SINSKE Music x HAND://poem Music Tech Concert

Por HAND://poem

Pier01 - Tech Barcelona (Pl. Pau Vila, 1, 08003 Barcelona)
19:00 / 21:00
Actividad Pública

Experience the fusion of tradition and technology at the SINSKE Marimba concert, featuring the unique digital glove instrument.

Enjoy the beautiful Mediterranean sea from an amazing Rooftop!

Discount code (20% off!): TEC

Supported by YAMAHA, handpoem, and Tech Barcelona, hosted at Pier01 Tech Barcelona.


Viu la fusió de tradició i tecnologia al concert de SINSKE Marimba, amb l’únic instrument digital de guants.

Gaudeix del meravellós terrat amb vistes al mar Mediterrani.

Codi de descompte (20% de descompte!): TEC

Amb el suport de YAMAHA, handpoem, i Tech Barcelona, ​​allotjat al Pier01 Tech Barcelona.


Experimente la fusión de tradición y tecnología en el concierto de SINSKE Marimba, con el exclusivo instrumento digital para guantes.

Disfruta de la espectacular terraza con vistas al mar Mediterráneo.

Código de descuento (20% de descuento): TEC

Con el apoyo de YAMAHA, handpoem y Tech Barcelona, ​​alojado en el Pier01 del Tech Barcelona.


Location: Pier01 Tech Barcelona (Pça. de Pau Vila, 1, Ciutat Vella, 08003 Barcelona)


SINSKE Music x HAND://poem Music Tech Concert

19:00 / 21:00
Pier01 - Tech Barcelona (Pl. Pau Vila, 1, 08003 Barcelona)
Actividad Pública


Presentació de la guia per a entorns controlats de proves

Por Bithabitat

Ca l’Alier (Pere IV, 362, Barcelona)
12:00 / 14:00
Actividad Pública

Aproximació als sandboxes urbans i altres casos d’èxit

La jornada servirà per donar a conèixer la guia “Sandbox: entender e implementar. Guía para  entornos controlados de pruebas”, creada per la Secretaria General d’Innovació del Ministeri de Ciència, Innovació i Universitats, així com les visions des de l’àmbit estatal, autonòmic, local i de l’ecosistema de la innovació sobre l’experimentació de solucions en entorns reals.

També s’aprofitarà l’ocasió per presentar l’aposta de Barcelona per la creació d’un marc regulador, a través de l’aprovació d’una ordenança municipal, per ordenar i simplificar els procediments i els tràmits d’autorització necessaris per dur a terme proves pilot a la ciutat en condicions de seguretat.


Pots veure més informació del programa aquí.

Presentació de la guia per a entorns controlats de proves

12:00 / 14:00
Ca l’Alier (Pere IV, 362, Barcelona)
Actividad Pública


DESAFÍA Nueva York (Ciberseguridad) – Programa de inmersión otoño 2024 (DL: 2 agosto)

Por ICEX Red.es

Solicitud: Online | Programa: NY (EEUU)
Actividad Pública

ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones, Red.es, Incibe y la Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Nueva York lanzan la convocatoria del DESAFÍA Nueva York en su primera edición de otoño 2024, un programa de inmersión y acompañamiento dirigido a pymes y startups tecnológicas españolas que deseen escalar su modelo de negocio globalmente.

  • Plazo de inscripción: 2 agosto
  • Programa de inmersión: septiembre – noviembre 2024

El programa busca cumplir un doble objetivo:

  • Introducir a los emprendedores en el ecosistema de ciberseguridad de Nueva York con el fin de adquirir la experiencia y conocimiento necesario para escalar su modelo de negocio con mayores garantías de éxito.
  • Facilitar el aterrizaje de las pymes y startups seleccionados en el mercado norteamericano.

El programa se divide en las siguientes fases:

  • Programa de Pre-Inmersión (11/09/2024). Las empresas seleccionadas participarán en un taller en Madrid, como antesala del programa virtual y posterior inmersión en Nueva York, donde se dará a conocer de manera detallada el contenido del programa en su conjunto. Durante esta primera toma de contacto, las empresas seleccionadas conocerán al equipo que les ayudará a preparar su participación en el programa, se presentarán los contenidos y sus diferentes fases, duración y nivel de compromiso, además de ofrecer un taller específico sobre el ecosistema de ciberseguridad en EE. UU.
  • Programa virtual (16/09/2024 – 4/10/2024). El programa virtual tendrá una duración total de 3 semanas. Durante esta periodo las empresas asistirán a sesiones grupales con mentores, así como sesiones individuales que se centrarán en estrategias go-to-market, narrativa y storytelling, estrategias de crecimiento …. Cada sesión será dirigida por mentores expertos en las temáticas específicas. Estas sesiones se alternarán con actividades grupales para fomentar el intercambio de experiencias y generar sinergias. Cada empresa contará con su propio mentor, que forman parte de la red de colaboradores del equipo responsable del programa en N.Y. (Alumni, expertos en ciberseguridad, miembros de corporaciones …).
  • Programa de Inmersión en Nueva York (28/10/2024-09/11/2024): Programa intensivo de dos semanas de duración, que ofrecerá diferentes talleres diarios combinado con tiempo libre para que cada empresa pueda desarrollar su agenda, que habrá trabajado durante el programa virtual, con la colaboración del equipo de N.Y. Las empresas también participarán en diferentes eventos de networking organizados por el equipo de Desafía en N.Y.
  • Programa de Post-Inmersión (09/11/2024-Mediados Enero 2025): 3 meses de mentorización posterior a la inmersión en N.Y. para ayudar a las empresas a catalizar el desarrollo e implementación de estrategias que les permitan acelerar su expansión al mercado estadounidense.

DESAFÍA Nueva York (Ciberseguridad) – Programa de inmersión otoño 2024 (DL: 2 agosto)

Solicitud: Online | Programa: NY (EEUU)
Actividad Pública


Santander X Spain Award | Startup & Scaleup 2024

Por Grupo Santander

Solicitud Online | Pitch final en Valencia
Actividad Pública

En Santander X España estamos buscando a las startups y scaleups más prometedoras. Nuestro objetivo, ayudarles en su crecimiento, ofreciéndoles visibilidad, exposición internacional y mentoría ofrecida por profesionales afines a su negocio.

Buscamos empresas constituidas legalmente en territorio español y que cumplan con al menos uno de estos requisitos:


  • Tener un volumen de facturación anual que no supere los trescientos mil euros (300.000€),
  • Tener un equipo formado por un mínimo de dos (2) empleados y un máximo de veinticinco (25) empleados con contrato a tiempo completo
  • Contar con un capital semilla de entre cien mil euros (100.000€) y un millón de euros (1.000.000€) levantado en rondas de inversión.


  • Tener un volumen de facturación anual que supere los trescientos mil euros (300.000€),
  • Tener un equipo formado por un mínimo de veinticinco (25) empleados con contrato a tiempo completo.
  • Contar con un capital semilla superior a un millón de euros (1.000.000€) levantado en rondas de inversión.

Participar es fácil, pero el proceso de selección es extremadamente competitivo. Solo las 10 mejores startups y scaleups serán seleccionados para pitchear en la final en el Valencia Digital Summit, ante un jurado compuesto por referentes del ecosistema emprendedor.

Click aquí para más información sobre los premios y detalles de la convocatoria/evento.

Santander X Spain Award | Startup & Scaleup 2024

Solicitud Online | Pitch final en Valencia
Actividad Pública


Scaling yourself to Scale your Business

Por IESE Business School

15:00 / 16:30
Actividad Pública

Don’t miss an exclusive conversation between Jerry Colonna, a renowned investor, entrepreneur, coach, and bestselling author of the transformative books “Reboot” and “Reunion,” and Sebastian Ross, the founder and Director of IESE’s School of Founders and Chairman Emeritus of Conscious Capitalism Spain.

About this webinar

Join us for this webinar, where we will discuss Founder CEOs’ challenges when transitioning their company from a startup to a scaleup. We will delve into three key areas:

  • Radical self-inquiry – Understanding why you do what you do
  • Leading the (irrational) other – Understanding why others do what they do
  • Developing emotional resilience – Surviving the roll coaster ride of building a business


About Jerry Colonna:

Jerry Colonna is the Senior Coach and co-founder of Reboot.io, a pioneering firm specializing in executive coaching and leadership development. Its focus is on founders of startups and scaleups. With a profound belief that better people make better leaders, Jerry has dedicated nearly two decades to leveraging his expertise as an investor, executive, and board member for over 100 organizations. His mission is to empower entrepreneurs and professionals to lead with authenticity, resilience, and balance. Before embarking on his coaching journey, Jerry honed his skills as a partner at JPMorgan Partners (JPMP), the private equity arm of JP Morgan Chase. Before that, he co-founded with Fred Wilson (Union Square Ventures) and led Flatiron Partners, a highly successful early-stage investment program based in New York City. Notably, Jerry’s leadership journey began at the age of 25 when he assumed the role of editor-in-chief at InformationWeek magazine. Currently residing in Boulder, Colorado, Jerry inspires individuals worldwide to embrace their potential and lead purposefully.

Jerry is a guest lecturer at IESE’s School of Founders, where he teaches Leadership in the Foundations of Scaling and Keep Scaling programs.

About Sebastian Ross:

Sebastian Ross is a respected thought leader and consultant in the fields of People, Culture, and Conscious Business. He began his career as a technology entrepreneur and later became a partner in a venture capital firm. In recent years, Sebastian has held leadership roles as CEO and in other C-level positions with several international scaleups. He is also the co-founder and Director of the School of Founders at IESE Business School. Sebastian collaborated with Verne Harnish, the author of the book “Scaling Up Compensation – Five Design Principles for Turning Your Largest Expense into a Strategic Advantage,” and contributed three chapters to the international bestseller “Scaling Up” by Verne Harnish (which has sold over 500,000 copies). Sebastian co-founded the Spanish chapter of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) and served as a board member for many years. He also co-founded the Spanish Conscious Capitalism chapter and currently serves as the President of the Spanish Conscious Capitalism Foundation. Sebastian holds a Ph.D. and an MBA from the University of Cologne, as well as a Master of International Business Administration from ESADE Business School in Barcelona. Additionally, he completed the Entrepreneurial Master Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and is an elected member of the Royal European Academy of Doctors.

 Who is this webinar for?

This webinar is ideal for Founder CEOs and C-level entrepreneurs who lead companies that have found their product-market fit and are ready for the next growth phase. They may be experiencing operational chaos, cultural dilution, or leadership challenges as they scale and are looking to develop a clearer strategic vision and a more substantial leadership presence.

Scaling yourself to Scale your Business

15:00 / 16:30
Actividad Pública


The A-Z of Angel Investing: An Investor’s Ask Me Anything

Por SIA - Startup Investor Accelerator

18:30 / 21:00
Actividad Pública

Event: The A-Z of Angel Investing: An Investor’s Ask Me Anything

Are you curious about angel investing but unsure where to begin? Join us for an in-depth session covering the A-Z of angel investing, where we’ll walk you through every step of the journey, from getting started to managing your investments successfully. This event is designed to provide comprehensive insights and answer all your questions about angel investing.

What we will cover:

  • Getting Started: Learn how to take the first steps into angel investing, including understanding the basic principles and what it takes to become an angel investor.
  • Step-by-Step Process: Discover the critical steps in the investment process, from sourcing deals and conducting due diligence to making investment decisions and managing your portfolio.
  • Key Questions to Ask: Equip yourself with the essential questions to ask startups before investing, ensuring you make informed and strategic decisions.
  • Industry Focus: Explore which industries are currently thriving and how to identify sectors that align with your interests and expertise.
  • Who Can Become an Angel Investor: Understand the qualifications, atributes and characteristics of a successful angel investor, and see if you fit the profile.
  • Legal and Taxation Considerations: Navigate the complexities of legal and tax issues in angel investing, including contracts, intellectual property, and tax benefits or obligations.
  • Open Q&A: Bring any and all questions you have about angel investing. No question is too big or small in this interactive Ask Me Anything session.Why Attend?
  • Gain Comprehensive Knowledge: Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting, this session will provide valuable insights into all aspects of angel investing.
  • Ask Your Questions: Get direct answers to your pressing questions from an industry expert.
  • Network with Peers: Connect with fellow investors and professionals interested in the startup ecosystem.
  • Enhance Your Skills: Learn practical tips and strategies that you can apply to your investment approach immediately.Don’t miss this opportunity to demystify angel investing and take your first steps towards becoming a successful investor. Register now and bring all your questions to this comprehensive Ask Me Anything session!


Astghik Zakharyan, Europe Manager of SIA – Startup Investor Accelerator, will be leading this session. Astghik brings extensive experience in economic development and has been instrumental in building local angel investor networks worldwide. Through SIA’s hands-on learning cohorts, she has helped numerous professionals transition into successful startup investors.

About SIA – Startup Investor Accelerator: SIA is an economic development initiative dedicated to empowering local angel investors across the globe. The program offers practical, cohort-based learning experiences that guide professionals through the intricacies of startup investing, equipping them with the skills and knowledge needed to make impactful investments.


The A-Z of Angel Investing: An Investor’s Ask Me Anything

18:30 / 21:00
Actividad Pública


Startup Pitch Deconstruction: Polish Your Pitch with Angel Investors:

Por SIA - Startup Investor Accelerator

18:30 / 21:00
Actividad Pública

Event: Startup Pitch Deconstruction: Polish Your Pitch with Angel Investors:

Are you ready to take your startup pitch to the next level? Join us for Startup Pitch Deconstruction, a unique opportunity to pitch your startup and receive direct feedback from seasoned angel investors. This event is designed to help you refine your pitch, making it more compelling and investor-ready.

What to expect:

  • Pitch Your Startup: Present your startup idea in a supportive environment.
  • Receive Expert Feedback: Hear from experienced angel investors who will provide constructive feedback on your pitch.
    Learn what investors are looking for in a pitch and how to capture their interest.
  • Improve Your Pitch: Understand how to clearly communicate your value proposition, market potential, and business model.
  • Interactive Q&A: Engage in an interactive Q&A session with the investors.
    Ask specific questions about improving your pitch and addressing investor concerns.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow entrepreneurs and investors.
    Build relationships that could lead to potential investment opportunities.

Why Attend?

  • Gain Insights: Learn directly from investors about what makes a pitch stand out.
  • Practical Improvement: Receive detailed, actionable feedback to refine your pitch.
  • Build Confidence: Increase your confidence and preparedness for future investor meetings.
  • Network: Meet other entrepreneurs and investors, expanding your professional network.If you wish to present your pitch at this event: please complete this form and we will schedule your pitch into the evening program –

    Don’t miss this opportunity to perfect your pitch and increase your chances of securing investment. Register now to reserve your spot and get ready to impress the investors!

    Astghik Zakharyan, Europe Manager of SIA – Startup Investor Accelerator, will be leading this session. Astghik brings extensive experience in economic development and has been instrumental in building local angel investor networks worldwide. Through SIA’s hands-on learning cohorts, she has helped numerous professionals transition into successful startup investors.

    About SIA – Startup Investor Accelerator: SIA is an economic development initiative dedicated to empowering local angel investors across the globe. The program offers practical, cohort-based learning experiences that guide professionals through the intricacies of startup investing, equipping them with the skills and knowledge needed to make impactful investments.


Startup Pitch Deconstruction: Polish Your Pitch with Angel Investors:

18:30 / 21:00
Actividad Pública


Investor’s guide to things that will kill a startup

Por SIA - Startup Investor Accelerator

18:30 / 21:00
Actividad Pública

Investor’s Guide to Things That Will Kill a Startup

Startups face a myriad of risks that can threaten their survival, from market dynamics to team cohesion, technological hurdles, and beyond. Identifying and understanding these key risks is crucial for any angel investor.

Key Topics Covered:

  • Market Risk: How market size, competition, and customer demand can make or break a startup.
  • Team Risk: The importance of a strong, cohesive team and the impact of team dynamics on a startup’s success.
  • Technology Risk: Challenges related to technological feasibility, innovation, and scalability.
  • Financial Risk: Managing cash flow, funding, and financial planning.
  • Operational Risk: Efficiently managing operations, logistics, and day-to-day activities.
  • Regulatory Risk: Navigating legal and regulatory requirements.

While the fundamental risks are similar across startups, the key risks for each company vary depending on their industry, stage, geography, and other factors. As angel investors, the goal is to identify these key risks and assess whether they pose a significant threat to the startup’s viability.

Join us for an informative discussion on how to pinpoint and evaluate the critical risks that can determine a startup’s fate. Learn strategies to mitigate these risks and make informed investment decisions.

Speaker – Helena Torras
Helena Torras is an entrepreneur in digital projects and Business Angel. She has promoted such successful projects as Abiquo, Ducksboard, B-Wom and is the founder of WERockCapital, a group of 60 professionals who have joined forces to help startups driven by women. She is also a member of the Board of Directors of Paocapital.

Helena’s accolades include being named one of the 100 most influential women in Europe in the startup and venture capital space, receiving the EU Top50 Investor Award, and being honored as Investor of the Year by D+I. She has also been recognized as one of the 100 leaders of digitalization in Spain and holds a position among the Top 100 influential women in Spain.

Moderator – Astghik Zakharyan is the Europe Manager of SIA – Startup Investor Accelerator, an economic development initiative, aimed at building local angel investors worldwide. The program consists of hands-on learning cohorts for investors, which brings professionals into Startup Invetsing.

Investor’s guide to things that will kill a startup

18:30 / 21:00
Actividad Pública


Efficient Angel Investments: The Lean Approach

Por SIA - Startup Investor Accelerator

18:30 / 21:00
Actividad Pública

Efficient Angel Investments: The Lean Approach

Are you an angel investor looking to build a successful startup portfolio with minimal waste and maximum efficiency?

Join us for an insightful talk on adopting a lean approach to angel investing. We will explore the most straightforward strategies to cultivate a thriving portfolio, from initial investments to exit strategies.

What will be covered:

  • Building a Successful Startup Portfolio
  • Processes, Timelines, and Guides
  • Balancing Active and Passive Engagement
  • Managing Investment Sizes
  • Doing It by Hand vs. Delegating
  • Going Solo vs. Collaborating
  • Leveraging Tools and ResourcesWhat you’ll get out of it:
    – Gain actionable insights & practical tips
    – Chance to ask questions to experts in the field
    – Networking opportunities

Join us to gain actionable insights and practical tips on adopting a lean approach to angel investing. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting, this talk will equip you with the knowledge and strategies to build a successful and efficient startup portfolio.

Speaker – Fernando Casado Cañeque
Co-founder and General Partner of the Inclimo Climate Tech Fund, they invest in teams of exceptional people who create systemic change through technology addressing climate change challenges for a more sustainable world. Previously founded GlobalCAD, the audiovisual production company CAD Productions, the Towards the Human City initiative and the Ensurecer Foundation.

Moderator – Astghik Zakharyan is the Europe Manager of SIA – Startup Investor Accelerator, an economic development initiative, aimed at building local angel investors worldwide. The program consists of hands-on learning cohorts for investors, which brings professionals into Startup Investing.

Efficient Angel Investments: The Lean Approach

18:30 / 21:00
Actividad Pública


Should I be Investing Globally or Locally?

Por SIA - Startup Investor Accelerator

18:30 / 21:00
Actividad Pública

Event: Should I Be Investing Globally or Locally?

Investing locally offers psychological security, while global investments can provide financial diversification. Join us for an insightful discussion on the pros and cons of local versus global investing and discover the right strategy for you.

What to expect:

  • Psychological Security vs. Financial Security
  • Pros and Cons of Local Investing
  • Pros and Cons of Global Investing
  • Key Considerations: Evaluate factors such as your risk tolerance, investment goals, and market knowledge.
  • Expert Insights: Hear from experienced investors who have successfully navigated both local and global investment landscapes.
  • Interactive Q&A: Engage in a dynamic Q&A session where you can ask specific questions and get personalized advice.Why Attend?
  • Strategic Insights: Learn the key differences and strategic considerations for local versus global investing.
  • Practical Advice: Gain actionable tips to help you decide on the best investment approach for your goals.
  • Expand Your Horizons: Understand how to effectively diversify your portfolio across different markets.
  • Network: Connect with other investors and professionals, broadening your investment network.Don’t miss this opportunity to refine your investment strategy and gain a deeper understanding of local and global investment opportunities. Register now to secure your spot!

    Speaker – Jorge Martínez-ArroyoPioneer in Venture Capital & CX.
    With over 17 years experience at Santander Groupo, formally Head of Strategy and Transformation. Jorge is Founder at Panoramix Ventures and Co-Founder & Managing Director at COREangels EnterpriseTech.

    Compared by – Astghik Zakharyan, Europe Manager of SIA – Startup Investor Accelerator, will be leading this session. Astghik brings extensive experience in economic development and has been instrumental in building local angel investor networks worldwide. Through SIA’s hands-on learning cohorts, she has helped numerous professionals transition into successful startup investors.

    About SIA – Startup Investor Accelerator: SIA is an economic development initiative dedicated to empowering local angel investors across the globe. The program offers practical, cohort-based learning experiences that guide professionals through the intricacies of startup investing, equipping them with the skills and knowledge needed to make impactful investments.


Should I be Investing Globally or Locally?

18:30 / 21:00
Actividad Pública