19 maig 2022 TB News Tech Barcelona TechUp Nights


Tech Barcelona celebra la primera edición de las Tech Up Nights junto a Ocado Technology

19 maig 2022 TB News Tech Barcelona TechUp Nights

Yesterday we celebrated the I Edition of Tech Up Nights, an initiative originally created together with Ocado Technology aiming to involve the leading tech companies in Barcelona.

We had the opportunity to listen to Anna Terés Sáez (Ocado Technology) and Gerard Martinez Talleda (Nestlé) to get inspired by their content and learn from their challenges, mistakes and best practices.


First, Anna Terés, Team Leader at Ocado Technology, walked us through the benefits of voice technology for ecommerce and its main use cases, the basics of Alexa, and how Ocado Skill handles short conversations to help users add items to their shopping baskets, hands-free.

Second, Gerard Martinez, Chatbots Technical Product Owner at Nestlé, presented #Nespresso Voice Assistant Pilot Case recently launched in Netherlands. He showed from how the project was born to the main learnings, insights and considerations when facing voice technologies.

Thank you all for coming!

Next edition will be announced soon. Stay tuned!