Organizamos con WA4STEAM (Women Angel for Steam) el Impact Women Pitch Competition. Pitch de empresas con impacto lideradas por mujeres en busca de inversión privada.
Esta jornada consta de dos partes. Esta indicada de la tarde, y la de la mañana, que clicando aquí encontrarás su información y también podrás inscribirte.
Women Angels for Steam es una de las entidades que pertenecen al Espacio Lidera.
Espai LIDERA se dirige a las entidades de mujeres de Barcelona que promueven el desarrollo professional o empresarial de las mujeres. Si quieres sumarte a la red de Entidades LIDERA, contacta con nosotras!
16:05 – 16:10 Presentación de la Impact Women Pitch Competition.
- A cargo de Blanca Ochoa, Cofundadora de Women Angels for STEAM.
16:10 – 17:10 Competencia de Pitch organizada por WA4STEAM
Empresas que presentarán
- Conxi Pérez, CEO y cofundadora de Rolldbox Games.
- Inés Lecuona, CEO y fundadora de Kayzen.
- Georgina Viaplana y Nuria Moreno, Co-CEOs y Cofundadoras de Lawwwing.
- Verónica Montesinos, CEO y cofundadora de Dana by A Thousand Colibri.
- Isabel Giménez, COO en Fairside Ventures y asociada de WA4STEAM.
- Olga Valls, mentora y asesora y Cofundadora de WA4STEAM.
17:30 – 17:40 Clausura e introducción al espacio de networking.
17:40-18:00 Espacio de networking.
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Presenta la teva startup abans del 9 d’octubre
Vols impulsar la teva startup? Busques nous inversors? Empreses com Nixi for Children, Bitmetrics, VEnvirotech, HumanITcare, Red Points, Pangea Aerospce o Admit Therapeutics ja saben què és participar al ‘pitch’ més gran de Catalunya. I a tu, t’hi volem veure!
Si ets una startup innovadora, ambiciosa i amb un potencial de creixement elevat, presenta la teva candidatura a la Catalan Pitch Competition, una de les activitats de l’ACCIÓ Startup Forum i que ja s’ha celebrat en 27 edicions!
Les 24 startups finalistes tindran l’oportunitat de presentar el seu projecte en una competició de ‘pitches’ davant del públic assistent al Tech Spirit Barcelona, els propers 12 i 13 de desembre.
Aprofita l’oportunitat de créixer, fer networking i d’accedir a àngels inversors o fons de capital risc. Presenta la teva startup a la Catalan Pitch Competition i participa al pitch més gran de Catalunya.
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Call for startups | Boehringer Ingelheim-Richi Foundation (Deadline: October 25th)
Por Boehringer Ingelheim
Generalized Pustular Psoriasis (GPP) is a rare and potentially life-threatening skin disease characterized by sudden painful flares of pus-filled blisters on large areas of the body. It may be accompanied by general symptoms such as fever, headache, extreme tiredness, or a burning sensation on the skin. GPP can sometimes be mistaken for plaque psoriasis, as 60%
of GPP patients have plaque psoriasis as a concomitant illness, but they are separate diseases.
GPP is not just a skin disease. Patients often experience the ongoing impact of GPP in their daily lives, even when they do not suffer from active flares. This can disrupt socialization and interactions with loved ones, leading to feelings of anxiety and depression. Additionally, GPP may have an effect on personal relationships.
Diagnosing GPP can be challenging as it can be mistaken for other pustular cutaneous diseases. Dermatologists play a crucial role in the diagnosis process, relying on their clinical experience to identify and differentiate the pustules. Unfortunately, there is currently no specific tool available to assist healthcare professionals (HCPs) in making diagnostic decisions for GPP.
Boehringer Ingelheim is dedicated to supporting individuals affected by rare cutaneous diseases and working towards improving their quality of life and accurate diagnosis.
Boehringer Ingelheim (BI) aims to find a digital solution which accelerates and facilitates GPP diagnosis based on pustules identification, GPP patient finding and distinction vs. plaque psoriasis and other pustular diseases.
In line with this commitment, Boehringer Ingelheim is actively pursuing a proof of concept for a digital solution that accelerates diagnosis of a cutaneous disease through an image-based solution. The goal is to provide healthcare professionals with a valuable tool to enhance the diagnostic process and improve patient outcomes.
Through a partnership with the Richi Foundation (Richi Entrepreneurs), Boehringer Ingelheim has initiated a call to identify, select, train, and mentor a startup. This program offers a two-week immersion program in Boston and a six-month mentorship opportunity.
The program is structured into three distinct phases to ensure comprehensive support and development for the selected startup:
Phase 1: Contest
The opening starts September 25th
The deadline for submitting applications is October 25 th, 2023.
Phase 2: Finalists selection
The jury for this initiative is composed of a dermatologist, the head of digital ideation and scouting in the Boehringer Ingelheim X digital Lab (part of Boehringer Ingelheim company), the senior international digital manager Boehringer Ingelheim Inflammation, the Specialty Care Franchise Head at Boehringer Ingelheim Spain, three business angels from the Boston Start Up ecosystem, and the vice-president of the Richi Foundation.
Eligibility Jury Criteria
25 points: Scientific or technological evidence of their technical approach.
15 points: Addressing a relevant global unmet need, significant market need, and industry interest.
10 points: Clearly defined intellectual property strategy with likelihood of obtaining a strong patent position.
25 points: Potential for financial return and global growth and scalability.
25 points: Entrepreneurial team's skills, passion, and impact on improving patients’ lives.
Phase 3: Final Competition
The finalists selected will have the opportunity to present their solution proposal to the jury during a virtual meeting scheduled for November the 2nd.
The winner of the initiative will be announced during this event.
The award if you are the winning start up:
The awarded startup will have the opportunity to embark on an exciting adventure to Boston on November 26th, where they will participate in the Richi Foundation acceleration program. This program entails a two-week immersive experience within the thriving Boston startup ecosystem.
The selected startup will have the opportunity to engage in online sessions with experts from the Boston life sciences ecosystem, as well as the BI and Richi Entrepreneur (RE) teams. These sessions will involve the following activities:
1. Startup Deep Presentation: During this 1.5-hour session, the startup will deliver an extended pitch, followed by feedback from the experts.
2. Specific Immersion Program Preparation Sessions: Prior to traveling to Boston for the Richi Entrepreneurs Boston Immersion Program, the startup will have dedicated 1.5- hour preparation sessions with each expert.
Additionally, the Richi Foundation will provide mentorship to the winner through a 6-month program.
Are you ready to embark on this exciting journey together?
Apply to Boehringer Ingelheim Call for Startups | F6S . Don’t miss the chance.
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El Fòrum d’Inversió Healthcare Barcelona és un punt de trobada entre emprenedors i inversors del sector sanitari. Es poden presentar tota mena d’empreses amb projectes de Biotecnologia, Dispositius Mèdics, Serveis sanitaris i Salut Digital. El Fòrum d’Inversió Healthcare Barcelona s’ha posicionat com a referent en l’ecosistema biomèdic català, tot promovent la innovació i l’emprenedoria entre el col·lectiu amb l’objectiu d’apropar emprenedors i inversors del sector sanitari.
A més a més, a partir d’aquesta edició, comptem amb el patrocini d’Alira Health, qui donarà assessorament gratuït de regulatòria i accés a mercat a les empreses finalistes. Alira Health a Barcelona compta amb un equip de més de 100 experts compromesos en promoure i accelerar l’accés a mercat de projectes innovadors de l’ecosistema sanitari. Amb aquesta col·laboració doncs, es pretén fomentar encara més l’emprenedoria dins del sector biomèdic i ajudar les startups a tenir una millor estratègia de sortida al mercat.
Coorganitzen: Col·legi de Metges de Barcelona, Barcelona Activa – Ajuntament de Barcelona, ESADE-BAN i Biocat
Adreçat a:
- Emprenedors amb projectes de: Biotecnologia, Dispositius Mèdics, Serveis sanitaris i Salut Digital relacionades amb la salut
- Inversors
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Poden presentar-s’hi startups espanyoles constituïdes a España des de gener de 2022 i que pertanyen als sectors:
- Indústria 4.0
- Ciutat intel·ligent
- Energia sostenible
- Economia circular
- Alta tecnologia
- Altres sectors (que es trobin dins dels ODS de les Nacions Unides)
Premiarem a la millor startup amb 15.000 € en efectiu.
Data límit per presentar-se: 29 de setembre 2023.
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El BxCat Alimentació és una jornada dedicada a l’aplicació de la tecnologia blockchain en el sector agroalimentari.
Durant el matí del 4 d’octubre, destacats professionals del sector agroalimentari, empreses emergents innovadores i experts en tecnologia es reuniran per a debatre els beneficis, les oportunitats i els desafiaments que la tecnologia blockchain ofereix en aquest àmbit.
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WOMEN IN TECH: Thriving through challenges and embracing opportunities
WomenTech Network’s mission is to empower communities of talented and motivated women in tech through leadership development, professional growth, mentorship, and networking events to make a difference building impactful and inclusive products and technology services.
Join us for a networking evening in vibrant Barcelona with an insightful panel discussion featuring industry experts in the tech field. Our esteemed panelists will openly share their personal experiences, shedding light on what it means to be a woman in the tech industry. From the unique challenges they’ve faced to the exciting opportunities they’ve seized, you’ll gain invaluable insights and inspiration.
This event, hosted by Ocado Technology, is not only an opportunity to learn from these tech trailblazers but also a chance to connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for technology.
- 6.00pm – Registration and networking
- 6.30pm – Welcome from WomenTech Network and Ocado Technology
- 6.45pm – Panel Discussion
- 7.30pm – Networking
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The 3rd edition of the FutureTravel Summit will bring together over 400 attendees from all over the world, including travel innovators, service providers, startups, investors and corporate leaders.
Taking place in Barcelona, a city brought to life by travel and tourism, the FutureTravel Summit is the premier place to be for a global discussion about what is next for travel and discover the latest trends, innovations and startups shaping the industry.
October 27th, 10am – 6pm
La Antigua Fábrica Estrella Damm (515 Carrer del Rosselló 08025 Barcelona, Spain)
Aaand… the community of Tech Barcelona can get the tickets with a discount!
Use the promo code TECHBCN20 will give you a 20% off for tickets that get purchased until October 10 (deadline!).
Check the agenda, location, and get your ticket here.
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For this #Startup Talks we gathered an amazing crew of experts in B2B from different startups to discuss the challenges, strategies, tactics, and best practices to rock your sales at every B2B Business. Participants of the panel:
- Giuseppe Razzani, Italian Country Manager at Amenitiz
- Toby Lyons, CEO at GroundControl
- Giovanni Bernardi, Head of Sales at BizAway
- Elisabet Girvent, Head of Sales at Revolut
- It will be moderated by Lorenzo Tiberi, CEO & Co-founder from Crono
After the panel we’ll enjoy some time for networking at the amazing rooftop terrace at Aticco Bogatell.
This event is organized by Aticco with the collaboration of Crono, the game-changing sales engagement platform that combines AI technology, multichannel outreach capabilities, and streamlined pipeline management to supercharge sales teams. Thanks you also to our partner San Miguel, for the beers!
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El próximo 26 a 28 de Septiembre, Stellar Development Foundation organiza su evento anual en Madrid.
Stellar es una de las Top 15 redes blockchain más importantes, y trabajan con bancos y gobiernos de todo el mundo.
Este evento es uno de los más exclusivos del espacio crypto, con tan solo 400 invitados en todo el mundo, entre ellos, directivos, emprendedores, desarrolladores e incluso Idris Elba, actor de Hollywood.
La agenda del evento está llena de sorpresas y conversaciones fascinantes, y estamos seguros de que el Meridian no dejará indiferente a nadie.
Si quieres asistir, Vottun te invita a vivir una de las experiencias Web3 más exclusivas. No te lo pierdas y apúntate gratis ya.