Infosession Mobile World Capital AWARDS

Por Mobile World Capital Barcelona

16:00 / 17:00
Actividad Pública

Do you have a technology-based project that contributes to the SDGs and has a positive impact?

Join the next MWCapital AWARDS infoSession, hosted by MWCapital and B Lab, to learn all the details of these international awards.

In this session we will provide guidance on the selection criteria, the entry process and detail the benefits of participating in the awards. The Mobile World Capital AWARDS aim to recognise and reward the best innovative projects in the responsible digital transition that contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda and generate a positive impact.

Submissions are open to projects and initiatives driven by:

Do not miss the infosession on January 23 at 5PM CET and solve all your doubts!

Infosession Mobile World Capital AWARDS

16:00 / 17:00
Actividad Pública