







AI (Intelligence Artificial), Cloud




Education & EdtechTech


Plaza Ernest Lluch i Martin 5, 08019 Barcelona


We train talented individuals to become software engineers leading the industry. Through implementing a top-tier, immersive and mental health- focused program our objective is to change the current paradigm of education and shift it towards a more modular, agile and customised experience.

On one hand we work with B2C clients, talented people who want to change their career and become developers, engineers who want to improve their level and managers/ entrepreneurs who need the tech component to level up their career. Our alumni and mentees work at top tech companies all over the world.

On the other hand we work with B2B clients in order to boost tech teams and create ad-hoc programs to meet their hiring and training needs and stay on the forefront of the industry. We offer educational programs for onboarding, up-skilling and train-to-hire. We already work with organisations such as Typeform, Hotjar and Harvard Alumni.

In the long run through implementing immersive, hands-on, structured, and mental health-focused programs, our objective is to change the current education paradigm and shift it towards a more modular, agile, and customized experience.


Olga Shirokova - CEO
Arol Viñolas - CTO
Resumen de privacidad
Tech Barcelona

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