ONLINE PILLS 2: From unicorns to camels: getting ready for the journey of the “COVID-19 desert”
Por Tech Barcelona

We begin to see a stabilisation of the COVID-19 sanitary pandemics, but we definitely are in front of one of the most important economic crisis of this 21st century.
Along with Aleix Valls, we will see how to prepare ourselves to cross this economic desert that we have to face during the next semesters.
We will revise the distinct aspects that, like advisers delegated of our companies or like investors in startups, we have to consider to be able to manage a long journey in situations economically turbulent and volatile.
We have to revise our strategy in short and middle term, to generate plans of contingency to be able to mitigate the potential falls in sales, to manage the assessment of our company in potential rounds of investment, as well as the retention of strategic talent.
To sum up, we have to subject all our hypotheses of business to a stress test, to understand which of them are still valid and which of them have to be deeply revised to understand which is the performance of our company in this new normality.
ONLINE PILLS 2: From unicorns to camels: getting ready for the journey of the “COVID-19 desert”