100 x 100 Solidarity Swimming

Por partner

08:30 / 14:00
Actividad Pública

Challenge for swimming fans, organized by the Club Natació Barcelona that will take place on Sunday 22 December 2019 at the Nova de l’Escullera swimming pool, open to members and non-members of the CNB.

The format of the test can be individual or by teams with a maximum of 4 participants.


Fill the form and send it to: ocerezuela@cnb.cat

The test consists of 100 consecutive series of 100 m in a 25 m swimming pool. There will be streets (according to the inscriptions) skills for each starting time with a starting judge for every two streets.
It will be possible to vary the style, but always respecting the time of exit.
There will be a stop of 5 minutes every 25 series to hydrate, eat and stretch. The break will be mandatory for all participants.
It will be possible to change the time of exit respecting the series for which they go.
The departure times will be:
1. 1,20 Total time 2,13 min (1 street)
2. 1,30 Total time 2h 30 min (1 street)
3. 1,45 Total time 2h 55 min (2 lanes)
4. 2,00 Total time 3h 20 min (2 lanes)
5. 2,15 Total time 3h 45 min (2 lanes)
6. 2.30 Total time 4 h 10 min (2 lanes)


Fill the form and send it to: ocerezuela@cnb.cat

The teams will be of 4 participants and will respect the times of exit of the individual test, they will not be forced to make 25 series each one.
Teams will be marked with a number on the arm and shoulder.
It will be possible to vary the style, but always respecting the starting time.
There will be a 5-minute stop every 25 rounds for hydration, eating and stretching. The break will be obligatory for all participants.
At 8:30 the pool will be open for warm up.
At 8:50 first Briefing.
First exit 09:00 and every 25 minutes the different exits will take place, so that the last series finishes at 13:35h.
From 13: 45h will be the presentation of prizes to all participants finishers.

100 x 100 Solidarity Swimming

08:30 / 14:00
Actividad Pública