📣 Calling all startups! 📣
Want to take your startup from ideation to scale building #GenAI apps?
Join us on July 23rd for an interactive session where MongoDB and AWS local experts will teach you how to implement #RAG using MongoDB Atlas and Amazon Bedrock, and answer your questions live. You will also have the opportunity to learn about MongoDB for Startups and AWS Activate, and win extra Atlas credits to grow your business.
You don’t want to miss this, RSVP now: https://events.mongodb.com/israelstartupvirtualmeetup
Eventos relacionados
Descubre cómo potenciar la conversión de los usuarios con el apoyo de las ayudas Kit Consulting
Por Artefacto

Os invitamos a nuestra próxima charla “Descubre cómo potenciar la conversión de los usuarios con el respaldo de la ayuda Kit Consulting” en modalidad online.
¿Qué aprenderás?
- Importancia de los datos en UX: hablaremos sobre la importancia de combinar datos cuantitativos y cualitativos para dimensionar y crear un sistema de mejora continua.
- Metodología e impacto: descubrirás cómo la metodología CRO puede generar un impacto positivo en tu empresa.
- Casos de uso: presentaremos ejemplos prácticos que demuestran demuestran el impacto positivo de CRO en diversas industrias.
- Kit Consulting: descubrirás cómo estas estrategias pueden integrarse en el programa de ayudas Kit Consulting para impulsar tu transformación digital.
🗓️ Fecha: Viernes, 10 de julio
🕤 Hora: 9:30 – 11:30
📍 Lugar: Online
Confirma tu asistencia en el siguiente enlace: https://www.artefacto-studio.com/descubre-como-potenciar-la-conversion-de-los-usuarios-con-el-respaldo-de-la-ayuda-kit-consulting
Ponente: Carme Rota, Head of Experience Design, nos guiará en esta jornada y compartirá insights sobre cómo la metodología CRO puede transformar la interacción con los usuarios y aumentar las conversiones.
Descubre cómo potenciar la conversión de los usuarios con el apoyo de las ayudas Kit Consulting
Eventos relacionados
Impact Summer Conference 2024: Impacte i inclusió / Pride (19-21 juliol)
Por JCI y Somhi

Et convidem a celebrar un cap de setmana complet d’inclusió, bon rotllo i impacte a Barcelona.
Si us plau, omple aquest formulari per registrar-se. Podràs accedir a l’esdeveniment i participar en moltes més sorpreses…
19 juliol
- 16:30h – 22h | Xerrades d’impacte i inclusió
20 juliol
- 10h – 11h | Experiencia Immersiva de l’us de la IA
- 11h – 14:30h | Tallers d’impacte Do It Yourself
- 16h – 20h | Carrossa Gay Prode Barcelona
21 juliol
- 12h – 18h | Volei i tardeo A la platja
Eventos relacionados
TB x TIC Salut Social: Atenció Integrada Social i Sanitaria
Por Tech Barcelona & TIC Salut i Social

Tech Barcelona i TIC Salut Social organitzen els ‘Esmorzars Innovadors en Salut’, unes sessions informatives i networking connectant innovació i salut. Una trobada àgil on el teixit industrial i l’emprenedoria tecnològica podrà conèixer les necessitats del sistema de salut públic a través de l’exposició dinàmica de línies de treball, projectes d’avantguarda i casos d’èxit transformadors.
El proper dijous 26 de setembre, tindrà lloc la segona sessió d’aquesta sèrie, a l’auditori del Pier01, sota el títol: ‘Atenció Integrada Social i Sanitari’.
Aquesta és l’agenda del contingut:
- 09:00 – Obertura portes
- 09:15 – Benvinguda
- 09:20 – L’Agència d’Atenció Integrada Social i Sanitària
Joan Carles Contel, Responsable Programa Prevenció i Atenció a la Cronicitat (PPAC) i Pla Atenció. Departament de Salut. - 10:00 – La Fundació TIC Salut Social i l’Atenció integrada
Fernando Leeson, Director Transformació Digital Àmbit Social, Fundació TIC Salut Social. - 10:40 – Q&A
- 11:00 – Fi de la sessió
Eventos relacionados
Startup/ Investor Open Coffee. Let’s talk Startup’s, Growth and Investing!
Por SIA - Startup Investor Accelerator

Building startups successfully requires getting a lot of elements right! ”Startup/Investor Open Coffee” event series is the space and opportunity to address the most important elements, structures, and key pointers to building a startup successfully.
Come, join our buzzing community of entrepreneurs, investors, mentors, and advisors! Each of our sessions follows a free structure, and every time we tailor the conversations based on the needs of the attendees.
Usually, every attendee introduces themselves, shares the challenges they face, speaks about their startup’s needs, and everyone exchanges experiences, contacts, and learnings, creating new solutions.
This is a community of like-minded entrepreneurs, who believe in helping each other succeed, and use this network as a mutual support and growth system.
Warning: Meaningful conversations about startup life is a common theme discussed here 😉
We usually also have investors and mentors in the events. So you may have a chance to connect with your future partners.
Join the Open Coffee telegram Group here: https://t.me/+xWg5Okqb8gdjNjZk
About the organizer: SIA – Startup Investor Accelerator.Startup Investor Accelerator is a program for both startups and investors. For startups, it is an investment competition, where early-stage scalable startups receive an investment of 100-200K.For investors, SIA is a “Learning-by-doing” program, where participating new and experienced investors exercise and learn the ropes of Angel investing.
If you are a start-up seeking funding, you may want to apply for the next investment program starting in September. 25-40 business angels will be reviewing your application, and they will invite you to do your first pitch on September 26.
If you are a new or aspiring angel investor, you can learn more about our hands-on business angel program, which provides a genuine Angel investing experience, helps develop personal methodology and investment thesis, build confidence in decision-making, and navigate every step of startup investing. The next program starts on September 19. You can register your interest here.
Eventos relacionados

“Angels and Beers” is a casual networking event that brings together angel investors from different sectors to connect and discuss investment opportunities.
The event is designed to be a relaxed atmosphere where attendees can mingle and network over beers and light bites. It’s an excellent opportunity to meet other angel investors, exchange ideas, and create new partnerships.
At “Angels and Beers” participants can expect to engage in a lively conversation about investment trends and opportunities. The event provides a platform for investors to share their experiences and learn from each other.
Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with influential investors in the industry, as well as meet new ones. Join us at “Angels and Beers” for an evening of great conversation, networking, and fun.
About the organizer: SIA – Startup Investor Accelerator.
Startup Investor Accelerator is a program for both startups and investors. For startups, it is an investment competition, where early-stage scalable startups receive an investment of 100-200K.
For investors, SIA is a “Learning-by-doing” program, where participating new and experienced investors exercise and learn the ropes of Angel investing.
How to find us: Outside right corner of the terrace
Eventos relacionados
Startup/ Investor Open Coffee. Let’s talk Startup’s, Growth and Investing!
Por SIA - Startup Investor Accelerator

Building startups successfully requires getting a lot of elements right! ”Startup/Investor Open Coffee” event series is the space and opportunity to address the most important elements, structures, and key pointers to building a startup successfully.
Come, join our buzzing community of entrepreneurs, investors, mentors, and advisors! Each of our sessions follows a free structure, and every time we tailor the conversations based on the needs of the attendees.
Usually, every attendee introduces themselves, shares the challenges they face, speaks about their startup’s needs, and everyone exchanges experiences, contacts, and learnings, creating new solutions.
This is a community of like-minded entrepreneurs, who believe in helping each other succeed, and use this network as a mutual support and growth system.
Warning: Meaningful conversations about startup life is a common theme discussed here 😉
We usually also have investors and mentors in the events. So you may have a chance to connect with your future partners.
Join the Open Coffee telegram Group here: https://t.me/+xWg5Okqb8gdjNjZk
About the organizer: SIA – Startup Investor Accelerator.Startup Investor Accelerator is a program for both startups and investors. For startups, it is an investment competition, where early-stage scalable startups receive an investment of 100-200K.For investors, SIA is a “Learning-by-doing” program, where participating new and experienced investors exercise and learn the ropes of Angel investing.
If you are a start-up seeking funding, you may want to apply for the next investment program starting in September. 25-40 business angels will be reviewing your application, and they will invite you to do your first pitch on September 26.
If you are a new or aspiring angel investor, you can learn more about our hands-on business angel program, which provides a genuine Angel investing experience, helps develop personal methodology and investment thesis, build confidence in decision-making, and navigate every step of startup investing. The next program starts on September 19. You can register your interest here.
Eventos relacionados

“Angels and Beers” is a casual networking event that brings together angel investors from different sectors to connect and discuss investment opportunities.
The event is designed to be a relaxed atmosphere where attendees can mingle and network over beers and light bites. It’s an excellent opportunity to meet other angel investors, exchange ideas, and create new partnerships.
At “Angels and Beers,” participants can expect to engage in a lively conversation about investment trends and opportunities. The event provides a platform for investors to share their experiences and learn from each other.
Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with influential investors in the industry, as well as meet new ones. Join us at “Angels and Beers” for an evening of great conversation, networking, and fun.
About the organizer: SIA – Startup Investor Accelerator.
Startup Investor Accelerator is a program for both startups and investors. For startups, it is an investment competition, where early-stage scalable startups receive an investment of 100-200K.
For investors, SIA is a “Learning-by-doing” program, where participating new and experienced investors exercise and learn the ropes of Angel investing.
How to find us: Outside right corner of the terrace
Eventos relacionados

- Evaluaremos la oportunidad que presenta cada IA
- Te recomendaremos herramientas de IA para diferentes áreas de marketing digital: Tendremos rápidas demostraciones donde especialistas digitales nos mostrarán cómo las IAs están siendo usadas en UX, UI, SEO, SEM y estrategia.
- Aprende de expertos en el campo del marketing digital y la inteligencia artificial.
- Conoce nuevas herramientas y técnicas que pueden acelerar tus procesos de marketing.
- Observa aplicaciones prácticas y casos de uso reales que pueden inspirar tus propias estrategias.
Regístrate ahora completando el siguiente formulario a través del siguiente enlace: https://streamyard.com/watch/wPiawufaK9Vc
Eventos relacionados
Jornada LIDERA – WA4STEAM | Com finançar la meva startup. Alternatives de finançament públic i privat
Por Barcelona Activa & Women Angels for STEAM

Participa en la jornada LIDERA “Com finançar la meva startup. Alternatives de finançament públic i privat” el 2 de juliol a les 16:45h al Centre per a la Iniciativa Emprenedora Glòries (c/ Llacuna, 162) organitzada per Women Angels for STEAM i Barcelona Activa.
Una de les principals dificultats a què s’enfronten les persones emprenedores és la cerca de finançament. Tot i els desafiaments que això comporta, en la jornada tractarem sobre diverses fonts de finançament tant públiques com privades disponibles per a aquelles persones que busquen impulsar els seus projectes empresarials.
- 16.45 Registre
- 17.00 Benvinguda a càrrec de Barcelona Activa
- 17:05 Introducció de l’esdeveniment a càrrec de Blanca Ochoa, presidenta de WA4STEAM
- 17.10 Presentació del Programa Women Tech EU – Marta Huidobro de WA4STEAM
- 17.35 Alternatives de finançament públic – Anna Casòliva, head of funding de Intelectium
- 18.05 Què és el Tax Lease? – Rosa Planelles, directora de projectes de R+D+i de Kaudal
- 18.35 Taula rodona sobre experiències de finançament amb diverses startups:
- Elisabet del Valle, d’Onalabs
- Mónica de Mier, de NEXTMOL
- Laura Viviana, de Imhoit
- Anna Casòliva, d’Intelectium
- Rosa Planelles, de Kaudal
- 19:30 Preguntes del públic
- 20.00 Fi de l’acte
T’hi esperem!
Jornada LIDERA – WA4STEAM | Com finançar la meva startup. Alternatives de finançament públic i privat