Identify – Enjoy Culture









Advertising, Media & MarketingMobilityProductivity Tools & SaasTechTravel & Tourism




With Identify’s app and Identify’s Guest Experience App travellers and hospitality companies meet around culture.

Identify brings together the demand of travellers for tailor-made plans to do during their trip and the hotel staff’s need to provide information that fully satisfies their guests. Identify has created a solution that saves front-desk-staff time and delights guests by offering cultural information, local recommendations and branded itineraries.
For the user it is the new travel guide to discover more than 300,000 cultural hotspots around the world. And, for hospitality companies, Identify is the guest-experience-app to offer activities and personalised cultural content while increasing their sales and receiving guest behaviour data.


CEO - Elena Losantos
CTO - Esteve Dalmau
COO - Aleix Riba
CMO - Noelia Losantos
Resumen de privacidad
Tech Barcelona

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