How to Use Push Notifications on your Website as a Growth Channel

Aticco Verdaguer
19:00 / 21:00
Actividad Pública

Frizbit continues its Growth Marketing meetup series, where you can learn practical information about growth marketing from industry experts.

The 3rd event «How to Use Push Notifications on your Website as a Growth Channel» will take place on the 18th of February at 19.00 at Aticco Verdaguer.
Ata Gur will be sharing his know-how on website push notification campaigns for clients in different countries and industries with some case studies with a live demo. If you are interested in learning the newest method of retargeting your users and increasing your conversions at your startup, you shouldn’t miss this event.

The event is free and there are limited places. Get your tickets on this link.

How to Use Push Notifications on your Website as a Growth Channel

19:00 / 21:00
Aticco Verdaguer
Actividad Pública