, particularly in the European Union where regulations like the Green Claims Directive and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) are holding businesses to higher standards. Companies operating in the EU face increasing pressure to communicate their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts transparently, without misleading consumers.
So how can you market your CSR authentically and avoid greenwashing? Let’s break it down:
1. Be Transparent and Specific
Consumers today want details. Avoid vague terms like “eco-friendly” or “green.” Instead, offer specifics: How much of your product is made from recycled materials? What exact steps are you taking to reduce emissions? Transparency builds trust.
Veja, a European shoe brand, clearly explains the percentage of sustainable materials in each product and is upfront about their ongoing challenges in sustainability.
2. Use Trusted Certifications
One of the easiest ways to validate your sustainability claims is through third-party certifications. Labels like EU Ecolabel or Fair Trade can give your claims credibility and show customers that your efforts meet high environmental standards.
Alpro, a plant-based food company, uses the EU Organic Certification, ensuring customers that its products meet strict environmental guidelines.
3. Consistency Across Your Business
Your CSR message shouldn’t just be for marketing—it needs to be part of your whole business. Make sure your supply chain, employee practices, and day-to-day operations align with the sustainability claims you make.
Ecover, a cleaning products company, integrates sustainability into everything they do—from sourcing biodegradable ingredients to using recycled packaging.
4. Commit to Long-Term Goals
Consumers don’t expect perfection, but they do value progress. Set realistic, measurable goals and keep your customers informed about your progress. Long-term commitment shows you’re serious about making a difference.
CSR isn’t just about what you say—it’s about creating a dialogue. Engage your customers, employees, and communities in your sustainability journey. Share updates, ask for feedback, and make them part of the process.
In the EU, marketing your CSR efforts effectively means being honest, transparent, and consistent. By sharing specific details, using trusted certifications, and involving your stakeholders, you can avoid greenwashing and build genuine trust with your audience.
In our next article, we’ll go deeper into how you can stay compliant with EU regulations like the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and how these rules can help you be more transparent in your CSR marketing. Stay tuned!
If you are a direct-to-customer business looking forward to positively impacting the world with your brand, then get in touch with us at contact@janahcycle.com . Together, we can explore how you can make a positive impact and benefit both the environment and your bottom line.
WindowSight and VIDAA transform 30 million TVs worldwide into a gallery
Por WindowSight
VIDAA Art now supports thousands of premium gallery pieces from WindowSight
WindowSight, a Catalan Startup, and VIDAA Announce Groundbreaking Partnership to Redefine TV as an Artistic and Cultural Hub
Barcelona, Atlanta – September 2024 – VIDAA, the fastest-growing Smart TV operating system powering over 30 million devices globally, partners with WindowSight, the catalan Startup member of Tech Barcelona, to revolutionize how art is consumed through television. This collaboration enables consumers to seamlessly transform their VIDAA-powered TVs into interactive digital galleries, making art more accessible than ever before.
VIDAA’s pre-installed gallery, VIDAA Art, replaces the traditional screensaver on a Smart TV, and will now feature curated collections from WindowSight, starting with works by renowned artists like Van Gogh, Johannes Vermeer, Klimt, and breathtaking photography from the Hubble and James Webb telescopes. The selection also includes captivating nature and wildlife photography from prominent figures such as National Geographic’s Tim Laman, Babak Tafreshi, Jim Richardson, and Arturo Rodriguez,whose work has appeared on the covers of the famous magazine in multiple countries on numerous occasions. More than 1,000 of these will be available to users free of charge.
The partnership coincides with the launch of Hisense’s CanvasTV, officially announced at IFA 2024, but the VIDAA Art solution through this collaboration offers an ever-expanding artistic repository on any VIDAA-powered Smart TV. The new VIDAA Art, powered by WindowSight, also allows customers the option to customize their gallery experience by selecting different frames for their art, customizing their order and even creating their own playlists.
Pol Rosset, CEO and co-founder of WindowSight, emphasized the significance of this development: “This partnership doesn’t just make art available; it integrates it into everyday life, making it easier than ever to surround yourself with culture and beauty. Studies show that regular engagement with art, even just 30-40 minutes a day, can improve mental well-being, enhance creativity, and boost cognitive function. This collaboration puts all of these benefits right into your living room.”
Guy Edri, CEO of VIDAA added. “Our philosophy has always been to be an open platform that works with amazing partners from across the world. WindowSight are experts in the field of fine arts and their expertise allowed us to create an amazing product that makes our customers truly feel like their home can be an art gallery. We are excited to be expanding on this partnership in the future,” he added.
With VIDAA OS built into over 30 million smart TVs worldwide, this partnership offers anyone an unprecedented way to engage with art and culture. By transforming their TV screens into moving galleries, users can enjoy a new art experience while teleworking, relaxing, or having dinner with friends.
About WindowSight
WindowSight, a startup from Barcelona, is redefining visual art and photography consumption with its vision of making visual culture as accessible as music and movies. The platform hosts over 15,000 curated artworks, blending classical masterpieces with modern art and photography, bringing the images and stories behind these works directly into homes and businesses worldwide. Its revenue model ensures fair compensation for its artist community.
WindowSight is now focused on closing its fundraising round to continue growing its platform, team and community, while advancing its integration with VIDAA.
VIDAA is the fastest-growing TV operating system, powering over 30 million smart TVs globally. It provides users with a seamless, customizable interface that allows them to access a wide array of streaming services, apps, and now, premium art content through partnerships like this one with WindowSight. VIDAA OS is designed to offer an innovative and intuitive user experience.
Effectively managing passive infrastructure to tap into emerging markets
Por Outvise
The global telecommunications landscape is experiencing an intriguing shift. While mature markets grapple with optimising existing networks, a new wave of growth is surging in emerging economies. However, unlike established regions with well-developed networks, emerging markets face a distinct set of challenges.
What is the difference between passive and active infrastructure?
Explore sustainable growth in technology and how to drive business growth with Daniel D., a seasoned Data Centre Expert, and Norbert S., a Chief Product Officer at Outvise.
Conoce todas las novedades del Apple Event de septiembre de 2024, de la mano de Doonamis
Apple ha demostrado una vez más su compromiso con la innovación tecnológica, y lo ha hecho en el Apple Event de septiembre 2024. Desde el esperado iPhone 16 hasta el rediseñado Apple Watch Ultra 2, el evento ha ofrecido un vistazo a las próximas generaciones de dispositivos que definirán el futuro cercano. ¡Conoce más!
iPhone 16 Pro
El nuevo iPhone 16 Pro contará con el chip A18 Pro. Un nuevo Neural Engine de 16 núcleos y una nueva GPU de 6 núcleos para un mayor rendimiento gráfico. El chip A18 Pro ofrece una velocidad de vértigo y una mayor eficiencia.
La comparación del nuevo iPhone 16 Pro con modelos anteriores es la siguiente:
iPhone 12 Pro: Hasta un 60% más rápida. El doble de rápido.
iPhone 13 Pro: Hasta un 40% más rápida, Un 50% más rápida.
iPhone 14 Pro: Hasta un 30% más rápida. Un 40% más rápida.
iPhone 15 Pro: Hasta un 15% más rápida. Un 20% más rápida.
Con un nuevo Control de Cámara que combina innovaciones de hardware y software. Ahora será más rápido acceder a la cámara, cambiar los ajustes y hacer una foto. Podrás deslizar encima del botón y hacer zoom entre otras funciones. Tanto el iPhone 16 Pro como el Pro Max cuentan con un teleobjetivo x5, el mayor zoom óptico en un iPhone. La cámara Fusion cuenta con 48 Mpx incluyen un ultra gran angular de 48 Mpx. ¡Tus fotografías serán la envidia entre tus amigos!
Avanza también con los videos profesionales, con el iPhone 16 Pro podrás grabar en resolución 4K a 120 f/s con Dolby Vision. Podrás grabar y editar secuencias a cámara lenta con calidad de cine. Otro cambio importante es en la incorporación de cuatro micrófonos con calidad de estudio y Mezcla de Audio te da más control para hacer cosas como optimizar las voces. En la app de Fotos podrás ajustar la velocidad de reproducción después de grabar, de este modo podrás editar cada segundo del video como más te guste. Da rienda suelta al director de cine que llevas dentro, quién sabe si acabarás en Hollywood.
Aunque a nivel físico no se observan grandes diferencias con respecto al modelo anterior, el iPhone 15 Pro, el diseño mantiene las tres cámaras. Lo único que ha variado son los bordes ligeramente más finos y una pantalla Super Retina XDR más amplia. El material utilizado es titanio, considerado uno de los metales con la mejor relación entre dureza y peso. Gracias también a una subestructura térmica de aluminio 100% reciclado y al vidrio trasero optimizado que disipa mejor el calor, el rendimiento constante es un 20% superior al del iPhone 15 Pro. Podrás tener hasta 4 horas más de autonomía (hasta 33 horas de reproducción de vídeo) comparado con el iPhone 15 Pro. Por último, la parte delantera con Ceramic Shield de última generación es el doble de resistentepara cualquier vidrio en un smartphone.
Podrás reservar el nuevo iPhone 16 Pro a partir del 13 de septiembre a las 14:00 y estará disponible a partir del 20 del mismo mes. Los precios serán los siguientes:
128 GB: Desde 1.219€.
256 GB: Desde 1.349€.
512 GB: Desde 1.599€.
1 TB: Desde 1.849€.
iPhone 16
El nuevo iPhone 16 incorporará el Chip A18 con un CPU de 6 núcleos y una GPU de 5 núcleos. Además, contará con un Neural Engine de 16 núcleos, capaz de ejecutar simultáneamente un mayor número de operaciones relacionadas con inteligencia artificial y aprendizaje automático, lo que incrementa notablemente el rendimiento y la eficiencia en tareas específicas.
También incluye el Control de Cámara, como en el iPhone 16 Pro. La cámara del iPhone 16 no se queda atrás, con una Cámara Fusion de 48 Mpx y un ultra gran angular de 12 Mpx. Podrás capturar fotos en superalta resolución de 24 y 48 Mpx. A diferencia del modelo Pro, este dispositivo ofrece un zoom óptico de hasta 2x.
En cuanto a rendimiento, permite hasta 22 horas de reproducción de vídeo. En términos de diseño, está fabricado con un cuerpo de aluminio y una parte trasera de vidrio tintado en masa, disponible en azul ultramar, verde azulado, rosa y negro. Al igual que el modelo Pro, la parte frontal está protegida con Ceramic Shield de última generación.
Como el modelo Pro, podrás reservar el nuevo iPhone 16 a partir del 13 de septiembre a las 14:00 y estará disponible a partir del 20 del mismo mes. Los precios serán los siguientes:
128 GB: Desde 959€.
256 GB: Desde 1.089€.
512 GB: Desde 1.339€.
Apple Watch Series 10 y Apple Watch Ultra 2
Apple nos sorprendió con la presentación del nuevo modelo del Apple Watch Series 10, el reloj más fino hasta hoy con un nuevo procesador, el S10. La pantalla del Series 10 es la más amplia en un Apple Watch: hasta un 75% mayor que la del Series 3 y hasta un 30% mayor que la del Series 4, 5, 6 y SE. Además, cuenta con la nueva tecnología OLED con gran ángulo de visión.
El nuevo Apple Watch Series 10 carga muchísimo más rápido que los modelos anteriores. Podrás cargar el dispositivo al 80% en 30 minutos.
El nuestro dispositivo viene en tres acabados distintos, entre ellos por primera vez en negro azabache. Esta fabricado en titanio de calidad aeroespacial, pulido hasta conseguir que brille como un diamante. Además, es un 20% más ligero que el Series 9 de acero inoxidable.
Una gran novedad del nuevo Apple Watch se encuentra en los datos de salud nocturna. El reloj incluye nuevas funciones como la detección de apnea del sueño. Además podrás comprobar tus pulsaciones con la app Frecuenca cardíaca y recibirás un aviso si están muy por encima o por debajo de los valores normales.
Puedes reservar ya el nuevo Apple Watch Series 10, que estará disponible a partir del 20 de septiembre. Su precio inicial es de 449€.
En cuanto al Apple Watch Ultra 2 captó la atención con sus avances en durabilidad y un renovado acabado en gris espacial. Diseñado para enfrentar deportes extremos y aventuras al aire libre, este modelo incluye un sensor de temperatura y un sensor de profundidad mejorados, perfectos para inmersiones y actividades acuáticas, complementados por la aplicación Oceanic+. Aunque no se lanzó una versión Ultra 3, el Ultra 2 continúa destacándose como un reloj de alta gama, con una estética actualizada y nuevas correas de Hermès que subrayan su carácter exclusivo. El precio del Apple Watch Ultra 2 es de 899€.
En Doonamis, seguimos de cerca cada evento de Apple para estar al tanto de las últimas novedades tecnológicas. Esto nos permite ofrecer soluciones innovadoras y aprovechar al máximo las nuevas herramientas y plataformas, desarrollando las mejores aplicaciones que se adapten a las necesidades de nuestros clientes. ¡La innovación está en nuestro ADN! Contacta con nosotros e impulsa tu marca.
New MongoDB AI E-Book: Innovate with AI – The Future Enterprise Now Available!
Por MongoDB
20 Sep 2024
Introducing the third edition of our Ebook, Innovate with AI: The Future Enterprise. This edition offers practical insights on using AI to fuel business innovation. Designed like a high-end magazine, it explores AI’s role in key industries such as healthcare, finance, manufacturing, telecommunications, and retail.
We also highlight MongoDB’s expanding AI integration, from optimizing database performance to powering intelligent apps, and dive into our MAAP program to accelerate AI-driven application development.
Plus, enjoy expert interviews and partner collaborations that showcase AI’s future and its impact on business success.
Can You Market Your CSR in the EU? Or Is it Greenwashing?
Por Janah Cycle
18 Sep 2024
Can You Market Your CSR in the EU? Or Is it Greenwashing?
In today’s European market, consumers expect more than just quality products and services—they want to support brands that align with their values, particularly around sustainability and social responsibility. As a result, purpose-driven marketing has become a key strategy for companies to connect with these ethically conscious consumers. But with this shift comes a growing concern: when does promoting your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) cross the line into greenwashing?
Greenwashing occurs when brands make misleading or exaggerated claims about their environmental efforts. In response to this, the European Union has implemented regulations like the Green Claims Directive to ensure transparency and prevent companies from making unsubstantiated sustainability claims. These regulations are part of the European Green Deal, which aims to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050.
This article will explore how companies can market their CSR efforts within the EU without falling into the greenwashing trap, while also staying compliant with strict regulations.
Why Purpose-Driven Marketing is important in the EU
Purpose-driven marketing is more than just a trend; it’s about aligning a company’s mission with the values that matter to consumers—whether it’s sustainability, social justice, or ethical sourcing. In Europe, where these issues are at the forefront of consumer consciousness, businesses that adopt a purpose-driven approach can foster
strong relationships with their audience. Millennials and Gen Z, in particular, expect the brands they support to take meaningful action on social and environmental issues.
Companies like IKEA and Unilever are shining examples of how to successfully integrate CSR into business operations. IKEA, for instance, focuses heavily on sustainability, promoting energy-efficient products and using renewable energy in its stores. Unilever’s “Sustainable Living Plan” prioritizes reducing its environmental footprint while also improving the health and well-being of communities worldwide. These efforts go beyond marketing—they’re part of the companies’ core operations, which helps them build long-lasting trust with consumers.
The EU’s Fight Against Greenwashing
As more businesses highlight their environmental initiatives, the risk of greenwashing has increased. Consumers want to support sustainable brands, but they’re also more skeptical than ever about misleading claims. The EU has recognized this issue and taken steps to protect consumers from deceptive practices.
The Green Claims Directive requires companies to provide clear, verified evidence to back up any environmental claims they make. For example, if a product is labeled as “biodegradable” or “carbon neutral,” the company must supply data that proves these claims, verified by independent bodies. This move is designed to ensure that companies are being truthful in their advertising, creating more transparency in the marketplace.
Additionally, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) compels large companies to provide detailed reports on their environmental and social performance. This regulation holds companies accountable, forcing them to go beyond vague promises and demonstrate measurable progress.
The Consequences of Greenwashing in the EU
For businesses operating in the EU, the consequences of greenwashing can be severe. European consumers are becoming more informed and discerning about the environmental claims they encounter. If a company is found to be exaggerating or misrepresenting its sustainability efforts, it can face significant backlash. A damaged reputation can lead to loss of consumer trust, falling sales, and even public boycotts.
On top of reputational harm, non-compliance with EU regulations can result in legal penalties and hefty fines. H&M recently faced scrutiny from the Netherlands’ Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) over its “Conscious Collection.” The fashion giant promoted its products as sustainable without providing sufficient evidence, damaging its credibility and forcing the company into damage control mode. This case illustrates how even large, well-known brands can suffer when they don’t live up to their sustainability claims.
Authentic CSR marketing isn’t just a smart strategy—it’s a responsibility that companies must uphold to foster a more sustainable and ethical future.
In our next article, we’ll dive deeper into actionable steps you can take to effectively market your CSR efforts without greenwashing. We’ll explore practical tips and successful examples of how to build authentic CSR marketing campaigns that resonate with consumers while staying compliant with EU regulations. Stay tuned!
If you are a direct-to-customer business looking forward to positively impacting the world with your brand, then get in touch with us at contact@janahcycle.com. Together, we can explore how you can make a positive impact and benefit both the environment and your bottom line.
Outvise the connection between freelancers and companies in the job market
Por Outvise
16 Sep 2024
Key job market trends in 2024
Coursera and Udemy have released annual reports highlighting key job market trends and their relevance for freelancers and companies. These analyses highlight some of the most in-demand freelancer roles. Most of them are available at Outvise.
With 4 out of 5 employers struggling to find skilled talent in 2023, Outvise makes this process easier by connecting businesses with top-tier freelance professionals. With us, companies can find the right talent to meet their needs, ensuring successful projects.
How Outvise meet market needs?
The reports from Coursera and Udemy emphasize the increasing demand for specialized skills where Outvise has experts ready for any project. Our network not only covers local projects but also has a global reach, allowing freelancers to work on international projects and bring their expertise to companies worldwide. Join our community and discover how Outvise can help you find and connect with the best talents and projects in the industry.
Guía de Trámites Básicos para estar Legalmente en España
Por Entre Tramites
Guía de Trámites Básicos para estar Legalmente en España
Si estás planeando establecerte en España y no perteneces a un país miembro de la Unión Europea, es fundamental entender los trámites necesarios para iniciar tu vida en este país. Aquí te guiaremos paso a paso a través de los procedimientos más importantes que debes realizar una vez que hayas llegado y tengas tu visado aprobado o autorización de residencia.
Paso 1 – Empadronamiento:
El empadronamiento es el primer paso crucial para acceder a servicios públicos esenciales como la sanidad y la educación, así como para obtener la Tarjeta de Identificación de Extranjeros (TIE). Debes realizar este trámite tan pronto como encuentres un lugar para residir en España.
Consiste en inscribirte en el Padrón municipal, un registro administrativo que contiene información sobre los vecinos de un municipio. Este registro sirve como prueba de residencia en el municipio y de tu domicilio habitual en el mismo.
Paso 2 – Solicitud de NIE Y TIE:
El NIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjero) y la TIE (Tarjeta de Identificación de Extranjeros) son dos conceptos importantes en el contexto de la inmigración y residencia en España, y aunque están estrechamente relacionados, tienen funciones y características distintas:
NIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjero):
El NIE es un número de identificación asignado a personas extranjeras que necesitan realizar trámites legales en España, como trabajar, estudiar o realizar transacciones financieras. Este número es único para cada individuo y se utiliza para identificarlo en todos los trámites administrativos en España.
El NIE se solicita en la Oficina de Extranjería o en la comisaría de policía correspondiente antes de realizar cualquier actividad legal en España. Puede ser obtenido por personas que planean residir temporal o permanentemente en España, así como por aquellas que solo necesitan realizar trámites específicos sin tener intención de residir en el país.
TIE (Tarjeta de Identificación de Extranjeros):
La TIE es una tarjeta física que contiene el NIE, así como otra información personal y detalles sobre la situación legal del titular en España. Se otorga a personas extranjeras que residen legalmente en España por un período superior a 6 meses. La TIE sirve como prueba documental de la residencia legal en España y es necesaria para acceder a una variedad de servicios y derechos, como trabajar, estudiar, recibir atención médica, abrir cuentas bancarias, entre otros. Es renovable y debe ser actualizada periódicamente de acuerdo con la situación migratoria del titular.
En resumen, el NIE es un número de identificación asignado a personas extranjeras que necesitan realizar trámites legales en España, mientras que la TIE es una tarjeta física que contiene este número, junto con otra información personal, y sirve como prueba de la residencia legal en el país. Ambos son importantes para los extranjeros que residen o planean residir en España y necesitan interactuar con la administración y la sociedad españolas.
Paso 3 – Certificado Digital:
Para facilitar trámites telemáticos con la Administración Pública, es recomendable obtener un Certificado Digital. Este certificado, emitido por la Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre (FNMT), te permite verificar tu identidad de manera segura en línea. Instálalo en tu ordenador o teléfono móvil para ahorrar tiempo en citas y esperas.
Paso 4 – Número de la Seguridad Social:
Obtener un número de la Seguridad Social es un trámite indispensable para trabajar, hacer prácticas o cotizar en España. Además, es necesario obtener la tarjeta sanitaria, que te dará acceso al sistema de salud pública del país.
Una vez que tengas tu TIE, puedes proceder a solicitar este número, que te identificará en tus relaciones con la Seguridad Social y te proporcionará acceso a prestaciones sociales y asistencia médica en casos como desempleo, vejez o enfermedad.
Paso 5 – Tarjeta Sanitaria Individual (TSI):
La Tarjeta Sanitaria Individual es un documento esencial que te identifica y te permite acceder a los centros y servicios del sistema sanitario público español asignados.
¿Qué trámites debo realizar si deseo viajar con mi familia?
Si viajas con tu familia, ellos también deberán realizar los mismos trámites que tú, incluyendo el empadronamiento y la solicitud de la TIE. Es importante que demuestres que cuentas con los recursos económicos suficientes para mantenerte a ti y a tu familia.
Los familiares incluidos en este proceso pueden ser tu cónyuge o pareja de hecho inscrita, así como tus hijos menores de edad o dependientes y los de tu cónyuge o pareja a cargo.
Siguiendo estos pasos, podrás establecerte legalmente en España y disfrutar de todos los derechos y servicios que ofrece este país a sus residentes extranjeros. ¡Bienvenido a tu nueva vida en España!
Todos estos procedimientos pueden ser gestionados a través de Entre Trámites, nuestra asesoría legal, contable y fiscal en España, la cual cuenta con especialistas en diversas áreas de la extranjería. Descubre más sobre nuestros servicios agendando una consulta gratuita, donde podrás resolver todas tus inquietudes. ¡No estás solo en este proceso! Permítenos ser tu guía y acompañarte en cada paso.
Align stakeholders to deliver a project successfully
Por AgencyDots
Align stakeholders to deliver a project successfully
AgencyDots had the pleasure of hosting Rohan Tambe, an experienced project manager who worked in different industries. In this interview, we will talk about how to align stakeholders to deliver a project successfully.
Stakeholders alignment is key to keep every project on track
Tell us about your PM background.
I’ve worked as a project manager in several industries for more than ten years. I progressively transitioned from sales to operations and finally project management. I’ve managed projects across various domains from Utility engineering, FMCG, Agritech, E-commerce, and IT service, each with its own special difficulties, technical challenges, and learning opportunities.
Currently, I’m working in an IT service company, where my core KPI is delivering e-commerce websites for various B2B and B2C brands. In this role, I work and manage cross-functional teams and ensure projects are completed on time and within budget while meeting clients’ expectations
What I enjoy most about project management is the continuous learning. Each project brings something new, whether it’s different requirements, different use cases, different people and processes. I’m usually curious and always looking for ways to improve processes and increase productivity.
How do you ensure all stakeholders are aligned in a project?
It is very crucial to have alignment among stakeholders in any project.
Personally, I start by identifying all stakeholders early in the project to understand their interests, expectations, and concerns. This involves detailed discussions to outline their roles and responsibilities clearly. I use the RACI charts (meaning identifying who is Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed) to help me align all stakeholders. This brings a lot of clarity even to the stakeholders as to who they should discuss with if any conflicts/issues occur during the project.
I also communicate regularly, set clear objectives, and build relationships with stakeholders.
Do you want to easily keep all your stakeholders accountable and on the same page? Try AgencyDots.
What are some challenges you face in aligning stakeholders?
The major challenges are well-known among all project managers for example aligning all stakeholders, communication, and handling change resistance.
Let’s talk about each of these separately. Firstly, stakeholder alignment. Although it seems very obvious that all stakeholders must be aligned for the project to be successful; it often happens that stakeholders change priorities, expectations, or even the entire project objective.
Secondly, clear communication. When running a project with people from different cultural backgrounds, technical know-how, having frequent communication and feedback sessions is crucial. Avoiding this leads to miscommunication and false interpretation of information. Often people fail to communicate expecting that everyone is aligned. I’ve learned the hard way that over-communication is better than no communication.
Finally, resistance to change is another common challenge I’ve faced. It’s important to note that projects are implemented to initiate a change. I’ve noticed that sometimes people resist change by trying to implement the past processes or features within the project. Therefore it’s important that project managers keep everyone informed and educated throughout the project about the necessities for which the project was initiated.
Share with us a practical example of when aligning stakeholders was challenging
The main challenge in aligning people is that they are humans and not machines, fortunately. Each one is unique and has different priorities.
My team and I had a client who wanted a website built and also improved their marketing activities. The stakeholders in this project included our internal team of developers and marketers, the client’s marketing and operations team, and project sponsors.
The main objective of the project was to build an improved e-commerce website ASAP. During the project planning phase and development, the project sponsors were responsible for providing decisions and approvals. However, when the client’s marketing and operations team saw the website they wanted to make significant changes. Implementing these changes would require almost a redevelopment of the entire project. Now the rubber met the road, resolving this issue was my responsibility since the project was about to go live.
To resolve this both the client teams ie the project sponsors and the marketing/operations team had to get on the same page. We held joint meetings, set new timelines, approved a new budget, and defined a new project objective. Moving forward we made sure the right people approved each step of the project and assigned this responsibility to the client’s team.
Who are the different stakeholders you work with on a project?
Let’s take an example of a brand that wants to launch an e-commerce website to increase its profitability. In this case, we have stakeholders like the marketing team, the IT department, the operations team, the project sponsors, and vendors.
The main challenge is each team has its objectives, which are a reflection of the team’s function within the company. Here is an example of how a team’s interest can be split.
The marketing team would want a website that is visually stunning and attracts more customers, they want it to be content-heavy to provide as much product information as possible.
The IT team on the other hand would like to keep the website lite with very little data as it will reduce the infrastructure cost and the load time.
The operations team is focused on the reporting and usability of the website and would like to implement all such features which will help them reduce the operations time. Technically this will call for additional efforts and ultimately increase the cost of the project
Vendors on the other hand would like to stick to the scope of work, complete the website at the earliest, and start billing the customer.
Project sponsors who invest in the project would like to launch the project at the earliest and start generating revenue from the website.
It’s clear that every stakeholder has a different interest in the project. The role of the Project Manager is to align everyone, negotiate where necessary, and most importantly remind everyone of the objective. In this case, it is to launch a website that is user-friendly and generates revenue within a given timeline and budget.
What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned as a project manager?
Being adaptable is important for every project manager. There is a lot of planning that goes behind executing a project. But my experience has taught me that projects rarely go according to plan. Therefore, it’s of no use complaining when things do not go as planned. Adapt and you’re more likely to succeed!
Communication is another key skill for project managers as I’ve mentioned previously. To keep all stakeholders on the same page requires effective communication.
Lastly, listening. This means actively listening to the concerns, feedback, and valuable insights that your team puts forth and also implementing the ones that add value to the project. While doing this, recognizing the team member is equally important as this builds trust, and ensures that everyone feels heard and valued which ultimately gives you a team that is loyal and objective-focused.
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