19 gener 2023 TechUp Nights


Tech Up Nights Vol. 5 | HP & Ocado Technology

19 gener 2023 TechUp Nights

The 5th edition of the Tech Up Nights was, once again, a complete success. A top tech community gathered at Payment Innovation Hub instead of our beloved rooftop not to blew away with the wind.

We discovered leading tech projects being developed in the city and to share best practices and challenges in an open dialogue. Tech Up Nights is an initiative of tech talks originally created together with Ocado Technology. Here you have a recap of the speeches:

In this presentation, Stefana Fratean, Software Engineer at Ocado Technology and Eduard Capell, her Engineering Team Lead, took the audience on the fascinating journey of investigating the root cause of incidents and uncovering the lessons learnt. The talk followed the steps that Cado, an avocado-shaped fictional character, needs to follow during a postmortem. Stefana and Eduard walked us through the stages of a postmortem process: from the analysis of what happened, checking what went well, the alerting, all the way to finding the root causes and then sharing the learnings. In this interactive session, the audience and the speakers went on to explore how a postmortem process is initiated and the difference between genuine mistakes and malicious intents.

As a serial innovator on an ambitious mission to change the way the world shops, Ocado Technology embraces failures as opportunities to learn fast. This way of working entails instilling a no blame culture, which is at the core of postmortems.


Are you curious about the trends & opportunities AI algorithms are bringing to our society?  Have you found yourself recently in a discussion about how good or bad chatGPT will impact many professionals jobs?

Over the course of his presentation, César Pérez Aznar offered the audience an overview of HP Data Science business positioning in Edge AI segment which tries to bring computational power much close to the place where data is actually being generated. After a massive adoption of cloud computing past year in many environments the need to feed AI algorithms with massive volumes of data is changing the way companies design their data flows so as to ensure AI algorithms are not only making them more competitive but also more profitable.

César Pérez also opened a reflection about AI algorithms fairness of usage with the mentality to replace human job contribution, carbon footprint impact of AI algorithms and the creation of new regulatory frameworks that try to ensure AI algorithms operate with full respect to basic human rights like gender equality, absence of racial biases and universal accessibility to all layers of our society.

We learned a lot and, of course, we had so much fun talking and having a drink!


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