How to manage your portfolio

Por SIA - Startup Investor Accelerator

18:30 / 21:00
Actividad Pública

Event: How to Manage Your Portfolio When It Comes to Angel Investing

Effective portfolio management is crucial for angel investors seeking to maximize returns and minimize risks. Join us for an insightful session on best practices and strategies for managing your angel investment portfolio hosted by Nuclio. Learn from experienced investors on how to navigate the complexities of startup investments and ensure a balanced, diversified portfolio.

What to expect on the night:

  • Understanding Portfolio Management: Fundamentals & Objectives
  • Diversification Strategies
  • Risk Management
  • Due Diligence
  • Active vs. Passive Management
  • Monitoring and Reviewing Your Portfolio
  • Exit Strategies
  • Leveraging Tools and ResourcesSpeaker – Ernest Sanchez Co-Founder & Managing Partner at Nuclio.
    Ernest is a seasoned Entrepreneur, Investor and Venture Capital Fund Manager.

    Compere – Astghik Zakharyan, Europe Manager of SIA – Startup Investor Accelerator, will be leading this session. Astghik brings extensive experience in economic development and has been instrumental in building local angel investor networks worldwide. Through SIA’s hands-on learning cohorts, she has helped numerous professionals transition into successful startup investors.

    About SIA – Startup Investor Accelerator: SIA is an economic development initiative dedicated to empowering local angel investors across the globe. The program offers practical, cohort-based learning experiences that guide professionals through the intricacies of startup investing, equipping them with the skills and knowledge needed to make impactful investments.

    Why Attend?

  • In-depth Knowledge: Gain a thorough understanding of effective portfolio management strategies for angel investing.
  • Actionable Insights: Walk away with practical tips and strategies to enhance your investment approach.
  • Networking: Connect with other investors and industry professionals, expanding your network and opportunities.

Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your portfolio management skills and ensure your angel investments are positioned for success. Register now to secure your spot!


How to manage your portfolio

18:30 / 21:00
Actividad Pública


Startup Exit Strategies: How to plan your cash out

Por SIA - Startup Investor Accelerator

18:30 / 21:00
Actividad Pública

Startup Exit Strategies: How to plan your cash out

Exiting a startup is a critical phase for both founders and investors, offering the potential for significant financial returns. Join us for an informative session on startup exit strategies and learn how to effectively plan your cash out. This talk will cover the various exit options available, the planning and execution process, and key considerations for maximizing your returns.

What to expect:

  • Understanding Exit Strategies
  • Planning Your Exit
  • Preparing for Exit
  • Executing the Exit
  • Post-Exit Considerations
  • Expert Insights
  • Interactive Q&A SessionSpeaker – Erwin de Grave, M&A Investor, Business Mentor & Vice-President @ Dyntra ivzw. Erwin is an expert on all things EXIT! Partnering with Business Owners to help them grow, scale, and exit their Business.Compere – Astghik Zakharyan, Europe Manager of SIA – Startup Investor Accelerator, will be leading this session. Astghik brings extensive experience in economic development and has been instrumental in building local angel investor networks worldwide. Through SIA’s hands-on learning cohorts, she has helped numerous professionals transition into successful startup investors.

    Hosted by SIA – Startup Investor Accelerator: SIA is an economic development initiative dedicated to empowering local angel investors across the globe. The program offers practical, cohort-based learning experiences that guide professionals through the intricacies of startup investing, equipping them with the skills and knowledge needed to make impactful investments.

Why Attend?

  • Comprehensive Understanding: Gain a thorough understanding of the different exit strategies available for startups.
  • Actionable Insights: Walk away with practical tips and strategies to plan and execute a successful exit.
  • Networking: Connect with other investors and industry professionals, expanding your network and opportunities.

Don’t miss this opportunity to master the art of exiting your investments and maximizing your returns. Register now to secure your spot!


Startup Exit Strategies: How to plan your cash out

18:30 / 21:00
Actividad Pública


Exponential Day 2024


Auditori AXA (Barcelona)
Actividad Pública

Crisi climàtica: la disrupció definitiva

Sequeres, inundacions, desglaç i calor extrema. La crisi climàtica és el repte més important per a la generació actual d’un planeta que se’ns desfà a les mans. És la disrupció definitiva que capgira la vida tal com sempre l’hem entès.

Malgrat que el més fàcil seria veure-ho tot negre, en aquesta nova edició de l’Exponential Day volem acostar-nos a l’impacte que té el canvi climàtic des d’una mirada d’esperança: la que poden aportar per combatre’l les solucions fruit de la innovació disruptiva que implementen les empreses.

Dins del compromís necessari per part de tothom, les empreses a través de la innovació disruptiva són el vent que amb més força pot fer amainar la tempesta. Ho constatarem de la mà de Harald Friedl, assessor del Programa de Desenvolupament de l’ONU (UNPD). Friedl ens parlarà dels beneficis d’adoptar pràctiques d’economia circular per reduir els residus, maximitzar l’eficiència dels recursos, accelerar la innovació i créixer de forma sostenible. A més, Iván Bofarull, director d’innovació d’ESADE, ens explicarà com pensar en gran per transformar models de negoci tot generant un impacte positiu pel planeta.

Durant la jornada també coneixerem en directe quatre iniciatives catalanes que contribueixen a la sostenibilitat del planeta. Com sempre, tancarem l’acte descobrint les empreses més disruptives del moment a Catalunya.

T’ho perdràs? Vine a combatre la disrupció definitiva!


Exponential Day 2024

Auditori AXA (Barcelona)
Actividad Pública


Startup/ Investor Open Coffee. Let’s talk Startup’s, Growth and Investing!

Por SIA - Startup Investor Accelerator

10:30 / 12:30
Actividad Pública

Building startups successfully requires getting a lot of elements right! ”Startup/Investor Open Coffee” event series is the space and opportunity to address the most important elements, structures, and key pointers to building a startup successfully.

Come, join our buzzing community of entrepreneurs, investors, mentors, and advisors! Each of our sessions follows a free structure, and every time we tailor the conversations based on the needs of the attendees.

Usually, every attendee introduces themselves, shares the challenges they face, speaks about their startup’s needs, and everyone exchanges experiences, contacts, and learnings, creating new solutions.

This is a community of like-minded entrepreneurs, who believe in helping each other succeed, and use this network as a mutual support and growth system.

Warning: Meaningful conversations about startup life is a common theme discussed here 😉

We usually also have investors and mentors in the events. So you may have a chance to connect with your future partners.

Join the Open Coffee telegram Group here: https://t.me/+xWg5Okqb8gdjNjZk

About the organizer: SIA – Startup Investor Accelerator.Startup Investor Accelerator is a program for both startups and investors. For startups, it is an investment competition, where early-stage scalable startups receive an investment of 100-200K.For investors, SIA is a “Learning-by-doing” program, where participating new and experienced investors exercise and learn the ropes of Angel investing.

If you are a start-up seeking funding, you may want to apply for the next investment program starting in September. 25-40 business angels will be reviewing your application, and they will invite you to do your first pitch on September 26.

If you are a new or aspiring angel investor, you can learn more about our hands-on business angel program, which provides a genuine Angel investing experience, helps develop personal methodology and investment thesis, build confidence in decision-making, and navigate every step of startup investing. The next program starts on September 19. You can register your interest here.

Startup/ Investor Open Coffee. Let’s talk Startup’s, Growth and Investing!

10:30 / 12:30
Actividad Pública


TechLabs (with UX/UI Clan) by TechFems

Por TechFems

Voxel Barcelona, Av. Diagonal, 67
11:30 / 00:00
Actividad Pública

Doors open at 11.30 hrs

  • Welcome, meet TechFems and our host Voxel
  • Round of introductions to get to know each other
  • UX/UI participants join the UX Clan with their coaches

The UX Clan is where experienced and aspiring designers meet and discuss their projects, ideas, tools and best practices. We get together during the TechLabs session that TechFems organises, at the same time and in the same space. Join us, ask for help on any topic from the experienced designers who will be your coach. Meet amazing women+, learn from each other, no matter what level you’re at, and have a lot of fun! Food and drinks are provided by our generous host.

Who can participate
This meeting is for women+ (inclusive of trans and non-binary) from all backgrounds. You are a student or learning by yourself, a graduate looking for a job in tech, or a professional working in tech. We use English during the meetings but many participants and coaches speak Spanish and other languages.
Please give your full name, email address and ID number in the field on the form when you register for this event.

=> If you want to code with a coach, join our TechLabs here

Read more about TechFems on our website and follow us on LinkedIn.
Have a look at the year calendar of our events.
Make sure you read our Code of Conduct .

TechLabs (with UX/UI Clan) by TechFems

11:30 / 00:00
Voxel Barcelona, Av. Diagonal, 67
Actividad Pública


Presentació de l’informe “Radiografia econòmica i bancària de la micro i petita empresa a Catalunya 2024”

Por Qonto

Seu de Qonto (Carrer de Pau Claris, 79, 08010, Barcelona)
10:00 / 11:00
Actividad Pública

En el marc del cinquè aniversari de la companyia a espanya, Qonto té el plaer de convidar-lo a la presentació de l’informe «radiografia econòmica i bancària de la micro i petita empresa a catalunya 2024»

El dijous 11 de juliol, Qonto, la solució financera líder a Europa per a pimes, emprenedors i autònoms inaugurarà oficialment la seva nova seu a Barcelona coincidint amb el cinquè aniversari de la seva arribada a Espanya.

Alexandre Prot, CEO i cofundador de Qonto, i Carles Marcos, director general de Qonto a Espanya, seran presents en una trobada on a més es presentarà davant els mitjans de comunicació l’Informe «Radiografia econòmica i bancària de la micro i petita empresa a Catalunya 2024». Un estudi que recopila les previsions d’inversió, finançament i evolució de la gestió bancària de les micro i petites empreses catalanes, així com la seva comparativa amb la resta d’Espanya.

L’acte comptarà també amb representació institucional de la mà de Liliana Arroyo Moliner, directora general de la Societat Digital de la Generalitat de Catalunya, i Jaume Baró, director executiu d’Empresa i Emprenedoria de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona.

Presentació de l’informe “Radiografia econòmica i bancària de la micro i petita empresa a Catalunya 2024”

10:00 / 11:00
Seu de Qonto (Carrer de Pau Claris, 79, 08010, Barcelona)
Actividad Pública


Director Financiero 4.0 | Elimina los procesos manuales y optimiza tu departamento

Por Dost y FeedBackGround

10:00 / 11:00
Actividad Pública

El panorama del liderazgo financiero ha experimentado profundas transformaciones en los últimos años. Los directores financieros (CFO) y sus controladores ya no están confinados a roles tradicionales de simples calculadores; ahora son reconocidos como analistas estratégicos y asesores dentro de sus organizaciones.

Sin embargo, la realidad a menudo es diferente. Hasta un 80% del tiempo de trabajo en control financiero todavía se dedica a la laboriosa extracción, procesamiento y distribución de datos solo para comenzar a analizarlos, dejando solo un 20% para el análisis estratégico y explicativo. Esta ineficiencia no solo socava la productividad, sino que también obstaculiza el desarrollo y la satisfacción de los empleados.

En el webinar aprenderás:

✔️ A cuestionar el status quo en España respecto a la automatización en el control financiero.

✔️ A dominar la transformación empresarial, pasando de una proporción de 80:20 a 20:80.

✔️ A convertir tu departamento en el proveedor de servicios internos más importante.

✔️ A adquirir prácticas recomendadas accionables para mantener una única y confiable fuente de datos.

Únete a nosotros mientras exploramos el futuro del liderazgo financiero, donde las perspectivas impulsadas por datos empoderan a los CFO y controladores para trazar el rumbo hacia el éxito organizacional.

Director Financiero 4.0 | Elimina los procesos manuales y optimiza tu departamento

10:00 / 11:00
Actividad Pública


Tech Barcelona’s Summer Party 2024

Por Tech Barcelona

Pier01 Terrace
20:00 / 00:00
Actividad Pública

Tech Barcelona’s Summer Party 2024 is coming!

On July 18th, we are celebrating the most longed-for event for our community of members and partners. We can’t wait to see you all at Pier01’s rooftoop.

*The attendance is exclusive for members and partners of Tech Barcelona. If you want more information about the membership, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Food, drinks, music, DJ, … and much more. Are you gonna miss it?

Tech Barcelona’s Summer Party 2024

20:00 / 00:00
Pier01 Terrace
Actividad Pública


How AI is re-shaping financial services

Por MongoDB

16:00 / 17:00
Actividad Pública

Are you maximizing the benefits of AI in fraud detection, settlement, and credit decisions?

Join this webinar to discover groundbreaking use cases that show AI as more than just an analytical tool. Discover how financial services organisations can fully grasp the potential of AI, in ways that re-shape payments.

  • Where is the financial services industry heading with the deployment of both generative and predictive AI models?
  • What can be achieved if the opportunities of AI were understood and what change is needed to drive organisations to realise them?
  • What are the specific use cases in which AI is transforming financial services?
  • How are organisations evolving the use of AI as more than just a smarter analytical tool?

Register for this Finextra webinar, hosted in association with MongoDB and Amazon Web Services (AWS), to join our panel of industry experts who will discuss the opportunities and use cases for AI in the world of payments.


  • Gary Wright – Head of Research, Finextra [Moderator]
  • Shiv Pullepu – Principal, Financial Services Industry Solutions, MongoDB
  • Ruben Falk – Generative AI Lead, Capital Markets & Financial Services, AWS


How AI is re-shaping financial services

16:00 / 17:00
Actividad Pública


Build Chatbots That Know Your Business with MongoDB and Cohere

Por MongoDB

18:00 / 19:00
Actividad Pública

Build generative AI-powered apps that understand your business and use your data to delight customers and empower employees!

Join our upcoming webinar with Cohere on Thursday, July 25th at 12pm ET to discover how MongoDB Atlas and Cohere’s enterprise-optimized models work together to make gen AI work for your business.

Reserve your spot today! mongodb.social/61104gmxon

Build Chatbots That Know Your Business with MongoDB and Cohere

18:00 / 19:00
Actividad Pública