20 març 2024 TechUp Nights


Tech Up Nights Vol.11 | HP & Nestlé

20 març 2024 TechUp Nights

More than 130 tech lovers found out how HP and Nestlé are keeping a whole army of printers and coffee machines connected through IoT. And then just kept the good vibes rolling and networked over pizzas & beers at the event’s 11 edition, organised together with Ocado Technology. Here’s a quick recap:


Albert Such, Digital Ecosystem & Solutions Architect at HP & Roque Bonilla, Domain Chief Engineer at HP

HP has over 270,000 printers connected for telemetry and more than 32,000 printers connected for operational data and control…”IoT at Large”. Albert Such and Roque Bonilla discussed various use cases such as business analytics, service support, and device monitoring, emphasising the importance of quality of service considerations. They also addressed the management of data volume and storage requirements across diverse devices and architectures, alongside security measures to protect data integrity and privacy. Furthermore, they highlighted the evolution of connectivity from basic unidirectional to bidirectional communication, with advancements in latency and bandwidth for improved performance.


Francisco Javier Cabello, Global IoT Product Manager at Nestlé

Nestlé is also creating new business models and data insights from connected coffee machines. Why is this international corporation investing so much in IoT then? To enable differentiation and engagement, to create value for consumers, and to improve efficiency and to support product evolution through data-driven insights.

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