At eWorks we develop different activities to support the creation and growth of startups and entrepreneurial activities!
The Esade eWorks accelerator provides active support to early-stage entrepreneurial projects: helping developing the idea, find the first customers and turn it into a profitable company. The program is open to both Esade students/alumni, as well as startups not related to Esade, that already have a market validation.
The selected startups will benefit from a 3-months free program (equity free) starting in June, in English and totally online, which includes:
- Mentorship by successful entrepreneurs
- -10,000+ EUR of in-kind contributions
- Bi-weekly Workshops with experts
- Lifetime community membership
- Demo Day with international investors
Join our infosession on May the 27th at 3PM to get more information and ask question regarding the program.
Please visit the FAQs for all other details about the program. You can apply here with a startup project.
If you’re an individual willing to join an existing team, you can fill out this form instead.
Applications will be open until May 31.
For any quieres, drop us a line at