Disrupció i reptes: la guia vital de l’Israel Ruiz, del MIT a WoHo | By ACCIÓ
Por Tech Barcelona
Webinar Internacional IV
In this session, we will see the trends and challenges and trends in the EdTech and Proptech sectors from Israel Ruiz‘s point of view. We will talk about the challenge of creating the Edx platform (a platform that provides online university-level courses, from very diverse fields and worldwide and which was once led by MIT and Harvard University) and the new challenges in the Proptech sector in which he has been working for 10 months from the Startup WoHo (World Home). WoHo is a technology company that transforms the way we conceive and create spaces by integrating architecture, engineering and construction into a single, streamlined platform for quickly designing and building high-quality buildings.
For those startups that attend the session that will be organized from Barcelona Tech City and ACCIÓ, they will have the opportunity to ask for an individual mentoring with Israel Ruiz (one to one meetings) during the month of June. Limit 3 startups.
If you are interested in being one of the chosen companies to meet him, you will have to confirm your interest in the inscription form that you will have to fill. Once the session is over, we will show you how to do it.
Nowadays, Israel Ruiz is Startup WoHo‘s CoFounder and CEO but he has been involved for the last 20 years in the MITm where he ended up as an Executive Vice President & Treasurer.
18.00 – Speakers presentations by Oriol Sans (Senior Manager d’Startups)
18.10 – Dialog between Israel Ruiz (Co-founder & CEO of WoHo) y Miquel Martí (CEO de Barcelona Tech City)
18.45 – Questions round
The questions can be asked through the online chat and the speakers will answer them at the end of the session. This streaming will be done thanks to Watchity‘s. technology and the access will be activated at 13h in Barcelona Tech City’s Streaming website and in our Twitter profile.