Sharing Session III – The ability of convincing with your story
Por Tech Barcelona
How many times we have tried to explain our projects and we have not been able to connect with our audience? Undoubtedly, we know in detail what we want to share but we do not succeed in achieving that the audience captures the essence of what we are explaining.
Any presentation is a story. It doesn’t matter if it’s in front of an investor, in a conference or for a group of colleagues. A good storytelling is what really captures the audience.
A good story generates impact, memories, affinity, connection and confidence. Knowing how is key.
In this workshop, we will take with us guidelines and advices to maximize our communication skills through stories. But also we will test our impact interacting with other attendees.
We will count on Cristina Masachs. Cristina has held different management positons in muiltinatioal companies during 20 years and now runs its own company.
Organized by #BcnTech4Women, a Barcelona Tech City project for gender equality in the tech and digital sectors in Barcelona.
Sharing Session III – The ability of convincing with your story