Hosted by our SaaStock Local Barcelona City Leader, Vincent Jong, join us for an evening of insights and trends on funding and growing a SaaS business in today’s market.
The funding landscape has changed dramatically in the last few years and many founders are considering if they can do without a VC. How do you choose what is right for you and what are the steps to go either the bootstrapped or the funded path today?
To explore this, we have three amazing guests who will share their perspective:
- André Bastié – CEO and Co-Founder at Happy Scribe, who successfully bootstrapped the business to €8M ARR
- Philippe Gelis – CEO and Co-Founder at Kantox, who went the VC path and raised €30M before they sold to BNP Paribas
- Oriol Juncosa – Founding Partner at Plus Partners, invested in over 75 companies and just announced a new fund with Letgo founder Enrique Linares
Aside from the funding journey we will also talk about how to grow a SaaS business today. The way your business is funded can impact the growth options you have available. So we’ll talk through how that played out in the different companies and what opportunities are available for SaaS businesses today.
After a moderated panel discussion there will also be an opportunity for questions from the audience. If you have any specific questions on your mind then that’s your chance, or find the speakers afterwards at the networking drinks. See you there!
Event details:
❤️ Sponsored by: Dealfront, Qonto, OneCoWork
📅 Date: 25th September – Wednesday | 18:30 to 21:00
📍 Location: OneCoWork Catedral
Av. De la Catedral 6-8, First Floor, Barcelona 08002
🎟️ Tickets are free
🌮 Snacks, tea, coffee, soft drinks, beers and unlimited networking combined with a panel session and Q&A. ☕️
18:30 – 19:00 — > Networking
19:00 – 19:45 — > Speakers Session + Q&A
19:45 – 21:00 — > Networking
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GrausTIC – Premis d’Innovació Digital de Catalunya 2024 (Fecha límite: 15 oct)
Por Fundació iSocial

Les iniciatives innovadores es podran presentar fins al 15 d’octubre de 2024
El passat 12 de juliol es va obrir la convocatòria dels Premis d’Innovació Digital de Catalunya 2024 – GrausTIC, un certamen que té com a objectiu reconèixer aquelles iniciatives, professionals, empreses o institucions que destaquen per l’ús innovador i la promoció de les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació (TIC). Les propostes es podran presentar fins al 15 d’octubre de 2024.
La Fundació iSocial patrocina el Premi a la Integració Social a través de la Digitalització, una de les onze categories que conformen els premis. Amb aquesta distinció volem reconèixer aquelles empreses, organitzacions i institucions que, durant l’últim any, hagin contribuït de manera excepcional a la inclusió social a través de la tecnologia, bé sigui mitjançant l’accessibilitat universal als seus productes, serveis, projectes o activitats, o bé mitjançant la creació d’eines digitals innovadores per a la integració de persones i col·lectius vulnerables.
Enguany és la quarta edició del premi patrocinat per la Fundació iSocial. L’any 2021, la Fundació Pere Tarrés va recollir el guardó per la iniciativa Ajuda’ls a créixer, un projecte que es va dur a terme durant el confinament per facilitar el contacte virtual amb famílies i infants dels seus centres socioeducatius. El premi de 2022, es va atorgar a Biel Digital Glasses, unes ulleres que utilitzen una combinació de noves tecnologies per adaptar la realitat a la capacitat visual de les persones que tenen una baixa visió. L’any passat, el premi 2023 el va rebre l’associació ACCAPS pel projecte Audivers 360º, una iniciativa pionera de logopèdia amb realitat immersiva destinada a infants i adults amb pèrdua auditiva.
Els Premis d’Innovació Digital de Catalunya – GrausTIC també contemplen altres categories, que inclouen: Innovació digital en l’àmbit urbà i l’espai públic; Innovació en economia blava basada en les TIC; Jove emprenedoria digital; Innovació en salut; Innovació en indústria 4.0; Innovació digital en mobilitat urbana; Projectes de l’administració local; Dones TIC; Innovació a través de les tecnologies mòbils; i Gestió energètica eficient, sostenibilitat i descarbonització a través de les TIC.
Qui pot presentar-se als premis?
Els Premis d’Innovació Digital de Catalunya s’adrecen tant a candidatures del sector TIC, com a aquelles que pertanyin a un altre sector i incorporin les TIC de forma significativa en els seus processos interns i externs o en els seus productes i serveis. Les activitats i mèrits recollits en les candidatures han d’haver succeït durant l’any natural que va des de la Diada de les TIC a Catalunya de 2023, al novembre, fins a la Diada de les TIC a Catalunya de 2024, que enguany se celebrarà el 13 i 14 de novembre. Durant aquestes jornades es lliuraran els premis.
Les candidatures poden ser projectes desplegats a Catalunya (independentment de la radicació de l’empresa) o activitats dutes a terme en altres territoris per empreses radicades a Catalunya.
Els premis, impulsats per GrausTIC, compten, a més d’amb la col·laboració d’iSocial, amb el patrocini de Tech Barcelona, CEEC, l’Ajuntament de Barcelona, TIC Salut Social, la Generalitat de Catalunya, BCN Port Innovation, Mobile World Capital, Localret, la Fira Barcelona i el Consorci Barcelona Zona Franca.
Eventos relacionados

Web3 Hackathon: Beyond The Frontier, by Vottun
Less than 20 days left to start the best blockchain Hackathon in Barcelona!
Save the date: 21 – 22 September 2024 at 42 TELEFONICA – BARCELONA
Qubic one of the most disruptive layer 1 blockchains at the moment, has joined as the main sponsor of the hackathon.
Prepare yourself for the Web3 Hackathon: Beyond The Frontier!
Over 100 participants will be battling for a share of $40,000 in prizes.
Whether you’re a developer, business professional, or UX/UI designer, there’s a place for you. You can join solo or with a group, and we’ll assist you in creating the ultimate hackathon team.
Eventos relacionados

Rojo Integrations is thrilled to announce The Future of Integration Event 2024, highlighting the transformative power of SAP integration content combined with the real-time capabilities of event-driven architecture.
Integration is crucial for modern business, ensuring seamless connectivity between systems. SAP’s integration content supports organisations achieving that goal by delivering pre-built integration assets that streamline and accelerate the integration of various applications, including SAP S/4HANA, SAP Signavio and third-party apps such as Salesforce, Coupa, Snowflake and many more. These ready-to-use packages offer predefined flows, data mappings, and configurations for quick and efficient integration.
This year’s event will highlight how SAP Cloud Integration content drives competitive advantage, supporting business objectives across industries. Emphasizing how integration content has supported SAP’s clients worldwide across various industries, participants will discover its critical role in achieving business objectives.
On top of this, we will showcase how integration content is seamlessly integrated with Event-Driven-Architecture, as part of the integration modernization of modern businesses.
Event highlights include:
- Latest Trends of End-to-End Business Process Management powered by SAP Signavio: We will explore current and future trends in business process management and transformation with SAP Signavio, enriched with SAP integration content, offering you a glimpse into the endless possibilities of integration with SAP.
- Next Generation Adapters & Integration Content for SAP Integration Suite: We will provide an in-depth overview of new adapters for SAP Integration Suite, including success stories about the implementation, the benefits realized, and how integration content is adding value to organisations.
- Event Driven Architecture with Solace: During the event we will highlight how integration content is seamlessly incorporated into Event Driven Architecture to enhance responsiveness and agility.
- Customer Integration Journey: Together with our partners we will present how they have strategically leveraged SAP integration content within their integration landscape to drive efficiency and innovation.
- Live demos and QA sessions with the integration experts from Rojo and our Partners SAP and Solace.
Join us to gain insights from industry leaders, explore the latest trends, and network with peers. Register now to secure your spot!
Eventos relacionados
Webinar – Automatiza la gestión de facturas de proveedores con Inteligencia Artificial

Descubre la última tendencia en el departamento financiero: Automatiza la gestión de facturas, albaranes y pedidos con Inteligencia Artificial.
En este webinar, veremos:
Cómo automatizar la recopilación de documentos
Cómo automatizar la extracción de datos e información
Cómo automatizar la conciliación factura – albarán – pedido
Integración de la plataforma con el ERP
Regístrate y descubre cómo optimizar y agilizar el proceso de facturación de tu empresa utilizando la tecnología de Dost. 🚀
Eventos relacionados
Webinar – Cómo mejorar la rentabilidad de tu negocio desde la dirección financiera
Por Dost

No te pierdas el próximo webinar de Dost, junto a Pau Fernández Guirao, CFO de Nanusens y ex CFO de Itnig, Factorial, Quipu y Ukio: “Cómo mejorar la rentabilidad de tu negocio desde la dirección financiera”.
El próximo 26 de septiembre, de 10:00 a 11:00, no te pierdas una auténtica masterclass sobre rentabilidad e impacto en el departamento financiero. Apúntate a través de:
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Andorra és un país únic que actualment està impulsant la diversificació de la seva economia, atraient projectes d’innovació en sectors estratègics per al país com són els esports, els eSports i Salut i Benestar.
Amb una economia dinàmica i un marc fiscal obert i molt competitiu, és un dels països més atractius a l’hora d’invertir.
Et convidem a venir per conèixer amb més detall aquestes oportunitats.
Atenció! Es prega confirmar assistència abans del 14 d’octubre via correu electrònic a marta.amoros@andorrabusiness.com
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From BI to AI agents: a road map for data-driven transformation in the Oil&Gas sector
Por Inisoft Global

🚀 From BI to AI agents – A road map for data- driven transformation in the Oil&Gas sector 🚀
Join us for an exclusive webinar where we’ll walk you through the journey of how we transformed our client’s workflow from manual Excel sheets to an integrated BI analytics system and an AI-powered chatbot.
🗓️ When: September 19
🕚 Hour: 11:00 AM (HOU) / 1:00 PM (ARG)
🗣️ Speakers:
- Celeste Amichetti, Inisoft Global COO
- Alejandro Declerk, Inisoft Global CDO
📌 *Free registration here: https://lnkd.in/dBPmiWH4
Eventos relacionados
BCN FinTech X Barcinno #016: Blockchain in FinTech
Por BCN FinTech | Barcinno | Bourbon Creative

Get 50%-off on tickets for Tech Barcelona members with this link.
BCN FinTech is an NPO that helps FinTechs in Catalonia be successful. We bring the FinTech community of our city together in one place to learn from each other, collaborate and network.
Join Barcelona’s largest recurring fintech event to:
- Meet the local Barcelona FinTech community
- Learn from some of its movers, shakers, leaders, and visionaries
- Build your network
- Have a great time while seeing how our startup hub is shaping the future of finance.
This event will feature a panel discussion on “Blockchain in FinTech: Beyond the Hype to Real-World Adoption” with the following fintech and blockchain experts:
- Edwin Mata, CEO & CoFounder of Brickken
- David Creer, Global DLT, Crypto & Emoney Lead at GFT Technologies
- #3 Fintech / Blockchain expert (TBC)
The format is as follows:
- 19:00 open doors & networking
- 19:15 pitching for help: grab the mic for 30sec to pitch who you are & how the fintech community can help you (this will help people to network later on)
- 19:25 Panel discussion
- 20:20 Q&As from the crowd
- 20:30 networking with free drinks & snacks
- Barcelona Finance Hub by Aticco, Pg. de Gràcia, 19, L’Eixample, 08007 Barcelona (located in the Barcelona Stock Exchange building)
Thanks to our sponsors & partners:
- Gold Sponsor: DigitalSync
- Silver Sponsor: fonYou, Blockdaemon
- Beverage Sponsor: Barna Brew
- Host & Venue Partner: Barcelona Finance Hub
- Partners: abroaden, Barcinno, Bourbon Creative, Barcelona Metropolitan AS, True Story Photographs
- Get support to find your perfect fintech executive hire or job by contacting Andrew Hancock from DigitalSync.co on his LinkedIn here.
- Stay up-to-date on what’s happening with the economy regardless of where you call home, by signing up to abroaden’s weekly newsletter here.
- Stay on top of Barcelona startup, tech & innovation news (in English) by signing up to Barcinno’s free weekly newsletter here.
- Get a free 30min SEO & Content Strategy consultation by Bourbon Creative, Spain’s leading fintech marketing agency, by booking your preferred time slot here (no strings attached & no obligation to buy).
- Get up to date info on upcoming events in Barcelona & best things in town by signing up for Barcelona Metropolitan’s weekly newsletter here!
F ollow us on:
Eventos relacionados

On 9 and 10 October 2024, we invite you to attend the tenth edition of the AI & Big Data Congress in L’illa Auditorium (AXA) in Barcelona.
This year’s edition will be special, as it marks the 10th anniversary. During the first day, we will listen to important speakers, experts in different areas of AI, who will share their views on the technology and its impact in different areas.
For the first time in the history of the AI & BD Congress, an individual mention will be made during the opening ceremony for an outstanding contribution to AI. This year, we will recognise the lifetime achievement of Professor Emeritus Ramon López de Mántaras, an AI pioneer in Catalonia.
On the second day, we will review the main technological trends through six sessions in which representative projects and initiatives will be discussed.
To highlight the tenth anniversary of the congress, at the end of the first day we will hold a celebration in Sala Bikini, attached to L’illa Auditorium (AXA). We invite you to attend and take advantage of the opportunity to network and learn about some outstanding business initiatives over the last 10 years.
Once again, the conference is organized by CIDAI and Eurecat, within the framework of the Artificial Intelligence Strategy of Catalonia: Catalonia.AI, with the support of the sponsors that we thank for their collaboration.