18 maig 2023 TechUp Nights


Tech Up Nights Vol. 7 | MediaMarktSaturn & Ocado Technology

18 maig 2023 TechUp Nights

That’s a wrap. The 7th edition of the Tech Up Nights, Tech Barcelona’s event made by and for the tech community, featured captivating presentations from industry giants MediaMarktSaturn and Ocado Technology, and gathered an audience with great interest and curiosity.

Let’s sum up some key highlights and learnings from the sessions:


Gintė Skersytė – Product Manager at Ocado Technology

In her session “Shift to outcome-based product development: why it matters”, Ocado Technology’s Product Manager walked us through one of the latest product development methodologies. As product management professionals, it’s easy to get caught in output and deadlines that leave little time to focus on the problems that really matter for the business and the customers. Gintė showed us a way to shift our mindset and commit to delivering real value to our customers: the outcome-based development mindset. By prioritising measurable outcomes over outputs, we are empowered to think more creatively and strategically about our products. After discussing her team’s approach to outcome-based product development, exploring its value, and offering practical tips for success, Gintė answered many interesting questions from the audience, such as: how often should you revisit the outcomes you have on your roadmap; for how long shall you run experiments to have a better understanding if it works or it should be stopped; in what cases the traditional output based roadmap would still be the one to go; how to apply outcome-based development when you are building the product from scratch, and what’s the best way to measure the impact.


Dieter Berwald – Competency Lead “Analytics Services” at MediaMarktSaturn

MediaMarktSaturn, the biggest consumer electronics retailer, has been utilizing the cloud for big data analytics since 2018. As a result, its data lake has grown exponentially, and already stores 6 Peta-Byte on Google BigQuery, with more than 8 millions queries executed on average per month. Dieter Berwald shared some lessons on how to build a proper Peta-Byte scale Analytics Platform with the focus on meta data management and data governance:

  • Building a data swimming pool is a journey. Together with enterprise architecture, they are driving a data life cicle process.
  • The right tools are needed. MediaMarktSaturn uses DataHub as Data Catalog tooling.
  • Central Responsibility and Change Management. The central platform needs to provide services (e.g. Data Integration), but also central infrastructure (from data lake to cloud data warehouse).
  • Setting and providing standards. Blueprints and Guidelines increase interoperability between data domains, but allowing data driven domains to innovate can help the organization.
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