How to innovate so that entrepreneurs understand the importance of management?, by Ferrán Adriá

Ferran Adrià shared with us his vision of innovation mixed with his history, his decisions and some details of his future projects. He told us about how, throughout his career, personal and contextual factors have shaped his history, his decisions, and that it is something that is not normally discussed. This remind us that circumstances sometimes lead to solutions and innovation and sometimes not.
We know his history, but in the session we could feel how innovation is his engine and what his vision is. For him, El Bulli’s great innovation was not in its cuisine. El Bulli was a great laboratory triggering 80% of the cuisine innovation in the world of the last years. It was a business model, and this has endured once the restaurant closed. Thanks to this approach, it still acts as a benchmark in innovation today.
For Ferran Adrià there is an excess of what he calls innovatitis. He firmly believes that not everyone has to innovate. 99% of small businesses don’t have to innovate. The key factor is that we are all open to change and have an innovative mindset. Innovation carries a high degree of risk and difficulty and it does not happen often.
The mortality of small companies and startups is so high that if they also all want to innovate, the rate of disappearance will increase.
He reaffirmed that passion is important but argued that we overvalue passion at the expense of management. He positioned himself as a clear defender of professionalism above passion, of understanding and reflection of the business model above non-founded decision-making.
Do not miss the complete session within the framework of #TechSpiritBarcelona conference in the following link.
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