Mondragon Ventures





Startups Development (Accelerator, Incubator & Venture Builder)


Arrasate – Mondragón (Gipuzkoa)


AgritechEducation & EdtechFinance, Banking, Fintech & InsurtechIndustry Solutions


Centro Corporativo de MONDRAGON - Pl. Jose Mª Arizmendiarrieta nº 5 (20500 Mondragón – Gipuzkoa, ES)


MONDRAGON Ventures, through the MONDRAGON Business Promotion Center, has been boosting entrepreneurship, diversification, and the generation of new business activities for its entire corporate environment for more than 15 years. Our vision leads us to position ourselves in business models with future which will favor the competitiveness of our companies, businesses that will generate social impact within a framework of great human dimension. We develop the start-up of new projects from intra-entrepreneurial and inter-cooperation capacities, as well as from taking shareholding and alliances with recently established or already consolidated external companies.

We are part of MONDRAGON Corporation, a socio-economic business reality, deeply rooted in the Basque Country, created by people for people. It is committed to a sustainable society, competitive improvement and customer satisfaction to generate wealth and transform society through business development and job creation. MONDRAGON is a global benchmark for cooperation work with a responsible, democratic, competitive, and sustainable business approach.

4 areas: Area Industrial Multisectorial (automoción, bienes de equipo, componentes, equipamiento, construcción servicios empresariales), Area Finanzas, Area AgroAlimentaria, Area Conocimiento (Universidad, 5 Centros Tecnologicos y 7 Unidades de I+D Empresariales).

81 cooperatives that employ around 70,000 people.


Joseba Sagastigordia (Director)