SaaStock Local Barcelona: How to Fund and Grow a SaaS Business in 2024
Por Local SaaStock Barcelona

Hosted by our SaaStock Local Barcelona City Leader, Vincent Jong, join us for an evening of insights and trends on funding and growing a SaaS business in today’s market.
The funding landscape has changed dramatically in the last few years and many founders are considering if they can do without a VC. How do you choose what is right for you and what are the steps to go either the bootstrapped or the funded path today?
To explore this, we have three amazing guests who will share their perspective:
- André Bastié – CEO and Co-Founder at Happy Scribe, who successfully bootstrapped the business to €8M ARR
- Philippe Gelis – CEO and Co-Founder at Kantox, who went the VC path and raised €30M before they sold to BNP Paribas
- Oriol Juncosa – Founding Partner at Plus Partners, invested in over 75 companies and just announced a new fund with Letgo founder Enrique Linares
Aside from the funding journey we will also talk about how to grow a SaaS business today. The way your business is funded can impact the growth options you have available. So we’ll talk through how that played out in the different companies and what opportunities are available for SaaS businesses today.
After a moderated panel discussion there will also be an opportunity for questions from the audience. If you have any specific questions on your mind then that’s your chance, or find the speakers afterwards at the networking drinks. See you there!
Event details:
❤️ Sponsored by: Dealfront, OneCoWork
📅 Date: 25th September – Wednesday | 18:30 to 21:00
📍 Location: OneCoWork Catedral
Av. De la Catedral 6-8, First Floor, Barcelona 08002
💰Ticket details: €7
🌮 Snacks, tea, coffee, soft drinks, beers and unlimited networking combined with a panel session and Q&A. ☕️
- 18:30 – 19:00 — > Networking
- 19:00 – 19:45 — > Speakers Session + Q&A
- 19:45 – 21:00 — > Networking
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🚀 Big News! 🚀
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🎥 Watch our exclusive video to meet the 2024 winners:
- 🏆 Elena Carreras – Pioneer in Leadership in Women’s Health Award For her groundbreaking work in maternal and fetal medicine, shaping the future of women’s health.
- 🏆 Nuria Oliver, PhD – Transformational Leadership Award For her visionary leadership in human-centric AI, harnessing technology to tackle society’s biggest challenges.
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This is just the beginning. Stay tuned. Together, let’s celebrate innovation, leadership, and the incredible impact these trailblazers are making in healthcare!
Mark on your calendar
- Auditori L’illa Diagonal
- Thursday, September 17th @ 6:00 p.m.
- Register @ www.trifermed.com/awards
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Si vols conèixer tots els detalls de la missió inscriu-te a la sessió de presentació del dia 11.06.2024
Participa en la missió!
Objectiu de l’acte
Participar en el congrés WebSummit de Lisboa i explorar futurs acords internacionals i nous inversors.
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Preu 360 € + IVA
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Esta formación está patrocinada por Karisma